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Will There Ever Be New Classes & Can They Work? [This is a Question not a Request/Suggestion & Examples are Provided]]

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Will There Ever Be New Classes & Can They Work? [This is a Question not a Request/Suggestion & Examples are Provided]]

Post#1 » Fri May 10, 2024 1:16 pm

It's a question I would generally like to know if it is even possible. There are many weapons and equipment that are used by NPC's that if these weapons and equipment were to be Itemized you could easily make new classes. Below are examples of what I think can work, but Idk if they can be balanced since each class is different and they don't provide equal standing.
I do think this copy class system could use a bit of "chaos" and each race has their own extra unit that isn't completely copied and balanced to the system but that's just my opinion.

[Examples] I'll make them simple so they don't take a lot of time.
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Shade
Weapons: Sword/Repeater Crossbow [Repeater Crossbow has been seen on NPC's]
Armor: Light [Some Dark Elf NPCs have been seen with light armor]
Focus: Stealthed Ranged Ambusher | Similar to a Shadow Warrior with some Witch Elf Abilities.

Race: Greenskin/Orc
Class Orc Shaman
Weapons: Staff
Armor: Robe or Light [Armor for shamans mainly looks like Choppa armor and there are limited leather/loincloth types for them]
Focus: Damaging Spellcaster | Similar to Brightwizard/Sorcerer

Race: Chaos
Class: Sapper [Thin Framed Norscans we see around the area probably human turncoats]
Weapons: Sword/Axe/Dual Wield
Armor: Light or Medium
Focus: Armor Piercing Melee Combatant | Similar to Witch Hunter/Witch Elf. I do not see him using stealth and may actually need some work to figure out

Race: Empire
Class: Hunter
Weapons: Guns/Swords/Axe [Guns are found on NPC's as well as axes]
Armor: Light [Hunters are both Outlaws and can be enlisted in the Empire. He could use the Outlaw Armor Models, or the original being a mix of KoTBS/WH]
Focus: Ranged Combatant with Pet | Very similar to how the Squigherder functions unfortunately, but instead of squigarmor he'd probably get pet stances like the whitelion has or even ranged stances like the shadowwarrior. His pet would be the attack hounds we've seen in certain areas.

Race: Dwarf
Class: Miner
Weapon: Twohanded Pickaxe/One handed Pickaxe [Unfortunately it is the only weapon they'd use and is commonly seen on npcs and even on slayers]
Armor: Medium [Armor mainly looks like the engineer but with a miners hat seen mainly on Npcs]
Focus: Melee Combatant | The Miner I see being a hybrid between Engineer using mainly his grenades as blasting charges and maybe Marauder/White Lion when it comes to melee abilities and gaining dwarf friendly stances instead of mutations.

Race: High Elf
Class: Shining Spear [Usually what the Npc is called]
Weapon: TwoHanded Spear/OneHanded Spear & Shield [Weapon mainly found on npcs]
Armor: Heavy
Focus Melee Tank | Since the Swordmaster is similar to the Black Orc, This one could be similar to the Blackguard/Iron Breaker.

Neutral Race: Ogre [Both sides can get this Race/Class]
Class: Maneater [The common mercenary type for the Ogres]
Weapon: Twohanded Weapons in One hand [Drulg Kineater in WoH sported a very large two handed club that he used onehanded]
Armor: Heavy or Medium
Focus: Melee Skirmisher/Combatant | Since this will be a universal class/race it would probably be ideal to make it it's own unique class instead of the copy system they have used for every class.
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Re: Will There Ever Be New Classes & Can They Work? [This is a Question not a Request/Suggestion & Examples are Provided

Post#2 » Fri May 10, 2024 1:27 pm

Short answer: No!

Longer answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

Posts: 52

Re: Will There Ever Be New Classes & Can They Work? [This is a Question not a Request/Suggestion & Examples are Provided

Post#4 » Fri May 10, 2024 2:11 pm

The problem aren't ideas but the lack of ppl in the dev team to do that. Would need a dedicated team with many people with lots of free time to make it happen and would take years.

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Re: Will There Ever Be New Classes & Can They Work? [This is a Question not a Request/Suggestion & Examples are Provided

Post#5 » Fri May 10, 2024 7:20 pm

makes sense.
Thanks for the input.
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Re: Will There Ever Be New Classes & Can They Work? [This is a Question not a Request/Suggestion & Examples are Provided

Post#6 » Sun May 12, 2024 9:22 pm

Whilst I am all for new classes, beyond the question of feasibility you have to ask: what's the point?

By that, I mean what would you like to achieve by adding a new class? How will the game be better once you've done so?

For my money, I don't really care about classes. What is more important to me is new ROLES. I couldn't really care about having another tank, I've already got 6 flavours to choose from! What I would like is for the game to move beyond the boring trinity and start adding new roles. A new role would allow me to experience the game in a genuinely new way, open up new tactics when it comes to combat and stuff.

I have no hope that'll ever happen on an emulator (and nor should it, for then it wouldn't be emulating the real thing!).

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