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Maruder selfheal change

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Maruder selfheal change

Post#1 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:56 pm

Identify the issue:
Everyone agrees that the monster tree is too strong. When you start the game as a marauder, you notice that there is no heala in the tree of savagery, there is no heala in the brutality tree. Monstro have and is very good. So from lewel 1 to 40 99% of people farm monsters or in the end (40) farms pink letters on rvr.

Why it's an issue:
1. (Pve) When playing Monstro marauder, you do not need a tank and you do not need a healer (you do not play with a tank and healer - real gamer). For what larger level you can do more and more monsters.
2. (Pvp) When playing in Monstro marauder, you are doing area damage. More people, the bigger the heal and dmg. (It seems to me that it is bigger than in other trees)
3. (Pvp) Solo Maruder is forced to play (effectively) in monstro (the only healing tree). A strange idea. tree that was supposed to be fought with WB now is used to fight solo.

<Transfer healing skills from monstro to savagery>

1. (Pve) You can still farm yourself and have selfheal, but you cant aggro loot of mobs.
2. (Pve) Monstro Hit harder (swap change), but you need a tank or healer (real gamer)
3. (Pvp) Savagery tree for 1 vs 1 (yes I know this is not a 1 vs 1 game) get heal. You can fight longer with the opponent, but only with 1 (for that matter)

1. Savagery tree: For exp and fights 1vs1 (debuffs, dots) tac> match the opponent
2. Monstro tree: Large dmg in wb at the expense of the lack of selfheala.
3. (In the future changes) Brutality tree: For 1vs1 or 6vs6, Big fast dmg, but lack of selfheal

Posts: 2524

Re: Maruder selfheal change

Post#2 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:13 pm

The self-heal is fine in monstro. Monstro is the defensive stance. Moving the heal to Savagery would make dps Maras have more sustain, which is unhealthy balance and seems like an unnecessary buff that has less to do with balance and more to do with convenience of having everything in one stance and by extension, one tree.

Balance proposals also don't acknowledge 1v1 aspects of the game.
<Salt Factory>

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