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[WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#11 » Mon Nov 04, 2024 5:22 pm

gersy wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 3:32 pm
3rdworldofficer wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 3:54 am Nice guide! Seems pretty helpful, but I do have a question, as I did not see it covered in the guide (but if it is and I missed it, apologies). Do you have any tips for a parry/crit build, using Confession and Judgement trees, with a few points into Inquisition?

Hi, thanks for reading. I'm not sure what kind of build you have in mind that would utilize all 3 trees at once - such a thing would be kind of hard to do due to mastery point/tactic constraints. If you are looking for a build that has a lot of focus on parry and crits I would recommend the Dragon Gun Absolution Spam build listed in my guide. Renown Points = 4Crit, 4Parry, 2FS or 3Crit, 4Parry, 3FS.

With this build you have access to a lot of parry via Repel Blasphemy/Renown Points/Confusing Movements M1 (12 seconds of 100% parry between Repel and M1, with M1 being reached very fast due to Dragon Gun's morale pump) and a focus on critical strikes via Atonement and Fanatical Cleansing tactics. In BiS gear with this build you're having around 55-65+% crit chance on Absolution and 32-40% base depending on your gear mix. In the 5sov/4tri typical BiS mix I have 41% passive parry chance and 36% crit chance unbuffed, fully buffed in typical 6man SC party with an IB and kotbs debuffing a target you'd reach 61%+ passive parry and 59-61% crit chance/83-86% on Absolution.
I am mostly experimenting with build options, but looking over your suggestion, it looks so much better than my idea. My build mostly relies on using Confess! with the Full Confession tactic (hence the few points in Inquisition), but otherwise is not that much different from most other generalist WH builds. I'll definitely try out your build, as Confess! is such a niche ability (though interesting concept).
Rosarius, the Undaunted - WH

Posts: 70

Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#12 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 12:09 am

Hey @Gersy.

Just wondering mate, do you have any attribute threshold information available?
I'm still in the gearing process. (Full Sent + Gen 2pc 'aspect & remnant + Sent Ring + Rough Gunbad Ruby + Subj Sword and Pistol).

My strength without Brute Force is around 770, which seems really low I've had my strength previously a lot higher. I believemmy WS is sitting around the 340 mark atm too.

I'm noticing that in many situations, up to 70-80% of my damage is being mitigated (reading combat log.) As a result, I'm unsure whether to pad my damage by returning to Brute Force (my DG+Abso Spam build doesn't really have room for it) or if I start looking to forgo a bit of strength and socket WS talis.

Any advice?

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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#13 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 1:46 am

SJHarrison4115 wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 12:09 am Hey @Gersy.

Just wondering mate, do you have any attribute threshold information available?
I'm still in the gearing process. (Full Sent + Gen 2pc 'aspect & remnant + Sent Ring + Rough Gunbad Ruby + Subj Sword and Pistol).

My strength without Brute Force is around 770, which seems really low I've had my strength previously a lot higher. I believemmy WS is sitting around the 340 mark atm too.

I'm noticing that in many situations, up to 70-80% of my damage is being mitigated (reading combat log.) As a result, I'm unsure whether to pad my damage by returning to Brute Force (my DG+Abso Spam build doesn't really have room for it) or if I start looking to forgo a bit of strength and socket WS talis.

Any advice?
Hi, thanks for your question.

There are no specific attribute thresholds for WH. Hitting a magic number on a specific stat isn't really going to skyrocket you vs any other number. There's no magic number breakpoints that give you a perceivable increase.

WH is fairly gear reliant but your stats are fine for your gear level, the more noticeable damage spikes are around the time you get BL longsword/fortress gun and 4pc triumphant (66rr). Beyond that, adding LotD assassin jewel and cloak combo or beastlord cloak/jewel/pocket would give you some extra damage at that gear level. Valewalker has some strong pieces for early game (and lategame as well) namely the gloves and jewel, so that could give you another power spike.

When you're with a full set of gear like Sent and not mixing and matching multiple sets together you tend to lose a lot of stats, so you should look to start gathering bloodlord or valewalker gear to mix with your sent. A good mix with 0 crest requirement that is just as strong as vanquisher would be: 3sent (helm, boots, jewel) 5 vw (shoulders, chest, gloves, belt, jewel) and 3 beastlord (cloak, jewel, pocket). You'll get a lot of Strength, Wounds, Weapon Skill and Crit from that setup and it is the best until you transition to 3-4pc triumphant.

Presumably you have slotted Flowing Accusations, Atonement, Fanatical Cleansing and Blessed Blade so you're right that you don't have an easy slot to swap out necessarily (Atonement would be the thing to swap out here if you did). I would strong recommend against dropping strength talis and adding WS talis.

Mitigation can be attributed to many factors, but most likely hitting targets with high armor or toughness. You'll see large portions of your damage being negated against tanks and BiS healers in early gear levels. Blessed Blade and Torment help to alleviate some of the physical mitigation from armor.

Hope this helps.
Gersy, Witch Hunter General
WH Guide

Posts: 70

Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#14 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:12 am

Hey @Gersy, cheers for that.

