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{REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#41 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:07 am

Links are broken can we fix them??

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Posts: 364

2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#42 » Sun May 05, 2024 2:26 pm

Not a super pro chosen here
but what I would use for 2hand warband is something like this:_
(40/40) Basically you aoe and use your auras to drain enemy AP andsustain yourself thanks to CR and DT aura

2handed scenario 40/40 (not sure if doable in ranked as I did not play the so far) where you get 1 additional CC
My new Healer's UI pack: viewtopic.php?t=53304
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