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More city sieges per week

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More city sieges per week

Post#1 » Fri May 20, 2022 9:11 pm

Hello GMs, i hope you don't ignore this post requesting your help. Now is the time to help toy our community and help the game still alive and players don't leave it

It is possible increase the amount of city siege per week. Now we have 2-3 city sieges in each week, 2 in EU "prime" time zone, and 1 in US prime time zone. This is doing a lot of players didn't play a city since the new scheduled city siege system was released 2 months ago. Now It is IMPOSSIBLE play it for a lot of players, because the time is not good for all people, and when it happens that we can play, it doesn't even pop because there aren't enough players in the other side. Today almost 100 order players could not enter because there were not enough destro players. The next city siege is in 4 days at 03:00 GMT. So all the EU players who don't take a pop today, will be lucky if they can play the next week

With all this problems, i suggest to add more citys per week, at different timers to maximice the chance to play for all, decreasing the time between city sieges at maximun 36 hours. So you can add more time zones for all players.

Adding this timers to city scheduled, we can obtain more citys per week, and a lot of people who CAN NOT PLAY CITY, will be able to do it with wait 1-2 mounths to enjoy the end game content.

Kpihuss -- WP 88
Kpithrogrim -- IB 83
Kpigaragrim -- Slayer 81
Kpikossar -- SW 77
Kpirmedes -- RP 68+
Kpiboris -- KOTBS 65+


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