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{REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

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{REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#1 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:43 pm

A little while ago, I wrote a guide for getting started on 2 handed chosen and while its still mostly correct and up to date, I figured I would do a rehaul of it, since with the latest update its a bit harder to get your RVR gear (Keep in mind, this can be subject to change), and getting PVE gear is far easier and more worthwhile then it was beforehand, not saying the PVE gear is bad, its quite good infact, but the time it took to obtain it if you were unlucky was far too long, and by the time you got the full set, it was worthless to you. But besides that lets get into the guide

If you are starting from fresh, The best advice I can give is just jump straight into RVR and SCs, getting as much war crests as you can early on helps you alot, At points you will be wasting war crests for gear that you most likely won't end up using just to get the ward, so having as much as you can helps you in the long run. I will say however, purchasing the SC weapons is not worth (can be subject to change), At times it will be tough without a "good weapon" but they cost so much crests then its worth. To start into tier 1, The Carnage set from PQs is very solid, You can run that While stacking strength and wounds (and green vendor 2h spec gear), or you can run the braggart set to get your ward (you are gonna have to buy it anyways for your ward), Your best bet for a very good 2h weapon is the nightflame axe at the end of Elf t1 influence, or using the Green vendor weapon. When you unlock your mastery section, you should be going into the path of dread, and working up to your AP aura, thats the first thing you want to buy. Renown, it depends how you are feeling, If you want to priortize getting your Defense stats done first, then going full parry, 2 in Deft defender and 2 in Futile strikes would be very good, or Getting up to 4 in might, 3 weapon skill and 2 in tough and wounds would be good as well.

Getting into tier 2, your best gear will be the keeper set, which you get with Sacellum, (I can personally run you through the dungeon at any time, just send a tell over to Majorzero), The green offensive specced vendor gear will last you well up into your fresh 40 phase, you can keep buying those to replace pieces from a set you don't have, (IE belt, jewerly n such). Theres not going to be a standout weapon except for the green vendor 2 handed weapons, since all tiers are merged, and getting a solid influence weapon will take way too long. at this point into tier 2 you'll actually get some solid tactics and morale, when going into the path of Dread you want to buy Oppressing blows, Relentless, Daemonclaw, and Rending blade. Oppressing blows and daemonclaw are your 2 tactics from dread that are your best in slot tactics, with those, i personally recommend running Rugged, and eventually as you level, depending on the situations you can run Warped flesh (Good for solo), Hastened Dissmissal (super punt tactic which is good for small-scale/large scale content), Or flawless armor (also good for solo). You still are going to have to buy your t2 set for the ward however, so you can either buy challenger or obliterator.

With tier 3, your best bet is going for the Duelist set, or if you want to chuck a bit of war crests, you can run a solid 2 Piece devastator 3 piece duelist set. (Still keep stacking strength and wounds, even up to your endgame), again keep in mind you still are going have to equip a full set to get your ward.

Tier 4, this is where it gets interesting. I would run 3 piece ruin (don't get the shoulders) and 2 piece mercenary, it is a very solid build. As you get 40, I would buy a gunbad ruby, this is pretty much one of your Best in slot jewerly pieces, If you want to go solo, you also should get your hands on a painlink of the fleshrender, otherwise you'll run your beastlord seal. Speaking of beastlord, its something you want to get as soon as possible, You'll want to be running the pocket item, the K8P regen mushroom, Beastlord cape, and the seal. As you hit 40, you'll need to get into gunbad, as the 5 piece Redeye is actually very good, and you can stack it with 3 piece beastlord. ( i can tank gunbad for you as well, again just send a tell to majorzero), Then you'll need to Get into BB/BE, and get your sentinel set. It can differ what you want to do here, you can still run 3 piece redeye if you want for the armor bonus, or you could run 6 piece sentinel for the parry bonus (Keep running BB/BE till you get the ring, which is 4 runs now, its best in slot, with the talisman i personally put wounds in mine, but you can do whatever you want with it, and i will also tank bb/be for you if you want, again send me a tell in game.) I personally didn't ever run bloodlord, You can do some good stuff with it, but i just never ran it. Dont forget though, you have to buy Anni/merc and conq/dom for your ward, even though you wont be using the sets fully, (you wont be using conq whatsoever as 2h chosen, but you still have to buy and equip it). With BB/BE, you want to go ahead and trade in an influence weapon for Hand of malal, its the best 2 handed weapon, and since fort weapon costs 2000 war crests its not really worth a buy anymore.

