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RoR State of Realm has been updated !

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RoR State of Realm has been updated !

Post#1 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:32 pm

Ladies and Ladies, Here is the latest version of RoR State of Realm (1.0.5b) !

Thx to Sullemunk for his work (perfect as always).

Changelist :
- Minimalist interface
- Fixed saved position on SoR window
- Fixed left side window offset for tooltips
- You can right click on SoR to hide T1
- You can claim a keep if you are candidate (being next to the unclaimed keep, Keep safe, guildleader or officer, enough money in guildbank...) : "Unclaimed" text will be replaced with "Claim Keep".


Download link : RoR State of Realm v.1.0.5b is here !

For feedbacks : viewtopic.php?f=66&t=22771&hilit=ror+sor+addon

- - - - - -
As a reminder if you missed the point :

You can still claim keep using command line : .claimkeep (cost : 80 gold from guild bank))
What for :
- All RvR tagged guildies (in the zone during the campaign) have a contribution bonus for this campaign (any action who gives contribution is increased by 5%)
- XP/INF/RR is increased by 5% (stacks with all other bonuses, including potion of acclaim)
- Keep cannot be de-ranked below Rank 4 if such rank was acquired
- Bag roll on lock will be increased by flat 50 points

Or involve your guild in the zone using command line : .guildinvolve (cost : 30 gold from guild bank)
What for :
- All RvR tagged guildies (in the zone during the campaign) have a contribution bonus for this campaign (any action who gives contribution is increased by 5%)
- XP/INF/RR is increased by 5% (stacks with all other bonuses, including potion of acclaim)
- Bag roll on lock will be increased by flat 50 points
- Resource production from Battle Objectives is increased by 3% per guild involved


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