Since I had a pretty horrible experience trying to complete the live event scenario tasks, I took a deeper dive into the scenario data available from the killboard to see what's going on.
The data is from the beginning of the Twilight's Tide live event on 26th of July to 2nd of August. Only serpents passage and phoenix gate, only t4, only standard scenarios (no discordant).
So, here we go. Lets start with something simple. The winning of scenario rounds Order vs Destruction:
Code: Select all
T4 Serpent's Passage:
Total SCs played: 1423
Total SCs T4 played: 1423
Total SCs T4 STANDARD played: 1423
Order won: 641
Destro won: 782
Code: Select all
T4 Phoenix Gate:
Total SCs played: 901
Total SCs T4 played: 901
Total SCs T4 STANDARD played: 901
Order won: 407
Destro won: 494
Code: Select all
T4 Serpent's Passage and Phoenix Gate together:
Total SCs played: 2324
Total SCs T4 played: 2324
Total SCs T4 STANDARD played: 2324
Order won: 1048
Destro won: 1276
Code: Select all
T4 both event SCs - domination (one side had more than 3 times the kills of the other side)
SCs played: 2324
SCs that were kind of even: 459 or 19.75% of 2324
SCs with one side dominating the other: 1865 or 80.25% of 2324
SCs with Order dominating Destro: 801 or 34.47% of 2324
SCs with Destro dominating Order: 1064 or 45.78% of 2324
Since I saw a lot of guild groups in there stomping the others, the next thing I did was looking at who is playing lots of rounds and is having a high winning percentage. That's for me the groups that are playing the meat grinder in there and farming others. At least that is how it is being perceived when you are the one being farmed.
Code: Select all
T4 both event SCs - players with > 20 scenarios played and > 70% winning
CLASS CharacterName [Guild] RR EventScenariosPlayed WinningPercentage
SQUIG_HERDER Bombstrika [CQFD] rr81.79 243 80.25%
CHOSEN Flatlegrosdur [CQFD] rr82.65 193 79.27%
SORCERER Mouw [CQFD] rr79.64 169 76.92%
SQUIG_HERDER Cargo [Reborn] rr83 161 73.29%
ZEALOT Maledict [Reborn] rr81 142 77.46%
CHOSEN Delight [Reborn] rr83 125 74.4%
SQUIG_HERDER Githappens [Psychadelics] rr85 111 88.29%
SQUIG_HERDER Rxz [Team Spirit] rr85 107 77.57%
SHAMAN Bambino [Team Spirit] rr83 101 84.16%
WITCH_HUNTER Rankeddreamer [Retribution] rr76.01 99 71.72%
KNIGHT_OF_THE_BLAZING_SUN Mcdonaldz [Retribution] rr83 96 76.04%
BLACK_ORC Gcp [CYA] rr82 92 75%
SHAMAN Kwassham [CQFD] rr80.71 82 79.27%
SORCERER Purple [NGE] rr57.82 82 87.8%
ZEALOT Nizzu [Team Spirit] rr87 77 87.01%
SQUIG_HERDER Kozzyh [NGE] rr76.7 73 80.82%
SORCERER Kevin [Team Spirit] rr48.62 71 88.73%
WITCH_ELF Alliyahx [Two Girls One Coupe] rr82 69 72.46%
SQUIG_HERDER Bazelini [Thank god am pretty] rr92 69 79.71%
CHOSEN Avgtankenjoyer [Thank god am pretty] rr85 67 70.15%
CHOSEN Bugimen [Starcom] rr87 66 75.76%
SHAMAN Stefanskurk [CYA] rr80.82 65 75.38%
CHOSEN Bigsiimpin [Dark Days] rr72.21 63 73.02%
ARCHMAGE Hesperiell [Cyxapuku] rr88 62 70.97%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Gwynevera [Freistaat] rr83 60 75%
SORCERER Woppra [NGE] rr81.63 60 81.67%
BLACK_GUARD Utharion [BLACK HORROR] rr57.75 59 79.66%
RUNE_PRIEST Nyzzu [Cyxapuku] rr87 58 72.41%
WHITE_LION Devo [Kraehenfeld] rr86 58 70.69%
BLACK_GUARD Ifly [Team Spirit] rr75.64 58 86.21%
SQUIG_HERDER Pennduul [Represailles] rr85.12 58 77.59%
