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[WE] Level 40 Build help!

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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[WE] Level 40 Build help!

Post#1 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:19 am

I'm getting back into the game recently after about a year away, and while I'm very aware of the nerfs WE has received, being an ambush role/ganker is what currently is most exciting to me. So even if I face an uphill battle, I'd still like to give this a go! I've put together a class based on some conversations and builds others have talked about, and I'd love some feedback, as well as advice on how I should place my renown points!

Primarily I find myself playing SCs, but knowing that WE isn't apparently very welcomed in organized WBs these days, I find myself running solo and/or roaming on the occasion I hop into RvR.

Aforementioned build: ... 9,523,9433

Thanks again for taking the time to try an educate a noob! :D


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