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Reroll destro

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Re: Reroll destro

Post#41 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:59 pm

vastou wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:35 pm In destro mentality is very chill, attacking like good chaos & waaaagh! playstyle, we dont expect much except having fun.
Your general chat would like a word with you.

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Re: Reroll destro

Post#42 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:12 pm

boomcat wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:31 pm
agemennon675 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:26 pm
boomcat wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:23 am

you know there are "meta" classes on both sides? because i find it pretty trollish to say, oh just switch sides to destro then you win 95% of the time. while all destro crying on forums about loosing.. ye :P cant be taken serious mate. both sides cry.. destro just have better "meta" for city, while order has it for keeps/forts.. so as i told him play what you find fun.. the grass is not greener on either sides.
Destro non-meta compositions perform better than order non-meta comps, you can bring anything to a warband/party, almost any class has great aoe spec boosted by 2 cooldown reducers while order players hardly ever get a SM even in organised city warbands while I get CD reducers randomly all the time because choppa BO's are everwhere, even 2h tanks offer better aoe pressure and aoe is king in City/Fort/RvR/even in scs because some of them 18v18 fights. Now, while these alone does not guarantee a win against an organised group its easier to set up and use/play. Its just my experience playing the game, not trying to call for nerfs/buffs anything. I just said OP did the right choice.
so who are you saying performing best in deffence on keeps/forts `? aye no lies. its order. what content do we see most ? aye keeps/forts.. so that means more rewards. destro wins most citys. yes. but many destro players dont even get into city.. where order can just solo queue and get in. it may be a lose, but its still some rewards. so.. there is meta on both sides. when i was in thundercats, we won our citys. when i was in TUP we son our citys. so potatoe potatoe `
I played alot of forts/keeps as destro, only reason most of them fail is 5 pug warbands formed by pressing ''L'' with 0 healers in them. those ''L'' warbands are present on both sides both sides have that ungornised warband issues in RvR. This issue is there because dps archetypes are always played more than tanks and healers like in every other mmorpg. Its normal. Cleverly put down destro warbands with 4 Black Guards using Khaines Warding can take any keep/fort with 0 problems. Leaders and numbers win in RvR it has nothing to do with balance and, ofc defenders with less numbers will have an advantage in gateway chokepoints
Destruction: 40-BG / 40-DoK / 40-Chosen / 37-Mara / 37/Sorc / 36-SH / 36-Choppa / 24-Shaman / 16-WE
Order: 40-SW / 40-SM / 40-WP / 40-WL / 39-Kotbs / 38-BW / 33-AM / 22-WH / 16-RP / 12-Slayer

Posts: 200

Re: Reroll destro

Post#43 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:05 pm

vastou wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:35 pm order really think that destro has better winrate on city due to classes balances :D ? such a joke ...

I dont think that way, I really think that the problem comes from playstyle (the one enjoying attack, the one enjoying defending /waiting on walls allday lol) leaderships and mentality of faction.
In destro mentality is very chill, attacking like good chaos & waaaagh! playstyle, we dont expect much except having fun.
Maybe mentality push people to change faction
LMAO easier to push when you have a constant population advantage. 57% right now for t4 alone.

This goes back to what I said earlier, destro is ez mode, people are attracted to the path of least resistance, ofc it is fun and chill. You guys are on the ez side mode with better classes LOL. Order literally has to almost exclude 3 classes from warbands for competative play, that coupled with a lower population... gets us this.

And it will never change. Disingenuous destro not being honest about the advantage they hold (I'm guilty of abusing it myself, ez gear and lvls). The devs are too afraid to hold responsibility for balancing for some reason, and apparently it is the players fault for the constant imbalance on the server, but in contradiction order and destro are insanely even somehow and it is isn't a problem and the constant population advantage just means nothing apparently.

This will never change. Been this way for a year or more and I don't see anything happening to change anything about it.

Sure, it is l2p, destro and order are even. Lets just keep things the way they are.

Posts: 60

Re: Reroll destro

Post#44 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:52 pm

This is not honest, these % were not the case couple of weeks/months ago. And being in lower population means that SC & City & forto are far easier to access, leads to faster stuff/rr.

fix it on killing destro classes its not the answer, its pointless and no end process, and it means that devs are not honest and do wrong job. And I am sure its not the case, they real do their best. You need what ? Another rampage on BW and WL ? This will really invite more player to play on a faction ?

The real question here is ... why order decreased in number?
Is your vision of balance the real answer here ?

mentality from player's side could be answer, idk man

A solution should be to give more rewards for faction that are in big disadvantage in number, I think this kind of feature could help people to play on the needed side.

