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[Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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[Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#1 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:28 pm

What makes you da biggest an da choppiest boss around?

Post your spec build and preferred playstyle that goes with it.

Give constructive feedback and ask for advice. Try to avoid just ripping into someone's build without giving a concise argument as to what is wrong and how they could change it.
*Remember everyone has a preferred playstyle and may just not find your choices as enjoyable.*

Personally I wanted an AOE character that can also take hits and debuff the enemy.

Built mine just for the talents Keep it goin' to improve my Gud Plan AoE and You Got Nothin' which currently gives a HoT when my bellows activate to keep me and my allies up.

Third tactic I use is Gud wif big choppas for the 10% damage increase.

Armor and renown is all statted for strength.

This build allows me to keep in the action, even at a keep door when it's getting AoE'd by BW spam as well as do some okay damage without feeling like I have pillows for hands.

You'll see me slowing healers as I hack them down or punting people off keeps and Tor'anroc.

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#2 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:09 pm

In the long run I don't think that those abilites will be effective espically when more options are open

I feel that there are 2 main ways to spec black orc

Either the kd build when you grab DYG and also perhaps ye missed me if you go snb

Or the big brawlin build where you grab that tactic from da boss tree

Either way you should spec up up the brawler tree first and grab gork smash, tree hit combo and NiDF

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#3 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:16 pm

The hot is decent in tier 2, but in tier 3 damage spikes too high. AoE spec is only really useful with the AoE snare (there must be a really good reason, you are spamming AOE) and we can't get that in the game right now...So the boss tree is totally useless.

DYG is pretty solid for it's high damage, and obvious KD ability, but you are almost always going to be 1 GCD too slow on your KD since the Orc mechanic makes CC on demand very difficult. So very rarely will you save your KD for defense...use it to KD their healers etc. In Tier 4 us Black Orcs will be able to get out KD and go and get the 3 ability in either other tree without too much problem, it makes it an interesting time to be a Boss.

I personally run around with brawler spec SnB. I will switch to LOLDEEPS if there is a dedicated SnB Chosen or BO. The reason why i like the shield is simple, we have 1-2 block tactics, and the sheer amount of block we can attain means we are taking piddly amounts from Guard.

The other reason I like the Brawler tree is Not In Da Face. The one thing that frustrates healers is CD increasers and no AP, Dat's two fings, but counting is for stunties. Kiting RPs tend to spam their flash heal, and they will melt when you NIDF them.
That brings us to my last reason I like brawler: Pressure. You can apply an impressive amount of damage and still be tanky (SnB), The Black Orc doesn't have tricksy heal debuffs, and we don't have our 4 sec Silence yet. damage is a great motivater to waste detaunts, swap guards or kite, and that is really good for your team.

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#4 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:13 pm

The best reasons for going Brawler are Stat steal and NidF. THC is nice, but in a premade you have other (arguably) more useful skills to use in Da Best Plan!

- NidF: As mentioned, a CD increaser can **** up several classes on order. Best part? Uncleansable by WP (so don't worry about group cleanse). Specially fun using it on a WL (Pounce) and WH (Torment).
- Skull Thumper: Put this on all your targets. Having several points in Brawler, your initiative stat steal will be pretty decent. Combined with other crit skills/tactics from your groupmates, you will be critting your target a lot. ST will proc every single time that target is crit (so if you have a premade assisting on someone, you can get a LOT of ST procs in 1 sec).
- Savin me hide: The nice thing about SMH is not the toughness buff, but the -20% magical damage received for 4 seconds (and you dont even need 1 point in that tree for it to be 20%). When we fight 3-4 BWs i find myself pretty much spamming this skill.

Lately i have been running a Gork Smash/NidF/Ya Missed Me build (; ... 6:;0:0:0:0:) and i like it. I usually save YMM for any WL pouncing on my backlines.

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#5 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:45 pm

For ST/sc what penril wrote but in my opinion best wb/aoe set up right now is

spam aoe + stat steal

big swin
da big un

Buff all partys stats by AURAS value + spamable snare aoe not clenable by wp + aoe damages+ crit increase tactic+ chosen can give away 1 stat aura and get another utility aura.; ... 6:;0:0:0:0:

you can decide you also go s+b if you properly can toy with follow me lead and aoe snare spam.

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#6 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:50 pm

BO doesnt get Big Swing until level 35. So, no. Big Brawlin is useless right now (at level 32 rr40).

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#7 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:47 pm

You can see my build i'm playing 2h on renown point i run whit this :;400 ... 3000000000

Because i'm always focus by BW SW and AM dps and Parry for little slayers WH or WP.

And my mastery build classic :; ... 8:4469:0:0:

Just testing +5% parry +10%dmg and it's really nice i can swap it for buff Wot Armor whit debuff Toughness.
Last edited by Bignusty on Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#8 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:50 pm

if 2h bo then why good wif shield?

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#9 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:52 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:if 2h bo then why good wif shield?
Oops its an error +160 toughness sry =) !

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Re: [Black Orc] Talk bout da builds ere.

Post#10 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:49 pm


arg tough it was 32 :/ well just spam the other one so, and put those points in mid path for KD, efficently stats steal for me is better in wb anyway.

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