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[Swordmaster] Poised Attacks

For proposals that have been rejected.
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[Swordmaster] Poised Attacks

Post#1 » Fri May 11, 2018 2:29 am

The issue with the tactic: It functions as a lesser version of the high elven racial Discerning Offense. As such, a swordmaster looking for additional strikethrough is unlikely to take this tactic in favor of the racial one. Buffing this tactic's values simply re-creates the problem only in reverse.

Solution 1: Whenever you use a perfect balance ability, you will gain 40% of your weaponskill as melee power for 5s (enchantment).

Weaponskill provides little offensive benefit to swordmasters with the majority of damage being spiritual. There are a handful physical damage abilities that could "double dip" from this tactic. All of which are used for their utility, and not the damage output. Weaponskill is abundant on swordmaster gear and they have one of the highest base amounts of it in the game at 221. However, the offensive aspect of weaponskill largely does not effect the swordmaster's abilities that are used for damage making it only marginally more useful than weapon skill on a bright wizard.
The %amount I stated is a placeholder that is well thought out and discussed in our discord amongst a few swordmasters. A swordmaster in 6 dominator / 3 beastlord has ~435 weaponskill +/- a few depending on weapon and jewelry choices. This would put the tactic at 176 melee power when procced. (176 worth of str without the strikethough benefit)

Solution 2: Whenever you use a perfect balance ability, the next ability used within 5s will deal 50% more damage.

At first that seems like a big chunk of extra damage. However, compared to other swordmaster tactics, it is not as potent.
  1. Encorselled Agony applies a 5s DoT that deals (365 + 0.4375str) damage on an ability that with 15 points into hoeth deals (156 + 1.5 * weapondps [current highest weapon is 82.7dps] + 0.3str). For those that do not want to do math, thats more than double (100%+)!
  2. Deep Incision applies a 10s DoT that deals (628 + 0.6str) damage on an ability that with 15 points into khaine deals (156 + 1.5 * weapondps [current highest weapon is 82.7dps] + 0.3str). This one is also more than double.
  3. Another point of pre-counter countering, since it is the next ability after perfect balance it CANNOT affect another perfect balance ability. It can only affect normal balance abilities, or improved balance abilities with a use of sudden shift.
So why would anyone take this tactic instead of the two I already mentioned? The answer is versatility. Since this ability will trigger on any normal or improved balance ability, you can always make use of it every 1-2-3 rotation. Under certain situations this versatility can prove more valuable than straight output on one ability.


Both solutions use a trigger after using a perfect balance ability. The reason for making this is to reduce the bonus towards short rotational burst dps or require more prep, skill, and cooldowns to achieve this benefit towards it. In addition, the buff is short so not being able to constantly hit a target will cause the buff to drop off. Making the buff caused be an enchantment simply allows another way to counter the buff, if desired by the opponents.

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Re: [Swordmaster] Poised Attacks

Post#2 » Sat May 12, 2018 12:25 pm

The last thing SM needs is a damage buff in any guise. Contrary to popular opinion, your AA will make up a significant portion of your sustained damage - even on a SM. Giving an amount of MP that, essentially, equates to melee tactic Brute Force (without strikethrough, granted), is just not going to happen. Yes, you would lose a tactic, but I would wager every Khaine SM would happily drop EA in exchange for 176+ melee power on their Ether Dance!

Swordmaster damage is sufficiently potent as it stands. Future proposals pertaining to said tactics will be considered, provided that 'more damage!' isn't the end-goal behind them.


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