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[Kobs/chosen] stag

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[Kobs/chosen] stag

Post#1 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:38 pm

-never rebalanced after blanded nerf in live, cd and ap cost are designed for a 9 sec duration eff while atm is 1/3 of his original duration
-effect update time is 16% the lowest of all tanks CC
-after magus/engi stag being buff to 6 sec the primary tank cc of these archetype felt in grace and is better to not be use because magus/engi stag is totally better in any way since is longer eff with same immunity (and shorter CD....)
--because atm is a 3 sec stag, 20 sec CD, 30 sec immunity, 45 ap. (definetly the worst CC in game, totally better wait for a engi/magus to use its one and since they share same immunity is not worth 1 cent... )

-drop ap cost to 25, this match the power of the cc which is a break on hit 3 sec only cc which give an immunity a lot higer than his duration. (16% updatetime over the CD currently; would be 20% with change)
-change stag CD to be 10 sec , this will put ch/kobs cc update time in line with other tanks CC (aoe punt/aoe snare but there still immunity preventthe spam nature).
-change immunity to 15 sec (half magus/engi duration, half immunty given)

Comparison post change:

-engi/magus: 6 sec , 15 sec CD, give 30 sec immunity, 40% update time, on immunity,, 50 ap cost
-kobs/chosen: 3 sec, 10 sec CD, give 15 sec immunity, 33,33% update time on immunity, 25 ap cost

-it will still be worst than engi/magus one but it will scale better in stag range
-it will stil be the worst ror tanks "update time CC x duration"
-it will gain its role (because it never have it in first place since live nerf) as a true interrupt /gap closer since the cd and immunity will fit better and wont collide too much with engi/magus one (worth note at cost of give15 sec immunity while other aoe interrupt as wl/engi/mara/magus dont).

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Re: [Kobs/chosen] stag

Post#2 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:39 am

Declining. KOBS/Chosen stagger is still very useful, and doesn't require targetting on the floor or a 'grace' period like the Magus/Engi variant does: you have to manually click where to stagger, and you have to wait a second for it to actually proc - so the magus/engi stagger isn't as immediate as the KOBS/Chosen.

The AP cost really isn't that high when you have a tactic that gives you back AP/Auras that give back AP, if you want to use them. KOBS also has an ability that grants AP upon being hit.

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