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[Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#61 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:38 pm

I like the idea of removing the ap drain. 30 second cd and duration.
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
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Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#62 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:39 pm

I would prefer a reduced aoe damage or avoidance while stealthed.
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Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#63 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 11:32 am

bossabe wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:39 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:00 am
bossabe wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:46 am

stealth ?.. You guys gave WH a real stealth , now ?
you know what :)...But since you are asking... Can we stealth now without losing action point by the seconds ?
How was stealth on live and why was it changed? Had to be a good reason.
Image Ruedigga

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Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#64 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:01 pm

Wasn't stealth AP drain even worse on live? I remember reaching my targets completely empty.

EDIT: only played shortly after launch and for about a month so it may have been changed later on.
Last edited by Rekoom on Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#65 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:01 pm

IIRC stealth lasted while you had action points, if they go out, you lose stealth, it was incredibly annoying and buggy imo

Posts: 102

Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#66 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 2:13 pm

stealth lost a lot of his value because of how much init was added in gear. It's common to have 350+ init..

Solo or group, the gear evolve in a bad way for us, people become tougher after every release of new gear while offensive stat stay the same. Back when only anni or even conq was the endgear, WE-WH was as their highest prime, giving a cold sweat when we were around because unless tank, everyone would be killed in a short time if they mess up (breaking los, chasing solo, out of guard..) . No matter if it was light or medium armor, even off tank would get killed if they was too greedy. Damage was insanely high but if caught killed in few second, positionning was the key aswell as pick the right target.

Back now, killing people in short time? It's still possible because those people don't have any gear or talis slot, don't know how to play (no detaunt, give their back, no invest in futile strike).

that's the true state of WE-WH actually, it can be said for almost every class dps, wl is scary ? sure but ask them if they can even scratch a dok sov who know his stuff. They will have even trouble to kill supposed squishy class, since primary stat are easily capped, which allow us to invest armor talis/rr defensive make. It's simply because most of the base player don't really care about that you still see whine, easier to say this class is OP but in first place player tend to not look if they did mistake before.

Game move in a boring way, more and more people run defensive spec because abilities doesn't scale much with offensive stat.

I remind when the team talked about how they wanted to not take the same path as mythic with sov-rr90-rr100 gear.. but atleast if you picked the path of glasscannon there was a real gain to do that.

Now take a look about how the game changed when there was anni or even conq/domi and now. Back then dps had 1050 off stat (off talis in every slot), 6k5 wound 2k-3k armor 27%-29%(depend if mixed or full conq-genesis) and generally if u wanted to be at 0% to be crit invest 30rr in futile strike+few talis init. Now 1050 off stat(require 2-3 talis), 8k5 wound, 3k-4k armor 42% crit, close to 0% without invest anything and in top of that u got 4-5 free talis into armor-wound..

Kiss and bullet init debuff become insufficient, gain like 1% crit..

People think their class is obsolete but it mostly because of the gear evolve, damage don't increase but all defensive stat yes and not a by little margin. Yes we have more crit than before 29% compared to 42% (u can have more, it's just a base) but 29% versus 0% to be crit up to +20% to be crit (init debuff was also a thing) and 42% versus -15% to be crit up to 0% to be crit (init debuff become obsolete) lead the game to moral meta when it come to group/warband play and long and boring fight when solo.
bachata, excommunicate abuser

Posts: 41

Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#67 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:16 am

As a newbie all around what I learned: T1 is absolutely incredible fun and I dominate SCs in DBs and obj points and come close to top damage every match, don't try to solo fight a mDoK or shammy ever, and T2 and beyond sucks.

I might just keep re-rolling a T1 WH. CR10-16 is the best fun I've had.

Posts: 27

Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#68 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:56 am

Lyability wrote: Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:16 am As a newbie all around what I learned: T1 is absolutely incredible fun and I dominate SCs in DBs and obj points and come close to top damage every match, don't try to solo fight a mDoK or shammy ever, and T2 and beyond sucks.

I might just keep re-rolling a T1 WH. CR10-16 is the best fun I've had.
I remember doing pretty well in T2. You probably just need more levels. T4 is a struggle until you get Sov though.

Posts: 51

Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#69 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:11 pm

I think Devs said that WH/WE are not rogue/stealth classes , lol , so i am to this day still asking myself what are they ?.. The classes need to be rethink from the core , because this game consist of 100 vs 100... So if my stealth is on a timer , how the F am i suppose to do anything , plus , there is no escape once your stealth is blown , you know other game allow a second chance /stealth (in combat) so you can run away and reposition , anyway , i am sorry , but i spent whole day speaking 3 languages and i am tired , lol

Posts: 37

Re: [Witch Hunter] clarification on the state of WH

Post#70 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:33 pm

As a player who quit years ago because this shard sounds cool but is incredibly unbalanced. I recently came back to see that not only has nothing changed it's arguably worse.

As gear has progressed WH damage (and WE to be fair) have been left behind because literally everyone is tankier but damage is still the same.

Healers can literally out heal in 2 clicks our entire burst damage which is insane. I'm not saying we should be able to insta kill healers, i'm simply saying, all things being equal they should be killable, but most are not.

Shamans - lol

Squig herder - the primary reason i quit the first time around. They're literally INSANE. They're unbelievable ranged dps, and now make great MDPS too and are survivable! WH may be decent mdps but have zero survivability. How is that a "ranged" class can spec into mdps and have more survivability and more dps than what is intended to be a spikey dps class?

There is literally no reason to play a WH other than just because you feel like it. You have no role in WB rvr, no role in group rvr, no role in sieges, no role in defenses, and quite frankly, are **** soloers. Playing a WH isn't an exercise in skill on this shard, it's an exercise in determination bordering on masochism.

I mildly enjoyed the last few days I've been back. I may even play for a few more days on some other chars. However, I don't see the long term appeal of the shard. Every day it's destro laying siege, order defending and zerging for zone locks and sieges then switching chars to farm. It's repetitive in the extreme.

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