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Armies of RoR : Empire

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Armies of RoR : Empire

Post#1 » Thu May 18, 2017 7:08 am


The greatest nation of men in the Old World, the Empire is composed of the human descendants of Sigmar, who united the tribes of men at the Battle of Black Fire Pass. Sigmar was deified after the battle and his promise of eternal aid to the kingdom of Dwarfs still stands today. This action solidified the relationship between men and Dwarfs and planted the seeds for the burgeoning Empire through trade. Today, the Empire is led by Emperor Karl Franz, who rules from his seat in the city-state of Altdorf.
The life of a citizen of the Empire is a perilous one, for there are foes within every shadow and enemies around every corner. Secret cults abound, or at the very least, there are rumors of them running rampant. No one is certain who is trustworthy, and fear and paranoia are omnipresent in the isolated settlements that dot the Empires provinces.
As the Empire rots from within, it is constantly under assault from without. Chaos Marauders from the north frequently mount massive campaigns into the Empire, pillaging and destroying all that they can. In the Age of Reckoning, such a warhost has attacked the Empires northern borders under the leadership of a powerful Champion. The timing of the invasion is particularly ill-fortuned, for the Empire is being ravaged by a mysterious plague that is transforming the populace into murderous fiends.
Faced with such desperate circumstances, Emperor Karl Franz has been forced to call upon the Dwarfs and High Elves for aid, lest his lands be transformed forever into a nightmarish domain of Chaos.

Empire Career Options



The Order of the Griffon

In the Age of Reckoning, the Empire is ravaged by a strange and terrible plague that transforms its victims into savage murderers. Soon after the appearance of this vile disease, a great Chaos warhost assaults the weakened Empire from the north, crushing what little resistance remains in the plague-wracked villages of Nordland.
In the face of these dangers, many of the Empires citizens have given in to fear and panic. Some have abandoned their homes to settle elsewhere, believing the battle to be a lost cause. Others have embraced the powers of darkness, thinking it best to side with foes that cannot possibly be defeated by force of arms. Too few have found the courage to stand and fight, and even with the help of the Dwarfs and High Elves, the greatest nation of men in the Old World is perilously close to destruction.
Seeking a solution to the many difficulties arrayed before him, the Emperor summons forth the Grand Theogonist of the Cult of Sigmar, the Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic, and the Grand Master of the Reiksguard. Together with these advisors, Karl Franz devises the Order of the Griffon, a military force made up of highly skilled soldiers, Wizards and devotees of Sigmars cult who will be charged with facing the gravest threats from within and without.
Receiving their orders directly from the Emperor, the leaders of this new regiment will act as an extension of his will and authority, free to take any action necessary to protect the Empire from threats of any kind. Also, the regiment will serve as a proud example of the glory of the Empire and its ruler, meting out swift justice to those who would betray their countrymen or abandon their duties in these desperate and dangerous times.

Source :
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Empire

Post#2 » Thu May 18, 2017 7:08 am

The Knights of the Blazing Sun are a small elite order of Templars devoted to the study and mastery of the science and art of warfare. These fervent followers of Myrmidia value ability and accomplishment over all other factors, including noble birth. It is because of this that the order has grown in prosperity attracting the finest military minds to its banner. A Knight of the Blazing Suns primary goal is to obtain perfection in the art of War, as such they travel the old world individually seeking battle both large and small. A warband with a Knight of the Blazing sun at its head is a potent force capable of dealing with opponents with a level of cunning that ensures victory before the battle is even joined.

The Templars of Myrmidia are known for keeping a clear head even in the heat of battle. Capable of quickly assessing the ebb and flow of combat the Knight is a born commander. They stride into battle shoulder to shoulder with their comrades shouting out orders and commands even as they swing their great blades. These Battlefield Commands give their allies a potent advantage, allowing them to swing their blades with great vigor or staunchly hold the line against the most oppressive of foes.

A single Knight is a potent force indeed, but the Knight of the Blazing Sun truly shines when he is directing a force of allies in the heat of Battle. Knights must carefully watch the ebb of the fight and determine which commands and strategies are best suited for the situation at hand. Rapid reactions and a calm clear mind are the Knights greatest tools, allowing them to bolster their allies in battle while removing any advantage their opponents may have had.

ImageThe Knight of the Blazing Sun can be a daunting opponent to those who approach battle with a single strategy. The best defense against the Knight is to keep them on their toes and make them spend more time commanding the fight then actually participating in the melee. As with all heavily armored fighters the Knight of the Blazing sun is slower at closing the distance with ranged attackers and can be very vulnerable to ranged magic or missile fire. It is for this reason that Knights frequently surround themselves with powerful allies to seal off their own inherent weaknesses.

