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I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

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I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#1 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:06 am

I used to play back in the day as a Warrior Priest. I played a TON of PvP and it was blast. The level playing field made it so as long you knew how to play your class, you would do well. I mean, strategy and tactics played a big role as well, and great communication was also key. But all that was secondary. You could just go into a match and do well without even having to worry too much. Especially in the open world areas. Strategy, tactics, and communication often led to success, but you could still have fun without it.

But now... it just seems so terrible. I tried to do some of the quests in Tier 1 on the Order side, but all the PvP is now is just 10v1. I went in to the area and I was lucky if I saw 1 ally running around who would help me. And the enemies outnumbered us 10 to 1 in every fight (or worse). I was shocked. This game used to have great PvP now it's just all zerging.

What's worse is I finally got myself into 1v1 fight, and I was up against a Squigherder. What absolute cretin thought it was good a idea to allow them to have a ranged slow, with no minimum range, seemingly no CD (it was always up on me), and the ability to run faster than my Knight who has no gap closer OR stun of any kind. They were easily able to kite me and I hate no chance to retaliate. Absolutely unfair in my opinion. I had literally no chance to do anything against that class. And I fought against them multiple times, and a couple of those times I had the surprise advantage.

And don't get me started on the reduced wounds mechanic. I hated it back then, and I still hate it now. The punishment for death seems severe when I am completely outnumbered at every turn.

Maybe I just got extremely unlucky, but I remember this game feeling much better. Maybe it's just rose-tinted glasses, but my memory can't be that bad.

Maybe I'll just stick to PvE. I was at least having fun then, and I even found others to group with and do public quests. The PvP is just extremely frustrating.

Posts: 26

Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#2 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:36 am

>now it's all just zerging
Friendo you clearly just have rose colored glasses glued to your face because I personally assure you live was not a lot better. It's just the nature of 1 realm vs 1 realm RvR games, one side is always going to have more people than the other side, and without a third realm to contribute that "wild card" element to the situation, like what Dark Age of Camelot had, whoever has less people just get zerged and whoever has more people just zergs. It's part of why live failed then and it's part of why oRvR can feel awful lame now.

Not even flaming the devs, all they can work with is what was left to them, but thems the breaks.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#3 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:11 am

You can still find strategy, tactics, and communication. In sc’s and orvr. Just not at T1

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#4 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:56 am

Its a little better in t4 but Live was at this point still much better, but i do give Credit to the ones who brought this game back and work hard on it, some put in pet peeves that dont really improve the game instead of trying to get the game better,but what can you say they run it the way they want too, and im glad to still be able to play this great game :)

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#5 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:47 am

T1 RVR is just about charging around like a headless chicken, there is no strategy as most people are working out their class and haven't got most of their abilities yet. But in T1 as a Knight just get the best gear you can for your level, slot the best talis you can get and go wreck people in scenarios

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#6 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:58 am

In the live, at least they used to go around in guild warbands, now they all take to do the numbers because at least people press a button and make the least effort and the maximum result, there are very few who have the ability and courage to be found alone or in 2

Posts: 32

Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#7 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:13 am

They nerfed crit a lot so now healing is overpowered and you need a zerg to outheal a party /WB, in the old days a good party roam group was able to kill a mediocre WB, now its imposible.

Especially BW and Sorc have been nerfed to 25% max crit chance that makes tanks useless targets, and healers imposible to kill if detaunting

Posts: 125

Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#8 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:11 pm

The rvr lakes are very small with only 4 bos. Compared to other mmos it really shows its age. Theres no where to go but to zerg.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#9 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:43 pm

If you hate squig herders on t1, you should see them on end game. Simply stupid class with OP abilities. Together with choppa using get to the chop all the time and pulling you many times because of this bugged ability, you will be able to cry and watch your beloved WP being annihilated unable to do anything in this wombo combo.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#10 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:44 pm

Pugs and zerglings deserve to be farmed tbh

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