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[AM] Prismatic Shield

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[AM] Prismatic Shield

Post#1 » Sat May 19, 2018 6:08 am

Howdy my AM is Polka 40/50.

The Issue: After playing my AM up to RR50, this buff is consistently the most powerful buff imo, and other than a Def Knight's aura, is my go-to, it's a 255 Resist Buff for a solid hour. It's a truly fantastic buff, and the 1 hour timer means you can keep it up nearly 100% incase someone decides to target you with a spell. There is extremely limited skill/timing required in the use of this buff. If you're not waiting for a knight to join your group, or have an idea that at some point your enemy is going to target you with ranged magical attacks, just pop it and forget it, giving you and additional 255 resists to all forms of magic. With no cooldown, immediately after you drop it, you can drop it again. Imo, this buff is over performing compared to any other self buff in the game. Especially alongside Resist Pots. Healers M3 only absorbs 4500 damage(and it's only melee), and lasts 10s. 1 hour timer removes the need for snap timing, and lets you play far more aggressively than you could otherwise.

Solution: Reduce the duration to 20s. This enables the buff to still be used preemptively, it still allows you to "see" the Magical DPS inc and prepare, it's still a very large buff(255 is at least close to the knight buff aura), and reducing the timer to 20s puts it more in line with(I believe) every other self buff ability in the game with a 20s or under duration.

Posts: 2524

Re: [AM] Prismatic Shield

Post#2 » Sat May 19, 2018 8:53 am

Aw, that's cute. You're triggered in the balance forums.
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