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The Tothmonra Podcast 3/16/24

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Re: The Tothmonra Podcast 3/16/24

Post#11 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 am

First of all, hope Toth is getting better and recovering well!
And second of all, as Karianna mentioned "this is the Tothmonra podcast" so it really his his way and his podcast, the rest of us can not attend if we dont wish to, but the door is open and a stool at the hearth.
Scottx125 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:04 pm And again, lack of community engagement. It's no good going on the forums and saying "If you want to join just ask" because there's no direct incentive to want to join unless you just want to blurt your opinion out. Same with any talkshow they don't ask people to come on and leave an open door, they reach out to people who might have an understanding about certain topics. For example, Tosh could put out a vote asking what people would like to have discussed in the next podcast as it's main topic; then put out the selected topic, the offer for anyone interested in talking on the topic to join and also reach out to notable members of the community to weigh in.
I think there has been some good topics, with relevant guests on fitting topics in the past, and there has been a multitude of players from diffrent playstyles, approches, guilds and skilllevels.
That being said, it might be worth mentioning that podcasts are often made to set eachother up with leading questions into a current topic, or a synergy between host and co-hosts and/or guests. And with some degree of structure or script.

What we did on the Real(m) Talk podcast over on Fixxers channel some years back, was I made a script Fixxer would host and naviage through the topics and then we would cover RoR news, between an approach of one co-host covering from Order Warband guild point of view, an other from Destro guild point of view, and fixxer controling a debate or chipping in with some scenario experience.
Having an open invitation and a few times having good topics but no relevant guests or no experience on the set, leads to abit much guesswork in the topics and is personally something that made me lose interest abit. I think the idea behind is fantastic, and RoR deserves the Tothmonra podcast but i the community as a whole doesnt embrace the open invitation maybe its time to revisit the setup(?)

A concrete example from this video (only watched 15mins) where the placeholder host asks about the prizes for the 6v6 tourny, and despite being informed still continues to adress the CM guest with "you guys doing this" when it has been estabilised several times that it's community hosted, driven and dev supported, but not funded. Takes away from the topic and good news, just as random movie clips and keybordturning pvp (though this might 100% be a Me-issue :D )

Toth's podcast so he might have opted to navigate around this, but having this new CM on after the allogations floating around in the community about him recording a private call with Gravord, could also easily have been dismissed and shot down now that the interview was happening but maybe people dont care about getting this cleared up, because that seems like a massive allegation cloud.
Bombling 93BW
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Re: The Tothmonra Podcast 3/16/24

Post#12 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:39 pm


wonshot wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 am...still continues to adress the CM guest with "you guys doing this"...

The phrase 'you guys doing this' refers to 'you guys doing this,' as in those hosting the event, and not some other mysterious, hidden, shadowy cabal lurking about hoping to steal a portion of the limelight based on someone's partisan parsing of a few words spoken during an interview. Plus you misspelled 'address,' thus everything you have ever said is now discredited.

wonshot wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 am...just as random movie clips...

Random movie or gaming clips are employed to break the potential monotony of an extended interview video. Didn't you ever watch Nightline?

wonshot wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 am ...though this might 100% be a Me-issue...

Quoted for Truth.

wonshot wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 amToth's podcast so he might have opted to navigate around this, but having this new CM on after the allogations floating around in the community about him recording a private call with Gravord, could also easily have been dismissed and shot down now that the interview was happening but maybe people dont care about getting this cleared up, because that seems like a massive allegation cloud.

I wasn't hosting a fracking soap-opera. To quote Pulp Fiction "when you little scamps get together you're worse than a sewing circle." Can't anyone here ever do anything just for the fun of it?
Last edited by Martok on Fri Mar 22, 2024 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Tothmonra Podcast 3/16/24

Post#13 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:49 pm

I did fail to mention Bombling as a guest of Toths’ podcast plus he has joined several other current and former streamers for discussion. In fact I would assume most streamers welcome viewers to interact.

That being said if ur looking for a place to just say whatever you want and any form of rules is something you or anyone is viewed as an immediate no go, well then guess that’s it then.
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Re: The Tothmonra Podcast 3/16/24

Post#14 » Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:24 am

Martok wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:39 pm ..Plus you misspelled 'address,' thus everything you have ever said is now discredited...
Does that go both ways sir? :D rhetorical question as Im not interested in this level of "banter" or whatever you are trying to stir up.

On a serious note there is no need to either get super defensive or take stuff too personal, just a few people in this topic were giving some constructive feedback for both the host and co-host. It's fine if you disagree with it, absolutely!

But having the approach of "open invitation" for a podcast and then several times facing the issue if not having accurate guest(s) lined up for good topics is just an overall shame I'm sure we can agree on. And then it might be worth atleast rethinking if that structure is still the best to use.
Just like if someone is trying to be witty and too often have to follow it up with "you guys are no fun at all" maybe thats equally much just time to rethink the approach as the audience doesnt seem to appreciate the level of humor, or the lack thereof. As a random example.

But on the topic, the idea of getting a CM on the episode and talking about a fantastic community created event, supported by the devs is really solid and should had been a topic with lots of "meat" on it with some relevant guests. I think we would all want to see a server with cool events, good attendance, dev-supported and then the extra layer of bonus with quality content talking about it afterwards.
Bombling 93BW
<Reign Of Fire> An Empire-only EU RvR guild. For The Challenge of racial restricted PvP.
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Re: The Tothmonra Podcast

Post#15 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 2:14 pm

The most recent Tothmonra Podcast Youtube Edit, Part One:

Click here to watch on YouTube

Part Two out soon. As always thanks for watching.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Re: The Tothmonra Podcast 3/16/24

Post#16 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:13 am

Episode 30 Part Two:

Click here to watch on YouTube
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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