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Proposal Review Process

Structured balance proposals should be posted here. Posts in this section will be taken into account during class balance reviews.
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Head Game Master
Posts: 8301

Proposal Review Process

Post#1 » Tue May 07, 2019 5:17 am

Reviews of Proposals and active discussions happen internally with a few other team members. Typically we will focus on one class at a time to address any balance changes that are needed, or intended meta shifts that we would like to push. We move at a rather slow pace when it comes to reviewing each class, so your proposal will likely be here for a long time before it's discussed or possibly implemented. There are many proposals in this section that provide an excellent level of detail and justification for the changes that are proposed, which are a good example to use for crafting your own.

Currently, there are player based Realm Champions selected to take part in more targeted discussions based on a list of focus items that we would like to see ideas from the community to be addressed. If you are interested in being a Realm Champion, contact me via PM or on Discord. Ideal candidates are ones that can show they play at a high level in organized groups, have a community of players to brainstorm ideas with, or are able to present excellent quality proposals and discuss constructively with other players. I will need to know which classes you feel comfortable representing, and we may contact you during the next cycle of the RC program with additional details.

Discussion threads are acceptable elsewhere in the forums, however when it comes time to taking a deep look at a specific class, we're not going to dig through old discussion threads. There are simply too many, and they tend to drag on quite long with a lot of contention as many different people have different opinions to share. The cathartic effect of vigorous balance discussion is not something we're after, but I can see why it appeals to some people. Make sure you take the results of your discussions, update your suggestion, and post it as a proposal to have the highest chance of it being implemented when the time comes.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog


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