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[SW] Shadowstep.

For proposals that have been rejected.
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[SW] Shadowstep.

Post#1 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:51 am

I believe, it’s been enough time to test the skill and discover all the issues related to it.

The main issue:
The skill barely serves its main purpose (it’s meant to be a gap closer) because of cast and flight time — in 90% of cases you end up 10-20ft away from your initial target because, during the cast and flight time, a target basically runs away. Therefore, you just can’t catch your opponent.

a) Give a 5 seconds, 35% movement speed boost when you land.
b) Remove cast time.

Thanks for your attention.
Riphael - Black Guard.
Meridin - Sorcerer.
Ripliel - Shadow Warrior.
Arfi - Swordmaster.
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