Knight of the Blazing Sun Look

.Heavily armored with ornately engraved plate mail depicting motifs of war and glory
.Visored full helms, frequently adorned with elaborate plumage
.Wields both broadsword and shield and powerful two handed Great Swords


Career Masteries

Path of Conquest

Knights who choose the Path of Conquest will become experts at pushing the battle line forward. Their battlefield commands focus on bolstering the fighting strength of their allies to take advantage of their opponents weaknesses. Knights focused on Conquest traditionally forego the use of a sword and shield in favor of the more offensively oriented great sword.

Path of Vigilance

The Path of Vigilance focuses on building a strong defense to cripple opponents and protect allies. Knights choosing this mastery have a variety of commands that will increase their defensive prowess as well as those of nearby allies. This allows them to dig in and hold against almost any assault. Masters of the Path of Vigilance generally choose a stout shield and broadsword combination when defending their allies.

Path of Glory

Knights mastering the Path of Glory excel at inspiring troops to ever greater feats of courage. As such, these Knights can be found almost anywhere on the battlefield leading by example and are a welcome addition to both defensive and offensive maneuvers. Glory can be found regardless of arms and armor, and as such Knights of this mastery can be found wielding either a great sword or sword and shield combination.

Source :
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Empire

Post#3 » Thu May 18, 2017 7:09 am

The Bright Wizard is a master of destruction by magic, and a specialist in fire. Fire is at the heart of his every ability, and indeed at the heart of the Wizard himself. Using the power of the wind of fire, he can lay waste to swaths of enemies, or incinerate select foes with white hot energy. His magic feeds upon itself, upon the enemy, and upon the Wizard. Embracing the fires within his mind, the Bright Wizard himself is engulfed in flame. He directs this inferno against his foes, filling them with searing power until they burst, incinerated by arcane flames so hot they threaten to ignite the air itself.

There are secrets which only the Bright Wizards know... The Seven Keys, arcane talismans and techniques too reckless and destructive for the minds of humanitys Elven tutors, are mastered by every Bright Wizard and afford him considerable power. Each key lends the Bright Wizards magic a unique aspect, and all of them expand his power. With his mastery of the magic of fire, and the power of the Keys, his spells burn his foes, and then burn their own magic, combining to create a deadly conflagration.

As a Bright Wizard you will destroy the enemy with arcane fire, but you must do so with cunning intellect, or risk finding your own end despite your power. Your defenses are minimal, and you are nothing if not obvious. For you, the best defense is your own mighty offense and that can be a very powerful deterrent. Quick decisive action is pivotal to your fighting. You must unleash your spells on the enemy forthwith so that they have the greatest possible opportunity to burn. Then you must take advantage of the opportunities this presents, using other powers to detonate your burning victims. If you are incautious, you may be slain before your enemy is defeated, only for him to fall to your lingering magic, but with skill and quick thinking victory will be yours.

The only real solution to a Bright Wizards deadly power is his death, and even this may not save you if he has had time to do his work. His magic lingers and burns, so you must be prepared to withstand not only his powerful direct assault, but the aftereffects of your battle. Resistance to his spells is key in limiting his ability to destroy you outright, but offensive power is equally important for putting him to a quick end. Ultimately, against a Bright Wizard it will be a race to see who can kill who first. However, it is a race for which he is well equipped, and his tools make him more and more potent the longer that race goes on.

Bright Wizard Look

.Effectively unarmored, wearing elaborate and often enchanted robes and regalia.
.Uses a wizards staff as a medium for spell casting and for melee in a pinch.
.Shrouded with flames which grow over him and sprout from his equipment in combat.


Career Masteries

Master of the Lore of Fire, the Bright Wizard is the most destructive battle wizard in all of the Empire. The Bright wizard is renowned for his ability to incinerate anything, ranging from individual soldiers to an entire hillside. However, destructive fire is not the only trick in his arsenal. The Bright Wizards is also capable of manipulating the wind of Aqshy to cause a variety of debilitating effects, ranging from thick banks of choking smoke, to withering heat that saps the strength and endurance from even the staunchest warrior. Some Bright Wizards have even been known to dabble in the healing arts, though cauterizing a wound with white hot fire is never a soldiers first choice!

Due to the volatile nature of Aqshy, the Red Wind of Fire that they manipulate, the Bright Wizard is always risking a backlash that could incinerate himself as well as his opponent. This buildup of Aqshy is known as Combustion and the greater the level of Combustion a Bright Wizard places into his destructive spells the more likely they will explode with stupendous results (Critical Hit). However, even the most skilled wizard will get burned when playing with fire. Pushing the combustion level too high can result in a backlash of magical energy that will damage the Wizard himself.

