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Help choosing class, returning player.

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Posts: 3

Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#1 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:09 am

Hello all, been almost two years since I've logged in, glad to be back in the action. I've never gotten to 40 yet and would like to make it there this time, I got to mid 20's on a Shadow Warrior/Shaman on the original launch and had lots of fun. When i found RoR i changed things up and went Slayer and got to 31, I play mostly solo (Looking for a social/active guild though!) and found I died alot even with being caution and playing smart and didn't really enjoy them in RvR as much as i had hoped. Re rolled 2h SM and got to 36 before I had to take a break. I enjoyed it alot but want to re level to get use to game again and might revisit SM down the road (It's the most aesthetically pleasing class IMO) and I enjoyed being able to play solo, helping out dps with extra dmg and utilities without dying constantly. I'd like to come back and perhaps even try out destro, couple questions....

Is the T2 (Hope that helps the stale t2-t3 grind when i last played) balanced? Last I played the end game was mostly destro dominated though I didn't have much endgame experience truthfully. Id like to help out the player-base and don't mind playing the weaker side to help boost numbers. It's seemed pretty balanced on the site but I've only logged in the last few days for a couple minutes here and there.

I always assume there is a lack of healers? Few groups i scouted out there where plenty of tanks and always dps. Is there any good hybrid classes for healers? Just minor reading on the classes I'm interested in Runepriest and DoK. But I'm a ****** for elves and dwarves...Are DPS speced healing classes viable or am i just pissing off the real dps/tanks?

2h tank classes, what ones are the best at being somewhat more offensive for numbers, I'm not a fan of the class cannon classes (Melee at least) but enjoy being in the thick of things. Compared to SM how are the others?

Interested to hear whatever responses you wish to enlighten me with, I don't want to waste my time with re rolling this round as life has become very busy! Cheers.

Posts: 93

Re: Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#2 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:43 am

Wana do slayer dps but have tons of survivability, mobility, utility (KD, execute, pull, etc), AE/or 1v1? WL

Heals and tanks are always needed.

DPS heals is okay, good in certain comps in small scale pvp, with warpreist/dok shield being above average but not amazeballs in city heals.

I am not sure how SC's handle spec in comps , but if you go dps heals it can screw your group, and you will never ever come close to a real dps, evnen if you combine heals+dps.

SM are good, always have spots in cities along with KotBS. In SC you can roll DPS if you want, but keep in mind a tank who doesn't use guard is pretty much just a mediocre dps, so even if you go 2h, use taunts/gaurd, etc.

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Posts: 95

Re: Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#3 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:24 am

Alfadir wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:09 am Is the T2 (Hope that helps the stale t2-t3 grind when i last played) balanced? Last I played the end game was mostly destro dominated though I didn't have much endgame experience truthfully.

I always assume there is a lack of healers? Few groups i scouted out there where plenty of tanks and always dps. Is there any good hybrid classes for healers? Just minor reading on the classes I'm interested in Runepriest and DoK. But I'm a ****** for elves and dwarves...Are DPS speced healing classes viable or am i just pissing off the real dps/tanks?

2h tank classes, what ones are the best at being somewhat more offensive for numbers, I'm not a fan of the class cannon classes (Melee at least) but enjoy being in the thick of things. Compared to SM how are the others?

Interested to hear whatever responses you wish to enlighten me with, I don't want to waste my time with re rolling this round as life has become very busy! Cheers.
T2 and T3 are both merged into T4 now, so generally it can be very balanced at peaks. However from experience it would seem early EU hours is where Order mostly start to dominate, and basically steamroll the lower numbers to get a city. However I've seen Destro do the same, so I think it's just dependent on who is nearest city to make one real hard push.

Healers are always needed. Always. Order generally have a nice little group because their healers are quite strong, but Destro is incredibly healer starved. Pug warbands with literally 2 or 3 healers are almost a norm, so that would be appreciated, though there's always room for more AM to kill :D

DPS healers are mostly alright with a proper group. Hit or miss. Iirc Destro healers other than shield-spec DoK and Shaman are questionable at best for DPS. Others are relatively strong from memory, and if you want to try something interesting I've heard the skill ceiling on AM is f*cking massive.

2h tanks, mostly BG/IB are used afaik. Other classes can be incredibly strong (just look up Gurdd on youtube) but are incredibly gear dependent. Sadly with current state you need to push warlord/bloodlord to be widely accepted. Always able to ready one, just be ready for some flack from the elitists :lol:

Posts: 321

Re: Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#4 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:06 am

Idk, it depends on what kind of player you are. I would advise that you play the class you most enjoy. This might seem obvious but a lot of people do not invest the time to find that out. You will spend a lot of time with it so take your time to choose and try things out at least until you are ~LvL20. Then of course there is the flavor of the month classes/specs and the meta. This is always in the flow, next patch your class can be completely busted or complete trash you never know. As we talk about busted things, if on order White Lion is a good choice, Grenade Engineer also if you enjoy ranged. On destro, Melee Squig Herder, or since you mentioned 2h Tanks, a Chosen or a BO does ridiculous damage for the survivability both still have. Healers of course WP very strong on order and on destro DoK and i personally find the Shaman incredible fun. There may be more but that are the ones I have somewhat experience with.
Live: Carroburg -> Santorro (WH), The first Guard (TfG)

Posts: 1

Re: Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#5 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:46 am

Just stumbled on this thread.

I played back in the day, used to be a Greenskin Shaman.

I'm looking to get back in now, and i quite enjoy healers in both PvE and PvP, what's the state of the healers atm across the board? If it's gonna mean more groups Chaos side I'm happy to get a healer going there, but wondering how Shaman is in general, or whether i should mix it up with a different type.

Posts: 92

Re: Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#6 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:23 am

Zealot for single target, DoK for group, shaman for utility is generally what they boil down to or what people say, but any healer will likely find a spot somewhere.

Posts: 60

Re: Help choosing class, returning player.

Post#7 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:59 am

Shaman is awesome t1 very fun, you can heal dps run around and kite, it's a good time. T2, T3 still fun but you will want to pick either dps or heals and start focus renown points and your tactics and things to min max. You want to be good at one or the other to be useful . Hybrid will excel at nothing. T4 you will get smashed by people in sov gear, you need to play in groups and have good positioning. Once you reach around rr70 and have good gear, it starts getting fun again. DoK sucks until around lvl 30 ish and then becomes a beast. Pretty much stays that way. Zealot has good burst and best single target heals and is strong from t1- t4

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