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Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

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Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#1 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:52 am


Lately with all the talk about reaching minimum contribution, flags mattering during stage2 and kills somewhat mattering towards reaching that invisable contribution threshhold. Maybe players find themself in a free for all, who will get the flag cap, who will stop the incoming enemy guy preventing the ninjacap etc.

What I propose is since this should be a battle between the realms, why not make the minimum requirement to get medals realm-wide. Give the realms a common goal to reach towards?
And then let the playerbase know what is requires to get said minimum contribution unlocked.

For example;
In order to get minimum of 4looser medals a Realm has to capture 7 Flags during stage2 (that is the 5initial flags and 2 after the fighting has begun. That means the offhours still have a bit of a chance, and a common goal to rally towards.
And should a fort have population with less than 100AAO when Stage2 begins the additional requirement of reaching 200 realmkills is added to unlock realmwide reqirements.

For the dominating side it should be fairly easy, but instead of the defenders finding themself discouraged they now have a goal to rally behind and will cheer for any ninajcaps even if they were not on the actual capture point, but instead might be running stall or decoy of a bigger force elsewhere in the zone.
Yes yes, I know that some people might just leech and slack. But if noone helps out and puts in the work, noone gets rewarded. And to me that sounds fair. Compared to a system right now where someone can contribute with good intention but due to unluck timing on death miss out on rewards.

Not only will this hopefully bring more of a unity feeling to each realm, but also promote fighting and strategy instead of this Everyman for himself trying to reach minimum requirements. Bagroll contribution should still be personal and assigned as is.
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Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#2 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:00 am

Brutal system, was in a 1-3-2 party as a lone tank, and my dps had 80 kills combined in a 15min fort loss (two of the parties dps 3rd and 6th in the zone). Was also 0.0001 seconds from capping a flag before another order beat me to it. Ended with no rr, no medals.

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Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#3 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:15 am

Ok a few misconceptions here.

1. The cap is the same for everyone and is very low, its there essentially just to block out afkers.

2. Flags give contribution to anyone in decent fighting range of the same realm that captures it.

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Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#4 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:23 am

14 Forts - i got rewards 2 times. Aint right.

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Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#5 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 8:32 am

U rly suggest that 7 wh/we win medals for all on fort ?

Posts: 92

Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#6 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:22 am

Natherul wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:15 am Ok a few misconceptions here.

1. The cap is the same for everyone and is very low, its there essentially just to block out afkers.
something is wrong with the code than, we got nothing for 45 min fort with 80 kills in duo for stonewatch just now

Posts: 350

Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#7 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:31 am

Just did a fort where I was in range of A LOT of flag caps (both where I was the person capping and I was defending the person capping). At least 12. Killed a bunch of people. Let out TONS of people from the jail multiple times (I seem to remember that giving contribution), and our side won the fort even with aao.

I got 0 rr, 0 medals, no bag roll. (This was at Stonetroll)

Conversely, I did the previous one at The Maw that was a complete shitshow. Total loss, capped a few flags (in the same fashion, but it wasn't as aggressive as Stonetroll), got less kills, and there was no aao (destro have even or slightly greater numbers as defends for the entire fort), but got RR and medals.

Couldn't really tell you what the difference is, but it still feels like a crapshoot when doing forts, even if you are going above and beyond what you are supposed to be doing.

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Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#8 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:34 am

dshdf wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:22 am
Natherul wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:15 am Ok a few misconceptions here.

1. The cap is the same for everyone and is very low, its there essentially just to block out afkers.
something is wrong with the code than, we got nothing for 45 min fort with 80 kills in duo for stonewatch just now
Again (and I have stated this NUMEROUS times), there may be a b ug yes BUT I have been TOTALLY unable to replicate this issue and as such I have no idea whats wrong atm. Hence I need detailed reports on the bugtracker on everything that may be of importance.

Posts: 92

Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#9 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:37 am

Natherul wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:34 am Again (and I have stated this NUMEROUS times), there may be a b ug yes BUT I have been TOTALLY unable to replicate this issue and as such I have no idea whats wrong atm. Hence I need detailed reports on the bugtracker on everything that may be of importance.
what kind of data may be important in this case? just to know what exactly to report

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Re: Minimum contribution in forts being realmwide

Post#10 » Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:49 am

Just to add that in the next patch I have added a debug message to confirm or deny suspicion on where the issue is. If you get that message please do exactly what it tells you to do.

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