Posts: 260

Re: Reroll destro

Post#45 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:52 am

Wam wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:37 pm
Teek wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:17 pm you dont seem to address the fact that destro wins almost all of the RvR pairings including city sieges which is how you get top end gear. Your solution is to form a wh and pick people off small scale because you KNOW that winning straight forward rvr battles is not a reliable option for order. Not being a snowflake, just stating that I think it will be easier to gear a destro toon.
actually its easier to gear a order character than destro

destro are not guranteed pops at cities due to 55-60 vs45-40% pop aprox around city time... so you might rage about this when it happens to you

on order you can easily afk/leach gear your way up in no time, no effort... and that has been part of the problem of the community and order realm for a long time, they blame x y z instead of get organised... its always the excuse, ofc dev's could of helped in some area's but classes are already there to be competitive and win if played correctly and part of a team. So cannot blame dev,s when the tools are already there just not being utilized fully. Order mindset is to embrace the leach and the heavy rdps stack, which works well in forts and orvr defense... but in city not as much... then order QQ and complain about imbalance and unfairness of it all, without having any understanding or even worse if they have understanding but are just being ignorant about it and trying to force changes through tears to literally break the game and cause more issues with ripple effect. The whiny mentality is part of the problem... the order premades (besides a very tiny amount) que dodge destro premades and try make order puggies take the bullet instead of them because city is all about gearing not about fights and competition... its about gearing alts, why bring your best main's if they already geared and do not gain anything from it.

getting invader on destro side is a chour, because forts are usually full and over qued... most destro forts will usually fail so you get 2 invaders... on the other hand order usually win forts and especially defensively so alot more invaders and bags which reduce the invader grind a considerable amount which means you can start farming sov sooner... and you dont even have to care about being that organised you just join city and semi afk half hearted attempt it and collect easy medals, yeah its tedious but so is making a group and getting no pop.

So grass is not always greener as so many like to think, also if you have AAO on underdog you will get better rewards... and another fact NA order is usually the one zerging, so they can pretty much take uncontested forts and get city... so easier to gear up at this time on order too...

Things are fairly balanced in higher tiers of organised play between realms, thats why it comes down to the pve aspect more often than not
This is all a big Load of ....
You can leach zones on either side just as easy for gear. Invader can be a bit harder but Royals are far easier. Yeah you might not get in every time. But when you get 3+ times as many royals for most cities, you can afford to miss a few. As for order only playing alts and Destro playing full sov toons. BS, a few on both sides will be, but the balance is about the same on both sides for that.
You are complaining about playing the high pop side. its higher pop for a reason as you said in another post, Players will play the system and go the easy route.
Over all balance. When I see Rolgrom or other top order WBs go in with their meta builds and best players Go against Destros top alliance meta WB with its players, its not a contest. Destro talks about how easy they are to beat with a good WB. I see Rolgrom winning when people arent on on Destro and they have to do things like tonight and bring 4 BG because thats what they could find to fill.
I love my Destro Guildies, But they are not all just inherently better players. I would call it about even. They are not better organized. SMASH is VERY organized.
Yeah a lot of Order are dodging now. You cant even fill a WB of competent players on most of order any more. So many have quit the game or gone to destro due to balance.

Go play your SH and tell us how Destro isnt easy mode.
Order does have an issue with losing some of its top players to destro that get tired of losing due to balance. Who wants to play a RP once youve played a Zelot, etc.

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Re: Reroll destro

Post#46 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:53 am

Go play your SH and tell us how Destro isnt easy mode.
Order does have an issue with losing some of its top players to destro that get tired of losing due to balance. Who wants to play a RP once youve played a Zelot, etc.
same thing we cn reply when order had WL pre nerf with 100 feet pounce and the roles were inverted. Population ebb and flow. get used to it.

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Re: Reroll destro

Post#47 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:07 am

Mordd wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:52 am
Wam wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:37 pm
Teek wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:17 pm you dont seem to address the fact that destro wins almost all of the RvR pairings including city sieges which is how you get top end gear. Your solution is to form a wh and pick people off small scale because you KNOW that winning straight forward rvr battles is not a reliable option for order. Not being a snowflake, just stating that I think it will be easier to gear a destro toon.
actually its easier to gear a order character than destro

destro are not guranteed pops at cities due to 55-60 vs45-40% pop aprox around city time... so you might rage about this when it happens to you

on order you can easily afk/leach gear your way up in no time, no effort... and that has been part of the problem of the community and order realm for a long time, they blame x y z instead of get organised... its always the excuse, ofc dev's could of helped in some area's but classes are already there to be competitive and win if played correctly and part of a team. So cannot blame dev,s when the tools are already there just not being utilized fully. Order mindset is to embrace the leach and the heavy rdps stack, which works well in forts and orvr defense... but in city not as much... then order QQ and complain about imbalance and unfairness of it all, without having any understanding or even worse if they have understanding but are just being ignorant about it and trying to force changes through tears to literally break the game and cause more issues with ripple effect. The whiny mentality is part of the problem... the order premades (besides a very tiny amount) que dodge destro premades and try make order puggies take the bullet instead of them because city is all about gearing not about fights and competition... its about gearing alts, why bring your best main's if they already geared and do not gain anything from it.

getting invader on destro side is a chour, because forts are usually full and over qued... most destro forts will usually fail so you get 2 invaders... on the other hand order usually win forts and especially defensively so alot more invaders and bags which reduce the invader grind a considerable amount which means you can start farming sov sooner... and you dont even have to care about being that organised you just join city and semi afk half hearted attempt it and collect easy medals, yeah its tedious but so is making a group and getting no pop.

