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Respawning in the keep as defenders

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Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#1 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:27 am

This mechanic is one of the driving forces behind the current sentiment in RvR where everyone just wants to defend, even if they should be attacking.

The respawn system allows the defenders while the outer door is down to continuously harras and push into defenders with impunity, as even if they die they are back on the front lines within 20 seconds with no penalties at all. While the attacking force must res, and those persons are given res sickness etc...

You will also notice many WE/WH constantly suiciding into the defenders backlines for a single kill and 30 seconds later they are back again. It really bothers me that is a legit strategy for farming tons of renown and medals.

It just makes attacking a very painful experience as the entire outer door phase of the siege the kills you make as an attacker carry zero weight, and guarding posterns and routes to the keep is completely pointless.

Does anyone have any legitimate reasons why this should stay? The only thing I can think of is this would shift a lot of the fighting off of the keep and onto BO's and open fields since defending realms will more often then not need to resort to fighting over BO's to keep a zone theirs rather than sitting on a keep. Whether that is a good or bad thing I don't know.
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#2 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:34 am

yep its broken but im willing to humor it till the devs implement what ever new rvr system their going for

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#3 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:17 am

You can always have an Mdps preferably stealther run in, wait for a few of them to push out then tag the inner door. They will all respawn at WC.

Respawning in the keep is the only way to actually defend a keep against an organized defense. Especially in T4 with such long walks with easy gank points. The current system, where once inner gets tagged you can't respawn inside works quite well imo. Yea, some people will take advantage of it(I have done it with my WH when/if I see a small group around a keep) but better that than being entirely unable to defend a keep cause no one can get out of the wc/through the choke points.

Give those respawning in the keep rezz sickness if you want too. But until there is something better...
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#4 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:41 am

Could add the stacking wounds debuff back in. That at least would give some consequence to dieing and its another gold sink which is nice :P
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#5 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:16 am

Respawning in the keep should be taken out of the game. I wrote something about it in siege feedback thread. Ofc we will wait until new RvR system will by here. Maybe then I would change my mind.

Dabbart - aren't there any healers to res? Even is DPS mode they still have this skill.
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#6 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:46 am

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#7 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:16 pm

Its not terrible. They only spawn in the keep when the outter door is up. When the inner is up they can no longer spawn inside. Respawning in the keep wont chnage the fact the player can easily be revived when the outter door is up. Its been a long time...bit wasnt it the same on live when the outter was up youd spawn in keep?
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#8 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:22 pm

Bacta wrote:Its not terrible. They only spawn in the keep when the outter door is up. When the inner is up they can no longer spawn inside. Respawning in the keep wont chnage the fact the player can easily be revived when the outter door is up. Its been a long time...bit wasnt it the same on live when the outter was up youd spawn in keep?
Sometimes Inner was up but didnt respawn inside its kinda bugged.
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#9 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:59 pm

it should be restricted to out of keep area, if you die inside keep (or keep area) you should resp at wc.

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#10 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:05 pm

Miszczu5647 wrote:Respawning in the keep should be taken out of the game. I wrote something about it in siege feedback thread. Ofc we will wait until new RvR system will by here. Maybe then I would change my mind.

Dabbart - aren't there any healers to res? Even is DPS mode they still have this skill.
Uh. Yea, if you have a healer IN the keep, and you die within 100ft of the keep and LoS, then they can rezz you. The point is, if you take 2 WBs, 1 who's entire job is just to keep the enemy from getting to their keep, and the other to take BOs, you can all but garuntee an undefended keep. And once you take a hold of the keep, getting into 100ft of the outer wall can be nigh impossible. Not to mention each time you fail you have to walk from the WC back to the keep.

Razielhell wrote:
Bacta wrote:Its not terrible. They only spawn in the keep when the outter door is up. When the inner is up they can no longer spawn inside. Respawning in the keep wont chnage the fact the player can easily be revived when the outter door is up. Its been a long time...bit wasnt it the same on live when the outter was up youd spawn in keep?
Sometimes Inner was up but didnt respawn inside its kinda bugged.
As i said in earlier post. If a stealther/Mdps bypasses outer and tags the inner, then no one can respawn inside of the keep.

I see no real issue with the current system. But if there is considered one, then maybe give a flag/book on cool-down, consumable that you can use to send yourself to a keep that has an unattacked inner. Maybe have usage tied to Kill Quests? Ie, kill 25 players in Praag/TM/CW/etc and you get a consumable to send you to a keep. But flat out disallowing respawning in keeps will lead to far too much SUCCESSFUL Griefing imo.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

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Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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