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Scenario Matchmaking Rework Megathread

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Re: Scenario Matchmaking Rework Megathread

Post#131 » Tue May 07, 2024 5:58 pm

First and foremost, I want to recognize the difficulty of achieving fair matchmaking based on the time of day. It's a complex issue, and I genuinely appreciate efforts to tackle it. However, there are certain scenarios that leave me feeling dissatisfied:

Imagine this: you have your own premade group, but you're matched against two other premades along with complete PuGs in your second group. These PuGs are neither balanced nor typically prepared to face premades. Depending on the timezone you play, certain classes struggle to survive on their own. In these situations, the two premades often overpower the PuGs swiftly, essentially leaving you to face two premades with just one. I don't mean to sound elitist, but as a veteran player, I've noticed a recurring pattern. Inexperienced players tend to focus solely on objectives to win the scenario, while veterans prioritize minimizing losses, eliminating as many enemies as possible, or showcasing their prowess against opposing premades. It's not openly discussed, but it's a reality: many premades from established guilds usually play one side to avoid the burden of "carrying" PuGs or the risk of defeat (yes, unfortunately, statistics still matter in this game). This aligns with the sentiments expressed previously. While statistics drive some players—probably the only positive aspect—it can also demotivate others. This is particularly evident in city fights nowadays. Players simply leave the battlefield immediately if they feel that continuing to play won't benefit them statistically. However, it's also not uncommon for players to warreport out of a scenario if things aren't going well, even while having an own premade.

On the other hand, solo players are encountering challenges in finding safe retreat points. While this game isn't primarily designed for solo gaming, it should still be enjoyable for all players, including those who prefer playing alone. For instance, Discordant doesn't cover weekend event scenarios, exacerbating the issue where PuGs essentially become easy targets for premades in scenarios.


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