RoR Podcast Epi 19 Special Guest

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RoR Podcast Epi 19 Special Guest

Post#1 » Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:14 pm

Heads up gang the next podcast epi 19 I will be having some special guests on the show from the staff. That being said prior to them being on the show as they have agreed to field some questions. Please dm your question's threw the ror discord to me so I can relay them ahead of the podcasts any questions asked the day of the podcasts will be left up to the staff to decide if they want to answer them or not same as anyone else. I will also open the floor to general discussion again as always be respectful people as I will eject anyone who decides to be rude. I look forward to seeing everyone on the podcast an to having some solid discussions.

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Re: RoR Podcast Epi 19 Special Guest

Post#2 » Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:22 pm

That’s great news Toth
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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Re: RoR Podcast Epi 19 Special Guest

Post#3 » Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:40 pm

Ok gang you have till the 18th to submit your questions for the podcast that way it gives time for the staff to process things an make there call on there end an get back to me. So any questions submitted after the 18th I can not make any promiss they will get address your free to ask it at the podcast an again there is no promiss it will get answer but since it is also an open discussion of sorts your more then welcome again do not be rude to each other or the staff.

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Re: RoR Podcast Epi 19 Special Guest

Post#4 » Sat Sep 23, 2023 2:12 pm

ATTENTION DO NOT FORGET TODAY IS THE ROR PODCAST EPI 19 AT NOON EASTERN TIME 6PM SERVER TIME. I will be having some of the staff on the show to do a Q&A as well as general discussion with the community so do not miss out over on my see you there gang.

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Re: RoR Podcast Epi 19 Special Guest

Post#5 » Sat Sep 23, 2023 9:30 pm

The Tothmonra Podcast was held earlier today and thus a few comments concerning it.

For those who did not attend live I suggest watching the video once Toth post it on his Youtube page. Max was good enough to come on and address various issues raised and submitted by members of the community. It was a good exchange, certainly worth the investment of player time. Techno also participated and added his own flair to the exchange. Communication is good for the overall health of the server at large, and that is what Toth always attempts to provide.

Toth does what he does for the good of the server. I try to help him as best I can. Open communication is beneficial to the player base at large and should be supported when such moments arise to promote it.
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