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Make keep lords tankable on ramparts/inner walls

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:08 pm
by OddSean
I feel like this would be really beneficial to keep sieges. At the moment, after 100+ defenders it's practically impossible to get into a fort and fight through the AoE spam, let alone actually kill the lord, even out of peak time in some cases. Making the lord tankable on the ramparts would reduce this problem massively; instead of being able to one-button spam a defense and win, an attacking tank could taunt the lord out of his room and force the defenders out to fight. If forts are going to stay open to everyone in T2+, I feel like this would make them actually beatable at most times.

Re: Make keep lords tankable on ramparts/inner walls

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:19 pm
by heybaws
Imagine being so used to nobrain zerging forts as 100 destro against 20 order, that you actually make a post after first loss as attackers, where you trying to convince the audience that forts should be "beatable at most times". Jeez.