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Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

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Re: Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

Post#41 » Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:12 pm

Zxul wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:04 pm
Shima wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:47 pm Oh another destro fanboy crying for being pwned. Get gud camarad!
And here some order doesn't even tries to hide it, if the spec is broken to the level of being pure harassment to destro cloth players, it is "crying" and get gud".
Seems you never have played on live, where WL was a true beast! WL actually is just a joke, which means you're a great noobie!

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Re: Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

Post#42 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:40 am

Farrul wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:14 pm You can make up your own context and then keep repeating the message over and over, there is nothing to admit since the message you're trying so hard to convey just isn't true. Everyone who plays a WL will know this, i suggest you make your own WL then go out there and face some destro roamers, i can guarantee it you will quickly change your mind.

P.S. What do you mean no preparation? To play a WL well one must have absolute control of the pet which is irresponsive, slow, falls behind, need to be in melee in a ranged meta game, what you claim is just silly at this point. It need tons of preparation and timing of execution in comparison to ranged characters who just can target someone at 100 range and pew pew away.
More excuses and more making things up, to protect your OP class. "Have absolute control of the pet"- remind me, what that actually means, practically, except tabbing a target and pressing an ability key? Or why do you even need the pet, when tabbing cloth target- root/snare immunity on- pounce- snare- armor debuff- wounds debuff- one or two more buttons, means a dead cloth target with no counterplay options?

And "ranged characters who just can target someone at 100 range and pew pew away"- nice, more making stuff up. Somehow you forget to mention how those ranged characters need to self nuke with DM to even have any dmg, or put up a stationary- unlike your- pet up. And that in any case, their burst requires long telegraphed preparation, unlike OP broken WL burst which requires only pressing 1-2-3-4-5.
Farrul wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:14 pm I think you have confused WL with Magus , that's one class who better fits your descriptions of OP.
Interesting, so you complain about irresponsible pet, and then claim that a class which cannot control pet at all, since at cannot move 1 mm away from its spot, is OP, in the very same post. Any other claims attempting to show that the most OP class in the game, which has a free hand at harassing destro cloth players, is somehow not OP broken?
Shima wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:12 pm
Seems you never have played on live, where WL was a true beast! WL actually is just a joke, which means you're a great noobie!
And here is another WL player, making claims without even any facts at all, per the OP class tradition.
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Re: Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

Post#43 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:05 pm

Zxul wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:40 am
More excuses and more making things up, to protect your OP class. "Have absolute control of the pet"- remind me, what that actually means, practically, except tabbing a target and pressing an ability key? Or why do you even need the pet, when tabbing cloth target- root/snare immunity on- pounce- snare- armor debuff- wounds debuff- one or two more buttons, means a dead cloth target with no counterplay options?
This just proves you know absolutely nothing about the WL and is quite sad you think you are informed enough to make an opinion. You literally made up an ability the WL does not have (wounds debuff?!?). Then you add in that they can kill targets without the pet? Are you saying 1v1 in loner spec is now OP? The Lion is the only way the class has a KD, silence, 50% crit dmg increase etc. Wayy too much of the dmg is tied to a buggy pet that despawns constantly, requires a tactic to be useful with speed training, dies quickly and doesnt follow commands.

And then you say WL can kill "in 1-2-3-4-5 buttons". Is that supposed to be OP? Killing a squishy in 5 gcds who doesnt have a healer, doesnt use pots and didnt detaunt is not really that crazy. Honestly I think a WE has a better chance of killing.

Reading your posts feels like you are new to the game (which i know you are not and is sad) most likely never seen a WL before and ran into one, didnt detaunt, didnt pot up and died a sad death. But i understand my first day playing this game i wanted Sorcs dead because i thought they were OP. However, i made one and through my play time found they had both strengths and weaknesses. I hope you make a WL and find the same. This game is very fun ! Welcome to RoR! Hope you stay and continue your journey while you are still learning the ropes !
The King.

Posts: 457

Re: Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

Post#44 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:04 pm

Zxul wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:40 amMore excuses and more making things up, to protect your OP class. "Have absolute control of the pet"- remind me, what that actually means, practically, except tabbing a target and pressing an ability key? Or why do you even need the pet, when tabbing cloth target- root/snare immunity on- pounce- snare- armor debuff- wounds debuff- one or two more buttons, means a dead cloth target with no counterplay options?

And "ranged characters who just can target someone at 100 range and pew pew away"- nice, more making stuff up. Somehow you forget to mention how those ranged characters need to self nuke with DM to even have any dmg, or put up a stationary- unlike your- pet up. And that in any case, their burst requires long telegraphed preparation, unlike OP broken WL burst which requires only pressing 1-2-3-4-5.
No need to waste more words repeating the same dogmatic message, until you gain some actual WL experience of your own a dialogue with you is pointless here, In reality all that can be extracted from this thread is that got a l2p problem vs white lions.

Since you roam with destro which is the easy faction to solo roam with, these classes will beat WL , Chosen, Def WE, Magus, good hybrid Shaman. All of them more ''OP'' than WL, video clearly demonstrated how a Magus can easily defeat a WL, who is harassing who?
Zxul wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:40 amInteresting, so you complain about irresponsible pet, and then claim that a class which cannot control pet at all, since at cannot move 1 mm away from its spot, is OP, in the very same post. Any other claims attempting to show that the most OP class in the game, which has a free hand at harassing destro cloth players, is somehow not OP broken?
Lion is a melee pet and the demon is just a stationary ranged turret, this is getting embarrasing. The amount of problems a melee pet has in this game are astronomical, from pathing to reaching a target to just despawning etc. You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about, hence why you should stop.

Zxul wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:40 amAnd here is another WL player, making claims without even any facts at all, per the OP class tradition.
WL used to be A LOT better ( not even talking about the dysfunctional pet issues). Due to many ''shaman tears'' it received nerf after nerf. I guess you didn't notice whilst playing the OP regen Witch all these years?

Now here is the real fact , the only one making claims here is you, show us some evidence to back up your claim, until then it's just words wasted.

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Re: Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

Post#45 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:12 pm

Just stop with the low-grade posts. It clogs up the forums.
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Re: Lower WL burst by 30-40%.

Post#46 » Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:45 pm

As this post was devolving on the first page, I am going to put this one out of its misery and close it here.

Thank you
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