SWORD_MASTER Altahir [Pig Stompers] rr91 57 70.18%
BLACK_GUARD Lascivious [Brutality] rr82 56 78.57%
SHAMAN Snurfz [Slaanesh Exiles] rr84 56 73.21%
WITCH_ELF Straightfish [Team Spirit] rr50.52 56 85.71%
SORCERER Sterlings [Entropy and Chaos] rr68.71 56 78.57%
SQUIG_HERDER Degondor [Da Freebootaz] rr83 54 70.37%
SQUIG_HERDER Crococopter [BLACK HORROR] rr84 54 74.07%
SQUIG_HERDER Oochoo [Pillow Talk] rr76.96 53 73.58%
SQUIG_HERDER Gitrol [Lords of the Locker Room] rr70.45 53 81.13%
ZEALOT Zicc [Hand of Blood] rr83 52 71.15%
ARCHMAGE Tharo [Pax Mortis II] rr82 52 71.15%
ZEALOT Whysoseriouss [NGE] rr83 51 84.31%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Liray [Mortem] rr84 50 72%
RUNE_PRIEST Body [Retribution] rr83 50 94%
MAGUS Boruta [Lords of the Locker Room] rr56.24 50 72%
RUNE_PRIEST Mrmojo [Retribution] rr84 49 81.63%
BLACK_GUARD Worstnightmeh [Dark Days] rr64.84 49 73.47%
KNIGHT_OF_THE_BLAZING_SUN Epicci [primus inter pares] rr77.55 49 75.51%
RUNE_PRIEST Septon [KUNG FU] rr81.76 49 75.51%
CHOPPA Mooorda [Like it Hard] rr79.29 48 75%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Xxxoo [FMJ] rr88 47 80.85%
CHOSEN Rhaem [Odyssey] rr80.83 47 72.34%
KNIGHT_OF_THE_BLAZING_SUN Baiken [KUNG FU] rr66.37 46 82.61%
BRIGHT_WIZARD Holdmytea [XREAL] rr82 45 71.11%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Kajtarn [Familjen] rr87 44 70.45%
WARRIOR_PRIEST Onlyhealer [Retribution] rr83 44 84.09%
CHOSEN Thewarden [Art of Execution] rr68.93 44 90.91%
BLACK_ORC Knifeparty [NGE] rr66.14 43 88.37%
ZEALOT Drunkey [Freistaat] rr83 42 73.81%
SLAYER Obfuscate [KUNG FU] rr81.55 42 83.33%
WHITE_LION Ifetchyoutoo [Not Good Enough] rr82 41 78.05%
SHAMAN Codeplex [Bene Gesserit] rr67.5 40 72.5%
WARRIOR_PRIEST Pontefico [Retribution] rr83 39 79.49%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Dogshild [] rr83 38 71.05%
ARCHMAGE Llondo [Dark Dayz] rr86 37 75.68%
MAGUS Jolt [Exodus] rr84 37 70.27%
IRON_BREAKER Pistachio [Not Good Enough] rr69.81 37 72.97%
ZEALOT Jelie [VII] rr82.97 37 70.27%
RUNE_PRIEST Legorunes [Retribution] rr71.58 36 77.78%
SHAMAN Hiphop [] rr83 36 77.78%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Nokhi [Not Good Enough] rr81 36 72.22%
SHAMAN Oidonthitme [Exodus] rr86 36 80.56%
SQUIG_HERDER Karavorton [L N M] rr78.78 36 83.33%
CHOPPA Gakixx [Dark Days] rr80.22 36 77.78%
WARRIOR_PRIEST Rombzor [Mother Russia] rr82 35 71.43%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Macaulay [Entropy and Chaos] rr71.09 35 71.43%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Ashoris [Kraehenfeld] rr85 35 71.43%
SHAMAN Taco [Strife] rr80.82 34 70.59%
CHOPPA Kranyel [Freistaat] rr75.03 34 82.35%
KNIGHT_OF_THE_BLAZING_SUN Anoya [XREAL] rr73.94 34 70.59%
MARAUDER Ywhhi [NGE] rr81 34 88.24%
ZEALOT Menohealzgood [NGE] rr51.44 34 73.53%
SHAMAN Groutch [Death Korp] rr76.97 34 70.59%
RUNE_PRIEST Anoxee [XREAL] rr82 34 70.59%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Naggarina [Darkness and Ruin] rr80.79 33 93.94%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Rombzorr [MotherRussia] rr80.94 33 81.82%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Competition [Lords of the Locker Room] rr60.91 33 75.76%
SQUIG_HERDER Paura [RooR] rr86 32 78.12%
SORCERER Blackaddera [L N M] rr86 32 90.62%
SHAMAN Atrosity [Pillow Talk] rr60.87 31 70.97%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Catchmyarrows [Retribution] rr80.39 31 77.42%