After sentinel, this is where it can differ for you depending what you want to do. I personally ran Vanq helm, Beastlord shoulderguards, Beastlord cape, Beastlord chest, Vanq belt, Vanq Boots, And vanq gloves (as well as beastlord pocket item and jewerly), or you could mix Vanq and sentinel, or you can get full bloodlord from bastion stairs as its a very good set fully, but you do lose the beastlord bonus, its all depending what you want to do, After vanq or so you can mix vanq and invader, or keep running full bloodlord, OR you could run full victorious. When you get into endgame gear (Sov) it depends what you want to do, I personally run a 5 piece off-sovereign 3 piece warlord build, which is specced to solo. if solo isn't your thing, then you can run 5 piece off-sovereign and 3 piece victorious, or whatever you really are feeling, i'll have my best in slot gear to get an idea of what you could do, but its up to you still.
Image Image - Chosen This is what i recommend for SOLO 2h chosen, you'll get more damage out of this, As i personally run STR, Resists and Heal over time aura (if you want to squeeze a little more damage, run AP aura over the Heal over time aura) - Chosen What i recommend for small scale/large scale 2 handed chosen, You would run your STR, Tough, and AP aura here. ... ;2;2;0;0;0

I hope this guide was of help, Thank you for taking the time to read :)

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#2 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:46 pm

Fixed the small scale build link

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#3 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 1:43 am

Great read, I learned a lot here. I came back to RoR after awhile and now have to get these wards and missed out on my full ruin set by 1 piece so now I have to build all my wards from the beginning.

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#4 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:47 am

Well done. And no, I am not just saying this because...
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#5 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:53 am

I would honestly recommend strongly avoiding any weaponskill at all, as it does nothing for spirit damage-based attacks. Ravage, Relentless, and Touch of Palsy are your bread and butter damage - weaponskill does nothing for them. the paltry increase in weaponskill would be better spent elsewhere.

i think i have a grand total of like 30-something weaponskill running 3 piece off sov, 3 piece def sov, 2 piece warlord, and either 3 fleshrender rings or genesis jewelry. If I could swap that weaponskill for any other useful tank stat I would in a heartbeat.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#6 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:54 am

Is there any point in using stuff like seeping wounds, tooth of tzeentch, withering blow, blast wave?

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#7 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:21 am

Hi thanks for the guide. Perfect timing for I decided to re level my chosen from scratch.

A couple of questions: What is the benefit of using Rending Blade for solo? Wouldnt it be better to get more points in discord tree? Also is dreadful terror really worth it? 20 AP every 5 seconds doesnt seem too good. Wouldnt the heal debuff or Toughness aura be better?

All in all great guide. Would've liked it more if the formatting was a little better :P

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#8 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 7:49 am

The build is quite low in initiative and reduction chance to received critical damage. With 230 initiative, by default we have 13% base chance to be critically hit and with 2 FS this is not totally covered. After one initiative debuff (80 for example), we will be around 19%. Basically, with this build, we will take a lot of critically hit and I don't know if the tactic Warped Flesh will cover all the critical hit.

Also, it looks like you are playing with [Hand of Malal], but it does not stack with Suppression, so why ? Is it for the 10% dodge/esquive ? But if we play against rDPS, the movement speed bonus from [Doom] or [Fortress Bonesplit] should be better, no ?

For solo, what about [Harrower] with both bonus (10% chance to steal 150 health and 3% chance to absorb 300 damage) ? Sad that there is WS on it.

And finally, as @Detangler said, Chosen does not benefit from WS, so 3 pieces of Warlord is not really efficient and instead we can use 2 Sentinel + 2 Warlord to get 2 strength bonus.

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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#9 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:47 pm

sharpblader wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:21 am A couple of questions: What is the benefit of using Rending Blade for solo? Wouldnt it be better to get more points in discord tree? Also is dreadful terror really worth it? 20 AP every 5 seconds doesnt seem too good. Wouldnt the heal debuff or Toughness aura be better?

I can give you my own answers to your questions, but they may be different from Majorzero's.

Rending blade is one of the few AoE attacks that Chosen have and it comes in handy in solo 1vX encounters as well as in any funneling situation. Never underestimate the value of a well timed AoE attack.

Dreadful Terror is a situational Aura, mainly used in solo against healers (although it also helps against other classes as well). It isn't the 20 AP that you get from it that is important, it is the fact that it also drains 20 AP from your opponent. Draining a healers AP means that they can't cast all the heals that they need to survive, hopefully giving you the time to kill them. Works best against Warrior Priest hybrid damage builds, but can work in lots of different situations.
Thargrimm - Chosen 40/88
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Re: {REHAULED & UPDATED GUIDE} 2 Handed Chosen Guide

Post#10 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 11:21 pm

sharpblader wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:21 am Hi thanks for the guide. Perfect timing for I decided to re level my chosen from scratch.

A couple of questions: What is the benefit of using Rending Blade for solo? Wouldnt it be better to get more points in discord tree? Also is dreadful terror really worth it? 20 AP every 5 seconds doesnt seem too good. Wouldnt the heal debuff or Toughness aura be better?

All in all great guide. Would've liked it more if the formatting was a little better :P
Rending blade is solid for fighting witch hunters, especially when they stealth from you, and like Thargrimm said its useful for in funneling situations.

Dreadful terror is also situational, I personally don't run it, because i personally don't see a ton of value in it, its a good group based aura however.

And thank you, I'm not too used to writing much in the forms but I did try my best, so I'm glad I could help :)

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