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Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 12

Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Post#1 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:30 pm


Did anyone do some testing on 7 piece bonus Warlord Set ability: Evasive?? When i just look at the wording of the ability ("On Being Hit: 10% chance to detaunt target.") I'm afraid that the ability will target my offensive "target". I would like to use it that way: when i single target attack my offensive target and some other enemies jump me, i have the chance to proc detaunt vs those other enemies and the detaunt will work as long as i dont attack them/aoe/detaunt expires. But does it work this way?!

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Re: Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Post#2 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:12 pm

It works like you want it to :)

Posts: 493

Re: Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Post#3 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:59 pm

Its incredibly strong for solo/duo, small scale and roaming. It compensate for pure stat loss.

Posts: 12

Re: Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Post#4 » Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:21 pm

Some More questions:

1. what is the duration of detaunt?

2. will the duration restart if ability procs again within the duration?

3. does every Tick of enemy dot effect count as a hit (that can trigger detaunt) or just the initial hit?

4. if i Apply a melee dot effect on enemy and than stop attacking and than detaunt triggers (against same enemy): will the nxt dot tick cancel the detaunt effect?

Ty for your answers!

Posts: 12

Re: Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Post#5 » Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:01 pm

ok i did some testing and imo its pretty shitty:

- detaunt only lasts for 5 seconds (!!!)
- (not 100% sure) it seems to be working like a temporary debuff on attacker (debuff is called evasive) and that debuff cannot be applied again while attacker got the debuff (=cannot be overwritten)
--> combined with a proc chance of 10% it is no where close to reliable... feels more like a gimmick that can frustrate an attacker for a (very) short duration of time.

- (not 100% sure) it seems to trigger only on initial hit when attacked with a dot effect; e.g. when keep standing in magus-fog it does not procc etc.; this also means that alot of dot effects are only reduced in dmg for a small part of their duration&overalldamage.

- (not 100% sure) it seems to not trigger at all from guard damage - at least i have never seen it.

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Re: Ability: Evasive (IB Warlord Set)

Post#6 » Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:21 am

ty for testing.
j2low wrote: Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:01 pm - detaunt only lasts for 5 seconds (!!!)
that's 1~2 GCD. compare to sov proc, sov > warlord > off sov. imo.
not bad but not good.

- (not 100% sure) it seems to be working like a temporary debuff on attacker (debuff is called evasive) and that debuff cannot be applied again while attacker got the debuff (=cannot be overwritten)
--> combined with a proc chance of 10% it is no where close to reliable... feels more like a gimmick that can frustrate an attacker for a (very) short duration of time.
most procs don't refresh itself. it follows global rule.

- (not 100% sure) it seems to trigger only on initial hit when attacked with a dot effect; e.g. when keep standing in magus-fog it does not procc etc.; this also means that alot of dot effects are only reduced in dmg for a small part of their duration&overalldamage.
also following global rule. procs triggered by activation of skills.

- (not 100% sure) it seems to not trigger at all from guard damage - at least i have never seen it.
that's... unfortunate.

i think how often you get proc is key.
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