Path of Incineration

The Path of Incineration primarily focuses on destructive single-target spells. About half of these spells have high values of Combustion allowing those who master the Path of Incineration to focus on weaving high risk spells in with more reliable destructive magics for optimal single target damage.

Path of Immolation

The Path of Immolation focuses on damage over time and debilitating, lingering debuffs. A Master of Immolation is more patient, relying less on high-Combustion spells with explosive effect and more on slow burns that build up into an unstoppable inferno.

Path of Conflagration

The Path of Conflagration is the most destructive of the Bright Wizard masteries with area effect spells capable of burning entire swaths of land to a crisp. However, Masters of Conflagration must exert the most self-control; most of their spells build up high levels of Combustion and their reckless use could mean the Bright Wizards doom as well.
Source :
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Empire

Post#4 » Thu May 18, 2017 7:09 am


The Witch Hunter is a tireless foe of Chaos, dark magic and witchery of all kinds. As the taint of Chaos continues to spread and more people are drawn to the dark arts, the Witch Hunters role has become increasingly important to the Empire. Fast, cunning and deadly, they dispense merciless judgment upon any who serve Chaos. While the people of the Empire agree that the Witch Hunters work is critically important, rare is the citizen who does not feel pangs of dread when they lay eyes upon one, for it is understood that most Witch Hunters would sooner burn an entire village to the ground than see a single follower of Chaos go free.

The Witch Hunters sole motivation is rooting out and destroying corruption. To that end, they use the various tools and tactics available to them to weaken their opponents strength and resolve via Interrogation before meting out final Judgment. Fast and agile, the Witch Hunter is dangerous in close-quarters, especially when approaching an unsuspecting or startled target from behind. The Witch Hunter will frequently employ holy water, chrisoms, blessed ashes and other relics to further increase the suffering inflicted upon their foes.

Whether youre positioning yourself for a devastating strike against an unwary enemy or going toe-to-toe in the thick of the fight, there are few places on the battlefield where a Witch Hunter does not belong. In the face of your tireless assaults and interrogation, your enemies quickly wither and fall – be it by blade, bullet or torch. While your pistol can be a powerful and devastating weapon under the right circumstances, it is slow and awkward to reload in close-quarters. As such, you will make frequent use of the deadly speed and effectiveness of rapiers, knives, stakes, torches and daggers. You will also find it useful to anoint your weapons before a fight to dispatch your unholy enemies with even greater efficiency.

The Witch Hunter relies heavily on his ability to catch targets off guard or to distract them in the thick of a fight. A powerful melee fighter, he is at his most effective when he can move behind an enemy and unleash pistol shots or powerful strikes from his anointed blade upon them. As such, it is critical that you not lose track of a Witch Hunter in the heat of battle. Keep them at range if you can - as their pistols are unreliable from a distance - and stay in front of them if they close in on you. A bullet in the head or a blade through the heart await those who do not.

Witch Hunter Look

.Lightly Armored, with long cloaks and coats, wide-brimmed hats and buckled tunics.
.Wields off-hand pistols and main-hand rapiers, swords and torches.
.Ornamented with other tools of their craft such as stakes, daggers, relics, chains and emblems of the Cult of Sigmar or



Career Masteries

The Empire is not just under overt assault from the forces of Chaos, but is also fighting a constant war against the creeping incursions of darkness and heresy within its own borders, and no one is more aware of this than the Witch Hunter. Tasked with digging out the taint of corruption from within the healthy flesh of the Empire, the Witch Hunter is a grim figure, looked upon with equal measures of awe and dread, for they have the authority of an investigator, a judge, and an executioner. By blade, pistol, and torch, they are determined to cleanse the Empire of evil.

The Witch Hunters are deadly fighters who seek out and destroy anything tainted by the touch of Chaos. They lay down Accusations at swordpoint until theyre satisfied of their enemys guilt, and then unleash an Execution with the booming voice of their pistol. Their combat abilities are bolstered by a variety of sacred artifacts, such as blessed bullets which add additional effects to their Executions, and potent Holy Relics which can briefly imbue them with great power.

Path of Confession
The Path of Confession is direct and uncompromising, and focused primarily on direct and immediate opposition to heresy. A specialist in Confession will eschew subtlety and lengthy investigations in favor of simply approaching their enemy and beating the truth out of them. While not necessarily the most powerful approach, it is effective in its straightforward brutality, and provides a small measure of increased protection when the Witch Hunter finds themselves under direct attack.

Path of Inquisition
The Path of Inquisition is focused on longer and detailed investigations, weakening and progressively working over an enemy until the victims guilt is all but assured. A player with heavy Inquisition Mastery may appear less powerful at first glance, but the devastating effects of their attacks are felt more and more as the fight progresses.

