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Scenario ReKnown & Experience Ballance Proposal

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Posts: 95

Scenario ReKnown & Experience Ballance Proposal

Post#1 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:37 pm

Title: Break the Circle of Doom. :evil:

Even Loseing in RealLife is a lifetime expierence , which should be equally recreated inside RoR Gameplay to ensure propper gameplay and character devellopment.

People who loose a scenario, are likely to receive 0-250 reknown and an equivalent of exp for their hard work - just because they didnt win.

Keep in mind: These People spend the same ammount of time as the winning teamn to face their overhelming opponents, whithout any change of winning.

While fighting the same premade high rr groups round after round this is a pointles scenario for all of those who heal - Protect -, Deal Dage - but cant get the propper kills. As compensation they win 1 Medalion for best Heal or Protection.

Never the less: Medals wont give reknown rank, or activation of abilites or reknown stats. Without Progress: loseing a match is a waste of time and a never ending story of stacking in the same position.

Establish a minimum rewards for the loseing party of e.g

2000 reknown for Tier 4
850 reknown for Tier 2-3
250 reknown for Tier 1

caution: these are just sample numbers, which can be discussed further.

Amount of Work:
Simple Codeing. (base reward)+(current rr system) = total reknown reward per match.

Benefits of this change?

With this Reward in Mind, the number of people who surrender, quit or afk will be reduced, as quitter and afk's will get their quitter debuff without any rewards. People will stay in and be active on the map.

! Caution: This is not ment to be a reward for participationless loseing ( for all gready players out there , who doesnt like to do anything but get most reknown or exp for nothing). This is for players who deal damage, offer protection and heal other theammates against the worst of all enemys - time.


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