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Mourkain Temple Syndrome

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Re: Mourkain Temple Syndrome

Post#11 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:41 pm

I thought circumventing the PUG scenario rules (coordinating queues, all in same discord, etc.) was blatantly against the rules of the PUG scenario, no?
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Re: Mourkain Temple Syndrome

Post#12 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:15 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:05 pm
Akalukz wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 2:54 pm
Valarion wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 2:40 pm
The boxing idea is an interesting one, but right now I'd rather have them concentrating on endgame, class balance and not **** up LoTD like Mythic did.

For those new to scs, just remember, there is a pug sc.
This sc rotates weekly, and to find which sc it is, type /pug You shouldnt be rofl stomped in the pug sc and if you are, its probably a good time to head to another part of the game or take a break.
Partially true, been on Temple for weeks and weeks. Also, there are people that queue the PUG but are in discord etc. The chances of getting into the same pug scenario arae pretty large, so easy to game the game. pretty easy to spot as well.
PUG scen usually rotates monthly based on a poll. It's a manual process. If we wanted completely random PUG scen that would have been coded in ages ago. There really isn't good options for in-game polling. The surveys aren't the best format for them, and that's all we really have.
Yeah I am not complaining too much. Temple is a pretty good pug scenario as is Norden/Ekrund. Plus i don't vote so can't complain lol
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Re: Mourkain Temple Syndrome

Post#13 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:41 pm

This is what I refer to as "trickling".

When your team is staggered and is trickling in a few at a time from respanwing. Usually this happens with new (and/or bad) players who don't understand that they need to group up and group together and this isn't a solo game.

You'll see this sometimes with pugs, it's just the way it is. Happens in almost any MMO with PvP scenarios btw, and is just part of the learning curve of learning how to play a team based game.

The best thing to do is talk to the people in your scenario using the chat feature, and literally tell them what's up. "Hey guys, when you respawn do not run in, wait at the spawn for everyone so we can go together". Usually you'll at least convince a couple people to have some patience and not suicide into the enemy team like a fly in a bugzapper, and sometimes people are just unreachable/don't speak your language/don't care. I've found that being nice and communicative gets me good results when pugging 90% or so of the time, and you can usually teach/explain to people how to play properly.

Unfortunately, I see far too little of this in the community. People would rather, whine, surrender, pass blame, than to help and/or teach others. Sometimes the best option is for your personally to take initiative and be the change you want to see.

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Re: Mourkain Temple Syndrome

Post#14 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:12 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:05 pmThere really isn't good options for in-game polling. The surveys aren't the best format for them, and that's all we really have.
Could you get Sulle to do a built-in addon for polls that submits the results through custom .commands? I'm not pretending it's not a lot of work, but something that seems do-able at least.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Mourkain Temple Syndrome

Post#15 » Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:50 am

Valarion wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 2:40 pm For those new to scs, just remember, there is a pug sc. This sc rotates weekly, and to find which sc it is, type /pug
Since when?

Mourkain has been the pug sc for I dunno how long.

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Re: Mourkain Temple Syndrome

Post#16 » Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:18 am

You suggested solution is interesting, but harder to code/implement I gues.

I think easy solution for spawncamping in scenarios like Mourkain Temple and others, will be increase warcamp guards range significaly. Sometimes it feel like You have to hug border of warcamp to make guards to do something.

Especialy in Mourkain Temple I would make objective holdable just on the ramp and not below it when somone hide in the tree down below(usualy tank) and hold it for entire scenario while get healls nearly from spawn point.
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