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Stat description

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Posts: 3

Stat description

Post#1 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:25 pm

Hi all,

I'm only a casual player and as such always face the same problem whenever I try to build a new char - what are good stats, what are better stats, and why do I always end up with the bad stats.
I have found a lot of information about this spread allover the forum, some of it accurate, some of it guesswork, and some of it unfortunately outdated.
Would it be possible to add stat descriptions in detail to the wiki? Like:
- name of stat
- what does it actually do
- which character or subclass is it good for
- where are soft/hard/other limits
- how do skills profit from stats
- how does leveling up affect stats

For most of you it's probably common knowledge, but for casuals or newbies it is often difficult to find a good set of stats without knowing even basic facts about them. Having "a little bit of everything" can easily ruin a char compared to having a char skilled and equipped properly.

I know there is a lot of work going into gathering and providing that kind of information, so any help there would be greatly appreciated!


Posts: 48

Re: Stat description

Post#2 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:08 pm

Some links for that:

Caps, and benefits of stats
Containing the soft/ hard caps for stats/ resistance/ armor and their actual effects (like damage mitigation)

Combat formulats
Containing damage, crit, mitigation and evasion formulas.

Specifically melee formulas
Containing a mix of the above, and focus on melee damage, weapons and auto attacks.

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