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Patch Notes 4/11/2017

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#71 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:32 pm

peterthepan3 wrote:lol

why are people upset about the fact that:

* Sacrificial Stab may actually be useful and used (more spec variety);
* Dragon Gun now has a ranged KD component (more spec variety);
* WE have access to a AA haste component - reliant on a 13 pt ability (many WH don't even use their AA tactic, and WH get theirs for free!)

so confused. people need to remember that these changes are: 1) preliminary; 2) subject to alteration. they are not set in stone, nor are they the finished products (i would wager).
What I personally think is that the KD buff to Dragon Gun is a "Pyrric buff", DG is still an inferior execution to its major sisters (BaL has a major damage and EW for its debuff), and since WHs need a powerfull execution, DG lacks in damage (really close to absolution with 13 mastery points) and utility for its mechanic. Yes it increase more spec variety, but confined in some niche spec.
Whereas I'm fine with WE's buff, it's not so dramatic as people think.
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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#72 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:55 pm

But is DG not in a better position now than it was yesterday? ;P

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#73 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:20 pm

You guys have no idea how good OYK is:

Regarding WEs, right now I have:
Solo PLay: WB > SS > OYK

Ive tested new SS and its nothing amazing at all.. Gives a nice boost to AA ok, however is positional requirment.. and when FP is on cooldown is very hard to land because the skill has the slowest animation of all.

About playing complaining alot about kisses mecanics lets take a look ... 377_LI.jpg

10 full seconds of my WE beating on a WP rr 40 .. kisses proc only 3 times for 116 dmg. DMG was nerfed I really dont know the reason behind this at all. DMG was balanced before.

To WHS: saying DG + STUN is crap, lets wait and see how CSI uses it.. you guys should learn something with him.
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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#74 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:23 pm

Don't really understand RD and CW removing, think it just make a more grey gameplay possibility.

Since you don't had those abilites just for free, u had to spend RR for it, so it is draw points from offensive/ or defensive RR stats.
I not much used those abilits, i like better spend those RR on perma deff. stats, but for certain classes, or setups it worked well and worth to use it.
I think the price for them was goodly ballanced, compered what u get for ur spent RR points, and what else u can get if u spent it on other stats.

What was the staffs opinion behind to remove it?

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#75 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:31 pm

He don't have buff resist and low toughness, on AM i hit for 70-80 per kiss :D
For solo play WB=OYK>SS but after each his opinion.

And any WH/IB can dispell buff AA with Sever Blessing.

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#76 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:53 pm

i think WE now re oriented on give her more utility in warband. personallly i believe is an interesting change.

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#77 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:03 pm

retekelek wrote:Don't really understand RD and CW removing.
Think it just make a more grey gameplay possibility.
Since you don't had those abilites just for free, u had to spend RR for it, so it is draw points from offensive/ or defensive RR stats.
I not much used those abilits, i like better spend those RR on perma deff. stats, but for certain classes, or setups it worked well and worth to use it.
I think the price for them was goodly ballanced, compered what u get for ur spent RR points What was the staffs opinion behind to remove it?
Being on the secret balance council, I can tell you it's unanimously agreed upon that RD, CW, and even QE are not favored, we use more harsh terms than this internally. In fact, most of the current renown system isn't favored, but there's only so much we can do right now.

The meta shift that occurred when the defensive stats were implemented was enough of a justification to finally remove some of these tools. It was a timing thing moreso than a hard decision to make. Having these abilities available to every class covers up several intended weaknesses and strengths. It also obfuscates the rest of the renown point system and the potential specs that could be built by taking a significant majority of your points away. The potential reasons were covered significantly in the previous thread on the matter.

One of the things I think wasn't covered in that thread was the impact of class identity, in the sense that you have no way to tell if a character is going to have access to these abilities as it's not tied to a class kit. We aren't going to be able to curb that sort of thing entirely, but when the effects are too extreme (fondly remembering Odjira/Rah-nutt), they will be adjusted as needed. RD/CW were implemented with the caveat that you should not expect them to be a permanent staple to the game. I would suspect Quick Escape to be next on the list, as it causes similar problems although not quite at the same magnitude. If a class only plays well when taking abilities like this, then there's a balance opportunity to be had there to fill that need (or it was simply intended to be a weakness in the first place).

The renown abilities Cleansing Wind and Resolute Defense have been implemented.

An advance warning: these abilities WILL be up for closer examination when we reach T4 and their implementation now by no means guarantees their permanent existence.
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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#78 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:24 pm

Gerv wrote:Hey all,

With the constant changes to experience distribution, what avenues are left for new players to progress through to 40 at a decent rate?

With the merger of the tiers why is the continued nerfing of experience gaining is necessary as previously if I am not mistaken it was warranted to help populate the lower tiers when still split. RvR does not grant decent experience for mid to higher levels (25+) even through the zone flips if your there from the start. Could it be considered to add a multiplier or simply an increase the exp rewarded so leveling via RvR is viable?
Scenario wins only reward 20k which is quite small when trying to level through 31-40.

Party quests don't grant decent experience to your level progress once you get beyond tier 1 and level 12. If the direction is to drive people to PQ's you spent time fixing would a consideration for completing stages of PQs be increased, this providing an incentive for their completion?

Beyond this, all the equipment gained through pve is out paced by RvR gear and this is a further detriment to not complete the PQs as the loot is essential worthless until ruin which is quickly outpaced because once you reach the required level to wear it your renown is high enough to wear anni strait up.

It seems the constant knocking of viable exp gains, yes power leveling, without other incentives pushes people further into grinding mobs to level up and this is the whole culture you are trying to change correct?

Hey Gerv,
Being a new player I agree with this statement. Having played mainly RvR pvp I have obtained 26/36 with my RR almost being at 40. Although I do enjoy the bolster system so that I can get a taste of endgame, the power gap is quite high due to the gear, abilities and RP points that are allotted due to difference in level. I do not mind that however because I believe veteran players should feel more powerful due to the the time they have spent in game. I just wish RvR could have a better XP gain to keep up with RR gain. Thank you Devs for the time you guys have spent in recreating one of my favorite games, and thank you anybody who spent the time to read this
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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#79 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:25 pm

The patch notes seem nice!

Monstrous Rending vfx is cool and all but why I can see the effect from other Bg's when I have play ability effects only on "self"?
Last edited by Redsun on Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#80 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:28 pm

Asherdoom wrote:i think WE now re oriented on give her more utility in warband. personallly i believe is an interesting change.
O_o whre do you see Wb oriented changes on WE? there was only a midly useless buff on a finisher that went from being an almost useless lifetap to be an almost useless lifetap+personal AA buff... and a stealth nerf to Kiss damage (I would really like to know the exact extension of this nerf and the reason behind it...)... where the hell do you see anything that involve WB?

we even got Staff comment on the fact that WE are meant to NOT BE WB ORIENTED and WE that really want to play in WB should reroll rather then expect changes in that direction...

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