So grass is not always greener as so many like to think, also if you have AAO on underdog you will get better rewards... and another fact NA order is usually the one zerging, so they can pretty much take uncontested forts and get city... so easier to gear up at this time on order too...

Things are fairly balanced in higher tiers of organised play between realms, thats why it comes down to the pve aspect more often than not
This is all a big Load of ....
You can leach zones on either side just as easy for gear. Invader can be a bit harder but Royals are far easier. Yeah you might not get in every time. But when you get 3+ times as many royals for most cities, you can afford to miss a few. As for order only playing alts and Destro playing full sov toons. BS, a few on both sides will be, but the balance is about the same on both sides for that.
You are complaining about playing the high pop side. its higher pop for a reason as you said in another post, Players will play the system and go the easy route.
Over all balance. When I see Rolgrom or other top order WBs go in with their meta builds and best players Go against Destros top alliance meta WB with its players, its not a contest. Destro talks about how easy they are to beat with a good WB. I see Rolgrom winning when people arent on on Destro and they have to do things like tonight and bring 4 BG because thats what they could find to fill.
I love my Destro Guildies, But they are not all just inherently better players. I would call it about even. They are not better organized. SMASH is VERY organized.
Yeah a lot of Order are dodging now. You cant even fill a WB of competent players on most of order any more. So many have quit the game or gone to destro due to balance.

Go play your SH and tell us how Destro isnt easy mode.
Order does have an issue with losing some of its top players to destro that get tired of losing due to balance. Who wants to play a RP once youve played a Zelot, etc.
i lost players more to lack of competiton than anything mate and burnout of years of dominance and playing both sides requries some effort that alot of people will not understand the dynamics of running a large guild and the balance of not over bloating it whilst trying to maintain a certain standard

I use to play RSH pre change, Its been MSH since change... I know pro RSH's preffered more range over more burst, because of WL's...

RP and zealot are pretty similar, one is better defensively (rp anti KD/Stag) other is better offensively if you niche yourself into morale pump and wind block...

if you are saying smash is better than lob/nge then you don't know what top is but you are entitled to your opinion... LOB/NGE are capable of beating FMJ and our alliance, like we are capable of beating them depends who has most core players and should come down to fine margin/pve...

Every group has some good players, but sometimes too many weak links vs real competition and also depends on composition alot
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: Reroll destro

Post#48 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:24 pm

vastou wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:52 pm And being in lower population means that SC & City & forto are far easier to access, leads to faster stuff/rr.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Sure... half of city instances are filled with Order pugs (2 tank 4 heals 18dps by example) they can be so happy to have a pop and farm medalls & Renown...

It's like i'd say i gonna beat Ali by hitting my Skull against his fists :lol:
wargrimnir wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:50 pm Accidental solo-friendly content doesn't stay that way for very long.

Posts: 60

Re: Reroll destro

Post#49 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:29 pm

Maybe having "'stronger and larger" skin on tanks would make them more attractive, but it would need a dev paid team sadly :s

I never understood why knight are so thin when they should be badass heavy armor. IB is fine to me

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Re: Reroll destro

Post#50 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:41 pm

vastou wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:29 pm Maybe having "'stronger and larger" skin on tanks would make them more attractive, but it would need a dev paid team sadly :s

I never understood why knight are so thin when they should be badass heavy armor. IB is fine to me

Try moving around in that massive armour without a horse to fight a top from ;)

"Stronger and larger" skins... Maybe. Then again it is my experience (years of maining IB and playing other tanks backing up this claim) that the bigger the shield, the better the psychological effect it has on the enemy. You don't need big ass character models, just a shield that's roughly 2/3rd of your size and a tank will look massive to the enemy. Main reason all my customisation with tanks starts with a good, big and shiny shield. To say that you need alt apps visible to all is obvious, I can feel the change in how my IB is perceived and fought against with "standard", smaller shield.
RoR: Burszui SH, Ropopuch SHM<|[]|>Ginnar IB, Vidarr HMR, Runatyr RP ++ REV guild ++
Live: Karak Izor -> Karak Norn - Yarpaen IB, Ginnarr SL, Volundr ENG +Ithilmar's Chosen+
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