Path of Judgment
The Path of Judgment is taken by Witch Hunters who are assured that their targets are guilty and no questioning is needed. They tend to take their suspects by surprise, and are at their best when the enemys attention is elsewhere. A Master of Judgment will seek to avoid face-to-face confrontations, and will be at their most powerful when they have allies nearby that can distract their enemies, allowing the Witch Hunter to lay down very potent attacks.


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Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Empire

Post#5 » Thu May 18, 2017 7:09 am


A Warrior Priest of Sigmar is a fearsome
master of battle and tireless defender of the faith. These holy warriors are the hammer of the church, serving in both defense of the Empire and the furtherance of the churchs goals. A deadly melee fighter, the Warrior Priest relies on the blessings of his god to protect him in combat. His zeal for battle further reinforces his Righteous Fury, spreading the strength that Righteous Fury provides to his companions and allies. With the might of the divine strengthening his arm and protecting the faithful, the Warrior Priest is a lethal combatant and potent supporting character all at the same time.

For the Warrior Priest, faith is life. Sigmar demands bravery in defense of the Empire, and he grants the greatest blessings to those who demonstrate this trait. A Warrior Priests Righteous Fury grows strong with every swing of his arm against the Empires foes. As his Righteous Fury grows, his powers expand as enemies are smitten more fiercely and allies are protected from greater harm. With sufficient Righteous Fury, the divine power invested in his righteous litanies and sermons is extended beyond his immediate circle of Righteous Fury to all those who can hear his words.

As a Warrior Priest, your place is in battle. Your Righteous Fury grows as you strike down the enemy in Sigmars name, and your divine powers grow with Righteous Fury. Thus, to reach the peak of your power you must join in the fight. Your prayers bear the power of your god to take life, or give it back, but they are designed to compliment your melee capabilities. Your blessings bring powerful boons to those around you, but you must be close to the fight for your words to reach them. To do your job you must place yourself at risk, but it is in this risky position which you are most powerful.

A Warrior Priest can be a deadly opponent, and a very difficult one to kill if you are not prepared to counter both his melee and divine capabilities. His faith is a strong shield, and so to defeat him you must break that Righteous Fury, either by denying him the ability to gain it, or by preventing him from using it. Denying his Righteous Fury means engaging him without letting him engage you – a sound strategy for a ranged attacker – but disrupting his divine abilities will be a better strategy for those who must close with him to fight. Without the powers of his Righteous Fury, the Warrior Priest will become far more vulnerable to your assault.

Warrior Priest Look

.Moderately armored with breast plate worn over a long robe and vestments of faith
.Wields a powerful war hammer or great hammer in the finest traditions of his patron deity
.Ornamented with symbols, books, regalia, and various other articles of faith


Career Masteries

The Warrior Priests worship Sigmar, the now-deified warrior who united the tribes of man and formed the Empire long ago. In honor of their legendary patron, the Warrior Priests seek to follow in Sigmars warrior path by purifying the Empire with equal measures of prayer and might. They march into battle shouting holy scriptures even as they bring their blessed warhammers to bear in the name of their god. By proving their devotion and righteousness through valor in combat, they are rewarded with divine powers, which manifest in the form of potent healing abilities. Their presence on the front lines of battle serves as a constant inspiration to the soldiers who march in defense of the Empire.
Sigmar is a warrior god, and his priests gain divine favor only by fighting to defend the Empire that he built. The holy symbol of Sigmar is a hammer, and the Warrior Priests have adopted the warhammer as their weapon of choice in honor of their patron. The Righteous Fury of Sigmar fills the Warrior Priest with each swing of their weapon, and this divine power can then be used to fuel their healing magic. This becomes something of both a freedom and a restriction for the Warrior Priest - since all of his magic is powered by Righteous Fury, he can throw himself wholeheartedly into melee combat and then still have resources left to heal with, but at the same time, his healing capabilities become dramatically more limited when there are no enemies in arms reach.

Path of Salvation
The Path of Salvation focuses on divine magic, primarily healing abilities. A player who specializes in Salvation will become a much more powerful healer, although they will still need to place themselves into the front lines of a melee combat in order to build up their Righteous Fury.

Path of Grace
The Path of Grace is centered around melee attacks which inspire and bolster the Warrior Priest and his allies. A Master of Grace will be able to simultaneously wreak havoc upon his enemies with his warhammer and improve himself and his companions, making him an especially valuable player when standing side-by-side with other allies.

Path of Wrath
The Path of Wrath is focused on crippling melee attacks which weaken, hinder, and harass the players opponents. Someone who specializes in Wrath will certainly be the most offensively-focused type of Warrior Priest, as they will be both damaging their enemies and weakening them with each swing of their warhammer.


Source :
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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