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Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:29 am
by OnlyHard
I downloaded Autosalvage from
Anybody know how does it work?

Re: Autosalvage

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:33 pm
by fearsyth
Bit late on replying, but it basically just constantly cycles through inventory and salvages items on it's own. Been a long time since I wrote it...

Options window has a list of prioritized stats. It will pick the stat that's higher on the list to salvage. Click the check box next to two stats to swap their places in the list.

opens and closes the options window.
Enabling AutoSalvage is done from the option windows via a toggle button, or for those who want to macro:
/script AutoSalvage.ToggleEnabled()
starts and stops the cycling
/script AutoSalvage.ToggleTurbo()
Switches between normal and fast cycling.
/script AutoSalvage.ToggleTurbo();AutoSalvage.ToggleEnabled()
can be used in one line to always run as turbo

Someone should pass this info along to whomever is hosting the addon. I give anyone permission to share the addon and modify it to continue working with RoR.

-- laconic / fearsyth

Re: Autosalvage

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:19 pm
by hocico
You can also use simple /asl for options.