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Let all slots can be set invisible like the cloak slot and more

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Posts: 91

Let all slots can be set invisible like the cloak slot and more

Post#1 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:37 am

The suggestion is to add more [optional] visual effects for characters using existing models.
This is not about new items, it's about states and etc. It seems not hard to implement.


Disable Squig Armour appearance. Let him be a little green git with stabbin weapon (like mSW).

Let him to disable mutation appearance while mutated state.

Let him out of disk, for Tzeench sake.

Hunched/straight state

Disable aura visuals

Add 85 level steel jaws appearance like Choppa has.

And something for order

[For all]
  • Make weapon type equality restrictions less strict: one handed and two handed can be appearance of both
  • Mount appearance for unmounted gits and the opposite too
  • Make all items slots (weapon incl.) have invisible mode (like cloak)
  • Make weapons paintable

- What if some of these changes disorient other players?
- Ok. Let appearance for some of the visual changes be private (game client only)

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Posts: 96

Re: Let all slots can be set invisible like the cloak slot and more

Post#2 » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:15 pm

my 2 cents

msh: you can bug your meatball with shapeshifting items. This only works out of combat and was for quite some time not doable at all. (there was also a time where you could even use skills in active combat, similar to moving engi turrents and magus demons) I did test it extensivly and all your abilities, targetable or not lack animations. Except for stab melee attack, but yeah.... so a whole new set of animations would have to be implimented

magus: u wot? the magus is just a vessel for the disk lorewise no? so instead of walking magus rather give just the disk. who needs weak humans

BO: it has steel jaw head armor. not sure if it's the thing you mean but there is a low level questchain consisiting of a couple of quests rewarding you with it. Has been in the game for years. "Brutal Eadplate" ... ds%27_Game

Mara, Chosen: I am not a gamedeveloper but i have major knowledge in it networks. so i am not sure how they would introduce an ability for chosen that negates the effects of 3 auras for example, same for Maras mutations.

Zealot: similar to msh. They would need to introduce another model entirely for the class essentially making you choose from refurbished order human with chaos hairstyles/tatoos etc. I can't think of a way to conveniently switch between your current hunched zealot to a straight zealot without having to load a new or replacing the model in it's entirety.

But, once you start with one class/race people want more and more. The newest trend in human society these days is diversity in any regard. So people will want more. male witch elf, female marauder, different/more skintones, all the things you said and more stuff you have never even thought about. It's a never ending downspiral into adding content that does not impact gameplay whatsoever. It only affects your personal preference, which ofc impacts gameplay enjoyment for you. It could also potentionally be gamebreaking on a high skilllevel. Assuming everything will be implimented and is working flawlessly without any bugs.(Wich it won't) we as a playerbase would need to not only learn about all the different new styles but could potentially hide certain important gamemechanics or exploit said new variable appearances to the most advantage giving classes unessessary advantages over others. It needs a lot or resources, troubleshooting and testing to impliment stuff like that, especially on a refurbished game engine :D
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Posts: 91

Re: Let all slots can be set invisible like the cloak slot and more

Post#3 » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:17 am

Templa wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:15 pm msh: you can bug your meatball with shapeshifting items.
What is a "shapeshifting item"?

Templa wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:15 pm magus: u wot? the magus is just a vessel for the disk lorewise no? so instead of walking magus rather give just the disk. who needs weak humans
I know a bunch of people used a strange pike instead of a disk. So someone needs.

Templa wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:15 pm BO: it has steel jaw head armor.... "Brutal Eadplate"
Appearance is all about details. Brutal Eadplate is not the same as 85rr Choppa's Steel Jaws.

Templa wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:15 pm Mara, Chosen: I am not a gamedeveloper but i have major knowledge in it networks. so i am not sure how they would introduce an ability for chosen that negates the effects of 3 auras for example, same for Maras mutations.
There is no need for an ability. Just disable an aura appearance, like it is sef off.

Templa wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:15 pm Zealot: similar to msh. They would need to introduce another model entirely for the class essentially making you choose from refurbished order human with chaos hairstyles/tatoos etc. I can't think of a way to conveniently switch between your current hunched zealot to a straight zealot without having to load a new or replacing the model in it's entirety.
I think I saw a different hunch on live, so now Zealot is much straighter. But I am not sure. Memory can fool me :)

Some of the points I've suggest surely don't need a rework. Disable constraints if enough.
All for the game prosperity and players experience.

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