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Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#81 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:35 am

All it needs chosen 2h or snb is the old "Crippling Strikes" tactic.
Remove that hopeless "Deamon Claw" and give back to CS.
If not then chosen will still be half of KTB.
The argument that chosen hits harder can be dismissed. Because if you want to hit hard you can forget about being a tank. That kind of thing is only interesting for yolo dudes running around with damage aura (yes i know unfortunately half of chosens do it but i hope conversation is about those who play properly).
As it stands now the usefulness of chosen comes down to only:
Super punts and to passive auras. Compared to KTB this is not enough. Why do you think there were so many KTBs on the ranked scs scoreboard with MMR 1k+ and yet so few choosens?
Hurub Chopa 80+ / Wybrany Chosen 80+ / Mroczniak BG 60+ / Alubercik BO 50+ / Doczek DoK 80+ / Hurubek Zeal 80+ /
Misio Shaman 80+ / Maxra Mara 60+ / Alubertus RP 70+ / Alubert KTB 80+ / Mnich WP 60+ / Kregi SL 60+ / Uposledzonyjez IB 40+

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Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#82 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:01 pm

Sulorie wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:27 pm
TenTonHammer wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:10 pm
Sulorie wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:29 am
No matter what weapon you wear, you are still a tank. Your job is still the same, which a small shift in focus.
When you want to play a DPS class, just with visually fat armor and a huge sword, then no, this isn't happening.

I like how literally every one here espically the devs ham fist forcing this outdated mentality (that literally every mmo dosnt follow and even WAR never adhered to), that just seem utterly incapable of accepting that tanks should have varied off spec playstyles

So they kill those builds like how they killed brawler SnB BO by removing THC to 2H only, and how they removed the entire purpose of the 2H tree in orvr play while happily letting 2H BG keep theirs

It's some how ok for healers to have off specs that they can run to keep things interesting but the idea of 2h chosen is met with dismissive comments like "you'll never be a real DPS, your not allowed to dmg, so be an obedient guard bot"
That's apples and oranges. 2h chosen has still auras and most tools and their job is still to guard in a group, while DPS healers forcefully commit to DPS side and heal basically nothing.
Oh I must have missed the group play meta shift wher DPS dok suddenly fell off and suddenly became non viable again

So becuase chosen and KOTBS had group play viability with auras even in 2H spec that it means you must in turn gut the potential and usability of the 2H spec? Was the bellows utility too strong too that THC had to be moved to 2H only on BO as well?

Who decided that? You got an arbitrary point system of value all figured out that defines how much value each spec or playstyle is allowed to have?

This is just a continued deviation from the original spirit and design of the oringinal game with changes made based on nothing but personal beliefs and biases which have resulted in gutted playstyles and dead abilities that can no longer fulfil their original purpose

Posts: 207

Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#83 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:26 pm

Alubert wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:35 am All it needs chosen 2h or snb is the old "Crippling Strikes" tactic.
Remove that hopeless "Deamon Claw" and give back to CS.
If not then chosen will still be half of KTB.
The argument that chosen hits harder can be dismissed. Because if you want to hit hard you can forget about being a tank. That kind of thing is only interesting for yolo dudes running around with damage aura (yes i know unfortunately half of chosens do it but i hope conversation is about those who play properly).
As it stands now the usefulness of chosen comes down to only:
Super punts and to passive auras. Compared to KTB this is not enough. Why do you think there were so many KTBs on the ranked scs scoreboard with MMR 1k+ and yet so few choosens?
dude, It is not my argument that chosen hits hard, this is how the career was designed. If they remove the damage it will never be complete, also as I said, a tank needs damage to generate agroo and when talking about players it is not possible to generate agroo with taunts, damage is needed so that the player turns around and says I need to kill this tank.

Posts: 207

Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#84 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:43 pm

penagos22 wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:26 pm
Alubert wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:35 am All it needs chosen 2h or snb is the old "Crippling Strikes" tactic.
Remove that hopeless "Deamon Claw" and give back to CS.
If not then chosen will still be half of KTB.
The argument that chosen hits harder can be dismissed. Because if you want to hit hard you can forget about being a tank. That kind of thing is only interesting for yolo dudes running around with damage aura (yes i know unfortunately half of chosens do it but i hope conversation is about those who play properly).
As it stands now the usefulness of chosen comes down to only:
Super punts and to passive auras. Compared to KTB this is not enough. Why do you think there were so many KTBs on the ranked scs scoreboard with MMR 1k+ and yet so few choosens?
dude, It is not my argument that chosen hits hard, this is how the career was designed. If they remove the damage it will never be complete, also as I said, a tank needs damage to generate agroo and when talking about players it is not possible to generate agroo with taunts, damage is needed so that the player turns around and says I need to kill this tank.
I want to clarify that not all tanks need damage, just go to the first versions and see how they designed the tank for example kn vigilance "A Mastery path focused on hindering and crippling your foes" or the chosen corruption "A Mastery path focused on counters and defense "
So if we look at all the career skills we will see for example that the vigilance kn almost all the skills are to hinder or crippling enemies, generates agroo through some damage but more through hindering.

