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[Open RP] Krazkul's Krusade

Feel like burning like a bright wizard? Being as green as a gobbo? Robust like an Ironbreaker? Bloodthirsty like a witch elf? Feel free to speak as them here.
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Posts: 15

[Open RP] Krazkul's Krusade

Post#1 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:55 am

OOC: Hey, folks! I know there aren't many of us around, but I wanted to start warming up my Warhammer character with some writing. Anyone is free to join in, Order or Chaos. All I ask is that everyone be respectful of the other players / writers involved. Feel free to toss me a private note if you want to collaborate here or in game!

Da Krusade

Smoke drifted lazily on the late morning breeze, dulling the rising sun's light as it spread across the rocky valley. Nothing seemed to move, save for a slowly growing number of carrion birds that began to hover overhead. The entire region was eerily quiet, a deceptive hush over what only an hour before had been the site of a bloody conflict that had been as brutal as it was brief. Even the vultures who eyed the abandoned battlefield with greedy eyes remained silent, floating impatiently above the carnage as if expecting the violence to erupt anew.

Dotting the valley were the bodies of dwarves and even more greenskins, their broken bodies and shattered armor and weapons evidence of the ferocity of the battle. The dawi were already moving among their dead, counting the lost and recovering what they could from the corpses, giving the occasional kick or hateful stab to the inert body of a nearby greenskin. They had won the battle, driving the cursed orcs and goblins back from their nearby outpost and slaughtering most of them as they fled. The attack had come quickly and without warning, the creatures moving with a subtlety not common to their kind to launch a surprise attack in the early morning. Had the garrison not been reinforced by a number of visiting patrols and wanderers, the small band of raiding greenskins may very well have taken the field...

A fact that did not escape one greenskin in particular, who stood atop a high ridge overseeing the valley below.

One red eye surveyed the scene below, it's twin pale and blind from a wound received long ago. His dark green hide was marred with scars, his face so torn from battles past that it had been pulled into an almost permanent scowl by the iron staples the doks had used to keep it together. His tusks had been torn from his skull long ago, replaced with iron that only added to his ferocious visage.

He was Krazkul, and he had been one of the few orcs who had joined this little band willingly instead of being 'coerced' by the local 'nob (who lay dead somewhere in the valley below). His armor was rent almost beyond repair, and he had a number of fresh scars across his body. A small number of orcs and goblins stood nearby, keeping a good distance away from both the ledge and the red eyed orc. He wasn't their boss, but after the last orc that had bothered him wound up getting pitched over the edge, none of them were particularly interested in catching the large orcs attention.

All except one. A goblin dressed in shoddy armor came scrambling up the hillside (making sure to keep to the shadows so as to escape notice from the dwarves far below) and into the little alcove where the surviving greenskins had holed up to lick their wounds and regroup. He ignored the glowers from his fellow goblins and nimbly avoided the annoyed swats from the orcs and made his way to Krazkul.

"We found it, boss!" he hissed, rubbing his wart ridden hands together gleefully. "Picked it right off 'im, I did! Rest of 'em didn't make it," he said with barely any remorse, "but I got away wif it!" He nearly danced on his toes as he spoke, which drew the curiosity of the rest of the group who were now paying more attention.

Krazkul's measured gaze shifted from the scene below to the goblin behind him, his attention ceasing the little greenskins mirth. A low growl rumbled in his throat, and the goblin quickly reached into his pack and produced a piece of parchment. The other orcs looked among themselves with a mixture of confusion and open disdain, but Krazkul snatched the piece away from the goblin quickly and opened it, turning back to the ledge as he surveyed whatever was written on it.

"So uh, about dat fing you said you woz gonna be givin' da one who brought it..." ventured the goblin, greedy eyes on the large orcs back. After a moment of tense silence, Krazkul began to chuckle, a deep, guttural sound that carried an odd mixture of mirth and bloodlust. Reaching to his side, he tore off a small leather pouch that jingled with the teeth of various creatures and tossed it down to the goblin without looking at him. The diminutive greenskin quickly scooped it up and dashed out of the cave, followed closely by a few more goblins. The orcs, however, emboldened by the exchange, made their way to the chuckling Krazkul.

"Wotz so funny, eh?" one said, growling between his teeth. "We just got smashed! Ain't no loot or nuffin', an' yer here tossin' dat scrawny gobbo some teef fer... dat!" he said, waving at the parchment.

"We lost dat fight," Krazkul agreed, rolling up the paper and placing it as gingerly as an orc could into a strap on his belt. "But I didn't come 'ere for dem stunties. I came fer sumfin' else," he said, patting the rolled parchment at his side. "Got more fights comin', better 'an this one, with sumfin' much betta to snatch at da end." He turned his head to cast a baleful grin at the other orcs, who only stared back in blank confusion at his claims but with slowly growing curiosity and lust for even better fights and prizes to come.

"Get me da gobbo'z," Krazkul said, shifting his measured gaze back to the valley below. "We need ta get outta dis place without dem seein' us. Find us a path and grab da boyz; we'z got a wayz to go an' plenty of killin' to get to."


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