Suggestion: Class buff choices for AM/Shammy

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Suggestion: Class buff choices for AM/Shammy

Post#1 » Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:07 pm

I really think shaman/am should be given a couple of new class buffs to choose from (like the other healers). You then have the option of giving your group something that actually has an effect, depending on your group composition. Currently, if you have a chosen/kobs your class buff is effectively pointless, all it does is offer a momentary protection from shatter enchantments lol. RP/zeal can also provide basically the same buff, their buff is also far less likely to be removed than yours.

Suggestions for possible new class buff choices for shaman/am:
A buff that has a chance to proc a small absorb bubble on being hit.
In keeping with the ap drain side, a buff that has a chance to steal a small amount of ap on hit (as shammy/am have no practical way of buffing ap for their party currently)
Maybe one that has a chance to steal health on being hit, so like the dok/wp one but on being hit rather than on hit.

Thoughts? Any other ideas for things that could be used?

Is something like this possible/doable?
Last edited by Jabba on Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tushi Splats Tush Emoalbino Podge

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Re: Suggestion: Class buff choices for AM/Shammy

Post#2 » Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:18 pm

Instead of a full change, I suggest a small granted ability. Not randomly, but purposely by the player having the buff, you can pop a Magic Shield from ranged and magic attacks, or a small HoT. I think that it also fits more with the full animation, vfx, and thematic of the Sham/AM. Give it a 60-180 seconds cooldown depending in how strong it is.

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