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Combine T1-T2 and have T3-T4?

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Re: Combine T1-T2 and have T3-T4?

Post#21 » Fri May 17, 2024 4:00 pm

fangour wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 11:47 am Other brackets would be good get sick of T4 real fast have lots of maxed out chars and when above rr 80 you feel no progression. Would like to make new chars to play in the lower tiers again. Going from T1 straight into fights with T4 players your just free kills.
And have all those zones locked away from the bulk of the players? How about no? Besides that, the zones were merged before due to a lack of players. If you were really lucky you might had one warband out in T2, at best.

You are the one late to the party, no need to wreck it for the veterans to suit your needs.
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers


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