ARCHMAGE Pungamage [Retribution] rr77.06 31 87.1%
IRON_BREAKER Basilisk [KUNG FU] rr46.42 31 74.19%
WARRIOR_PRIEST Znahar [Retribution] rr84 31 74.19%
ZEALOT Heallogique [Croix de Bois] rr82 31 77.42%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Vendeta [Pig Stompers] rr85 30 76.67%
SLAYER Hirzodrin [Pig Stompers] rr90 30 73.33%
BLACK_GUARD Termund [Novus Ordo Seclorum] rr88 30 73.33%
SORCERER Tchire [CQFD] rr81 30 83.33%
SHAMAN Jelielino [VII] rr85 30 73.33%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Rathsara [Retribution] rr80 30 83.33%
ZEALOT Kyre [] rr83 30 83.33%
SHAMAN Plens [] rr82 30 83.33%
BLACK_GUARD Chinchompa [Freistaat] rr82.17 30 86.67%
WARRIOR_PRIEST Rinen [Tuff Bois] rr84 29 72.41%
SWORD_MASTER Kalimaxos [Retribution] rr74 29 79.31%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Xurious [NGE] rr87 29 89.66%
SQUIG_HERDER Sacaspore [CQFD] rr56.1 29 72.41%
BLACK_GUARD Pourlesrousses [L N M] rr62.38 29 82.76%
BLACK_GUARD Blackpig [Destro Tavern] rr48.97 29 82.76%
SORCERER Mistra [NO RULES] rr71.93 28 75%
WHITE_LION Leeto [Retribution] rr85 28 71.43%
SORCERER Astroice [] rr91 28 71.43%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Elcie [] rr72 27 74.07%
CHOPPA Airplanee [Starcom] rr85 27 70.37%
BLACK_GUARD Ruadeth [Team Spirit] rr85 27 77.78%
CHOSEN Qdodger [NGE] rr83 27 88.89%
SWORD_MASTER Nadrzyosei [Atsui Mleko] rr79.07 27 74.07%
WHITE_LION Xbrodda [XREAL] rr83 26 73.08%
WHITE_LION Kyrro [Retribution] rr82 26 100%
MARAUDER Purgen [Starcom] rr86 26 88.46%
WHITE_LION Tiabeanie [KUNG FU] rr82 26 88.46%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Synisthra [Thank god am pretty] rr82 26 80.77%
KNIGHT_OF_THE_BLAZING_SUN Thiberica [Cross] rr83 25 76%
SORCERER Edennae [L N M] rr87 24 95.83%
SQUIG_HERDER Mhe [Croix de Bois] rr81 24 75%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Emiko [MotherRussia] rr72.08 24 75%
SLAYER Nika [Pig Stompers] rr84 24 79.17%
SLAYER Grzegorz [Cyxapuku] rr84 23 73.91%
ARCHMAGE Cyryliei [Retribution] rr79 23 82.61%
IRON_BREAKER Mrjones [Retribution] rr79.18 22 72.73%
SHADOW_WARRIOR Elorea [Old School] rr82 22 77.27%
WHITE_LION Hicane [Les Dragons de Kalidors] rr90 22 72.73%
ZEALOT Nerul [L N M] rr83 22 72.73%
SQUIG_HERDER Teefz [Exodus] rr94 21 71.43%
KNIGHT_OF_THE_BLAZING_SUN Yurc [Retribution] rr81 21 85.71%
WARRIOR_PRIEST Tagy [How I Met Your Mother] rr82 21 76.19%
ZEALOT Boogai [] rr80 21 71.43%
SORCERER Morathi [Death Knights] rr78 21 80.95%
ARCHMAGE Illumia [Gimle] rr85 21 80.95%
ZEALOT Cmapywka [SALTY CHEESE] rr72 21 71.43%
DISCIPLE_OF_KHAINE Nemeil [Starcom] rr90 21 76.19%
This was actually already what I wanted to know.
Now some other stats just to look through:
Last time when I did the scenario evaluation the domination rate was a lot lower - still high though (viewtopic.php?p=516499). But the 80% domination this time is INSANE.
It's not working guys... you can't put guild premades against new/casuals/pugs. It's awful.
My suggestion would be:
- either reduce the allowed group size for scenarios to 3 (that's basically half of a 2/2/2 comp) to have more mixing of them or
- get rid of groups in scenarios and discordant overall. No more queuing as group. Then add automated comp building like you did for ranked scenarios. Done.