Yeah, PVE grind on the OCE timeslot is a bit rough but I'll see what can be done.

It's been literally like 6 years since I last did Beastlord, are these soloable at all, or shall I try and round up some folks?


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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#15 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:23 am

SJHarrison4115 wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:12 am Hey @Gersy, cheers for that.

Yeah, PVE grind on the OCE timeslot is a bit rough but I'll see what can be done.

It's been literally like 6 years since I last did Beastlord, are these soloable at all, or shall I try and round up some folks?

Not soloable to my knowledge as a WH, 4-6 should be able to take them down. Some are easier than others. ... stlord_Set
Gersy, Witch Hunter General
WH Guide

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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#16 » Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:01 pm

Hey, do you happen to have tips regarding a build for PvE? Or just run the same stuff you would in RvR? Thanks!
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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#17 » Sat Nov 23, 2024 6:44 pm

Toggle wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:01 pm Hey, do you happen to have tips regarding a build for PvE? Or just run the same stuff you would in RvR? Thanks!
Hi, thanks for your question. WH actually has really high ST damage potential in pve, so if your group already has the aoe covered by WL or SL or you are doing a lot of trash skips then you can take a BAL build and do well against bosses.

If your group needs aoe for some reason, you can also take a DG build and do reasonable cleave/aoe to trash mobs. Swap Sweeping Razor to Inquisitor's Fury on bosses if you can with this build.

If it's about soloing open world pve like PQs or Butchering for crafting materials, I take the DG build and add Sanctified Bullets/Repel Blasphemy as a swap in for large pulls like when farming wyvern and bats where you can pull 4-6 at a time. Between Repel Blasphemy, Confusing Movements and Sanctified Bullets you are pretty much immortal against standard pve enemies in the open world.

Renown point is similar to pvp, make sure you take enough FS to put you in to the negative chance to be crit (extra important against pve enemies, as they crit very hard sometimes and capping anticrit makes them unable to crit you) and then mcrit/parry/strength as situation requires (parry for solo pve, str for dungeon).

Some mastery points intentionally left unspent as I do not know what RR you are so I just filled out the bare minimum.
Gersy, Witch Hunter General
WH Guide

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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#18 » Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:33 pm

Having 5 pieces of Onslaught (helm, shoulders, chest, gloves, boots) does it make sense to use it mixed with sov at rr80? I was wondering if it's worth it or stick with the classic sov + ranked set

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Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#19 » Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:20 pm

Loans wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:33 pm Having 5 pieces of Onslaught (helm, shoulders, chest, gloves, boots) does it make sense to use it mixed with sov at rr80? I was wondering if it's worth it or stick with the classic sov + ranked set
Yes, you can do that mix. I do not advertise it in my guide currently because the majority of my guide was written at a time when ch22 was not available. It will be added at some point in the future.

The mix you have listed is one of the correct mixes as well - onslaught helm, shoulder, chest, gloves and boots + sov cloak, belt and jewel. You can also opt to use sov helm and onslaught cloak instead, gaining double armor penetration bonus from sov helm and onslaught gloves while losing 2% crit chance from sov cloak. The other mix I would recommend, and is likely better, would be 4/4 - onslaught cloak, gloves, belt and boots + sov helm, shoulder, chest and jewel. With this you are losing a bit of flat crit, but during the proc you are double dipping crit strike damage bonuses which is likely more effective. It also takes better sov pieces with greater stats such as the helm and shoulder which are far superior to onslaught helm and shoulder.

Personally I do not run these setup as I believe it to be inferior to 5sov/4tri, 5sov/3tri/2vw or other endgame mixes. You are losing a lot of base stats for taking this setup.

Comparing 5/4 ons/sov versus 5sov/4tri you lose: 3% base crit chance, 15% base crit strike damage, 18 melee power, 10% AA speed, 2% anti crit and roughly ~20-40 each of str, wounds, ws and the tri 4pc proc of course. In exchange you get: a proc that grants 6% more crit chance only when active, 3% less crit strike damage and adds 2% red arpen, 2% parry, 2% dodge and 2% rctbp. Mathematically it's pretty much going to be a damage and survivability loss in nearly all situations.

For me that is not a worthy tradeoff. It's a pretty okay early game set though if you're still below ~68 RR and cannot yet equip triumphant pieces.
Last edited by gersy on Mon Dec 16, 2024 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gersy, Witch Hunter General
WH Guide

Posts: 8

Re: [WH] Witch Hunter General's Compendium (WH Guide)

Post#20 » Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:57 pm

Thank you so much for this! Having a hard time finding up to date info on classes since a lot has changed as it seems, which brings me to my question:
I come from WoW and am looking for a solo/roaming class for my alt that is able to 1vX.
Now I was under the impression that WH is exactly that, squishy burst damage that can go 1vX in open rvr. It seems this is no longer the case, with people recommending me IB as tank for best 1vX which shows me it’s better to ask since tanks didn’t came to mind for that. Can you give any input please? As long as it seems to take to get the BiS gear I wouldn’t want to re roll half way :)
Appreciate any info I can get regarding the solo roaming side, thanks again!

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