Posts: 207

Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#85 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:53 pm

Alubert wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:35 am
The argument that chosen hits harder can be dismissed. Because if you want to hit hard you can forget about being a tank. That kind of thing is only interesting for yolo dudes running around with damage aura (yes i know unfortunately half of chosens do it but i hope conversation is about those who play properly).
brother, maybe you are the one who is not playing it properly.

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Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#86 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:22 pm

penagos22 wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:53 pm
Alubert wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:35 am
The argument that chosen hits harder can be dismissed. Because if you want to hit hard you can forget about being a tank. That kind of thing is only interesting for yolo dudes running around with damage aura (yes i know unfortunately half of chosens do it but i hope conversation is about those who play properly).
brother, maybe you are the one who is not playing it properly.
Can you show your build?

Posts: 207

Re: Y’all need to buff 2H chosen

Post#87 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:34 pm

oaliaen wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:22 pm
penagos22 wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:53 pm
Alubert wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:35 am
The argument that chosen hits harder can be dismissed. Because if you want to hit hard you can forget about being a tank. That kind of thing is only interesting for yolo dudes running around with damage aura (yes i know unfortunately half of chosens do it but i hope conversation is about those who play properly).
brother, maybe you are the one who is not playing it properly.
Can you show your build?
I can't show you anything because it's not worth playing with the dread chosen.
because all the dynamics of the career is to hit enough critics to make the enemy dps do not do damage (crippling strikes tactic)
As long as you don't let him do dps, you take away his ap and at the same time hit him so hard that he will feel dread.

And this goes for all the careers, they moved away from their initial design but with the same skills, that's why it feels bad to play them. For example, the kn commands were supposed to only be able to use one at a time, which forced the kn to give orders (that's why those skills have those names) according to the situation and also if he specialized in a certain career the commands of that career would be stronger Basically the kn was yelling at you to do something now it's just 3 boring buffs.

why The kn should only have 1 command at a time and change it according to the situation?

"The Knights of the Blazing Sun are a small elite order of Templars devoted to the study and mastery of the science and art of warfare. These fervent followers of Myrmidia value ability and accomplishment over all other factors, including noble birth. It is because of this that the order has grown in prosperity attracting the finest military minds to its banner. A Knight of the Blazing Suns primary goal is to obtain perfection in the art of War, as such they travel the old world individually seeking battle both large and small".

basically a dude who knows the art of war and is a good commander

play style:

"A single Knight is a potent force indeed, but the Knight of the Blazing Sun truly shines when he is directing a force of allies in the heat of Battle. Knights must carefully watch the ebb of the fight and determine which commands and strategies are best suited for the situation at hand. Rapid reactions and a calm clear mind are the Knights greatest tools, allowing them to bolster their allies in battle while removing any advantage their opponents may have had"


"The Templars of Myrmidia are known for keeping a clear head even in the heat of battle. Capable of quickly assessing the ebb and flow of combat the Knight is a born commander. They stride into battle shoulder to shoulder with their comrades shouting out orders and commands even as they swing their great blades. These Battlefield Commands give their allies a potent advantage, allowing them to swing their blades with great vigor or staunchly hold the line against the most oppressive of foes".

a guy who is constantly yelling at you, so you don't screw it up.

why should the chosen should do damage but not be so useful to the group?


Path of Strife
The Path of Strife is focused on directly and brutally crushing your foes. A master of Strife will be likely to favor a Greatweapon instead of a shield, greatly increasing their offensive power at the cost of sacrificing the protections that a shield would otherwise offer. They will be easily capable of picking up a shield when the situation calls for it...but they wont be happy about it.
*this is taken from this page* ... Chosen.php

Basically he is a big boy who all he wants is to destroy all his enemies so that daddy bird finally recognizes him as the one with the biggest package

vs, why conquest kn should do some damage and offer strong buffs to our meele front line?

Knights who choose the Path of Conquest will become experts at pushing the battle line forward. Their battlefield commands focus on bolstering the fighting strength of their allies to take advantage of their opponents weaknesses. Knights focused on Conquest traditionally forego the use of a sword and shield in favor of the more offensively oriented great sword.

Basically he is a dude from a better family than you that tells you what to do to destroy your enemies, obviously he should show with his example how it is done

if you check the first versions that was basically what the dread and conquest did in game

As a curious fact, the chosen dread was forced to use the dreadful auras (their most powerful auras due to the scaling by inverted points) to make the rending blade hit harder and in area, which made the players invest more points until they reached the morale 4.

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