SW need rework of some abilities and place in meta.

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SW need rework of some abilities and place in meta.

Post#1 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:00 am

Shadowstep of melle sw in current state very bad gapcloser, it slow and doesnt fixates on target like pounce of wl/we. Swift strikes so low dps that does literally no dmg to target with mid tough, this skill is oriented for what really? Stady aim is useless coz its more profitable to cast 1s abilities than add 1s to cast and get 25% more crit dmg. Hunters fervor lose 25ap to regen 45, yes its for party but its a joke as ap boost. Devs plz look at sw people like to play them but they really have no place in meta right now, melle sw is half of we/wh not to mention their cancer def builds. Could be great if u give some love to them. And check that situation with mass stack of bha if it really so cancer. P. S 2h kotbs can get some love too.
Noximilien - AM, Severi - SM, Ravandin - SW, Celebor - WL, Ernwald - WH, Demandred - BG.


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