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Low numbers quing for city.

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Low numbers quing for city.

Post#1 » Mon May 16, 2022 3:24 am

Another week of no city for me because Destro will not que, and Order left sitting outside city without an instance. Maybe destro players think is some kind of nice joke to play? Maybe they can only fight when blobbed in a 6 to 1 odds in favor zerg? I don't know.

What I do know is it is embarrassing for an MMO endgame to have just 2 or 3 instances, when the numbers are there for at least twice as many.
So I have a couple of ideas;
(Personally I hope both are used together.)

1- Add a "participate in three (3) City sieges" added to the weekly RvR Quest. A player must enter an instance and stay in till king kill. If they leave, they get no participation. This will also stop people from leaving because "other side is too tough/good/have more XYorZ whatever".

And / Or

2. Bring back the empty instances. Everyone who ques goes in. Even if it means a PvE instance. Only problem is not having enough people to kill lords and or king. So add a 30 min timer to city siege in stage 2 and 3. Added bonus; an outmatched side can still pull off a win by simply delaying the OP side/realm from killing lords/king in time.

And no worries. Those WB's made up of 4 groups all mega meta, will still win vs pugs. Even if the pugs do delay a kill, can you imagine how many times each member of that pug will have to die? At least 50 times each. That is a lot of RR and crests.
But seriously, no pug will keep throwing themselves at an organized WB just to delay a kill, so the organized mega meta thinkers will still win.

Posts: 146

Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#2 » Mon May 16, 2022 4:59 am

You have to keep in mind Destro are all griefers. Pushing city then not queuing is exactly their style. Reason? No reason, they just do it to get on your nerves.

Posts: 12

Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#3 » Mon May 16, 2022 7:04 am

Morradin wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 3:24 am 1- Add a "participate in three (3) City sieges" added to the weekly RvR Quest.
This would mean that quite an amount of players, including myself, would be kept outside of being able to finish the rvr weekly. Due to rl reasons i cannot simply plan for taking part in city sieges and im sure, as the recent participation shows imho, others feel the same. The weekly on the other hand is a welcome way to gain some progress in my limited play time.
If you want to incentivise taling part in sieges my suggsestion would be an additional "city siege weekly" like stated above: "Participate in 3 Sieges" to gain a rather significant amount of crests for example. Still wouldnt be an option for casuals like me i guess, but for "hardcore" players with more time at hand it would be a welcome addition. As it should be, as it is "End Game Content" in my mind.

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#4 » Mon May 16, 2022 8:05 am

1. wasnt nerfed amount crests u get per stage? u got 80-120 for unlucky rolls prevous was 200 (was post about this somwhere in forum) overall
2. destro are full sovy even alts. why they need city?
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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#5 » Mon May 16, 2022 8:35 am

billyk wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 4:59 am You have to keep in mind Destro are all griefers. Pushing city then not queuing is exactly their style. Reason? No reason, they just do it to get on your nerves.
Yeeeeeep, that in 100% true, i have no worries in my life just to play on Order nerves.The City are great , funny entertaining just Destro is stupid. I vote to permaban all destro players !!

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#6 » Mon May 16, 2022 9:19 am

How many citys pop this night?
Kpihuss -- WP 88
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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#7 » Mon May 16, 2022 9:20 am

billyk wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 4:59 am You have to keep in mind Destro are all griefers. Pushing city then not queuing is exactly their style. Reason? No reason, they just do it to get on your nerves.
Do you even play the game anymore? There's no 'pushing city' now lol, it's scheduled every X days
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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#8 » Mon May 16, 2022 10:34 am

whats with all the constant bad faith, some ppl just don't like city. standing around in reik/maw is dull, it doesnt suit all classes, eternal citadel is popping and some t2 zones are pretty fun to fight in. if i read about this none existent perpetual 500 to 1 destro zerg 1 more time... btw i have been playing order all year

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Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#9 » Mon May 16, 2022 10:41 am

How dare you to not participate in such lovely, friendly and chilling content as city instances?!

The current situation only showing how people are not interested in participating in such system. It is not a matter of rewards, it is rather problem with number of steadly declining population and negative play experience in city sieges.

Posts: 485

Re: Low numbers quing for city.

Post#10 » Mon May 16, 2022 11:18 am

pop is growing btw

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