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It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

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Posts: 35

It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#1 » Tue May 24, 2022 4:21 pm

I think the population speaks for itself, and I have seen multiple people say they quit because nerfed buttons was removed after they had played with it for years. Even the top streamers that used to play have lost interest after the change. Toss that ball down the field while there is still time left on the clock. Announce to the world that you are bringing nerfed buttons back and are making it better than before, and you're going to get a 50%+ boost in population if not more. Time to let go of your personal views of NB and let people have fun again. Embrace it as a key featured add-on that is highly encouraged and suggested to be used by all players. That it's not some taboo cheat engine, but a fair play addon that's welcomed and part of the game. Just do it. Throw the ball.
Last edited by eldriyth on Tue May 24, 2022 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#2 » Tue May 24, 2022 4:30 pm

The only Hail Mary I’ll be tossing is removing every dwarf from the game.

The fact is, the only people still ‘suffering’ due to NB being removed is the people who won’t let go of the fact it’s been taken away and isn’t making a grand return. 90% of the 10% who complained have moved on.

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#3 » Tue May 24, 2022 4:37 pm

Kaelang wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:30 pm The fact is, the only people still ‘suffering’ due to NB being removed is the people who won’t let go of the fact it’s been taken away and isn’t making a grand return. 90% of the 10% who complained have moved on.
Nah they just use a working version.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#4 » Tue May 24, 2022 4:42 pm

Talladego wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:37 pm
Kaelang wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:30 pm The fact is, the only people still ‘suffering’ due to NB being removed is the people who won’t let go of the fact it’s been taken away and isn’t making a grand return. 90% of the 10% who complained have moved on.
Nah they just use a working version.

Posts: 35

Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#5 » Tue May 24, 2022 4:47 pm

Kaelang wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:30 pm The only Hail Mary I’ll be tossing is removing every dwarf from the game.

The fact is, the only people still ‘suffering’ due to NB being removed is the people who won’t let go of the fact it’s been taken away and isn’t making a grand return. 90% of the 10% who complained have moved on.

Before nerfed buttons was banned from the general public (not including shadow versions which people still use under your noses) the population was three times as large. I remember as a USA player being able to actually play and have fun with 600+ people when it was 3am Altdorf time. Now? You're lucky to break 150 people at that time. You sit there and criticize me when the evidence is right in your face. You guys harmed your own server with that change. And you never listen to players. It's almost as if you're stacking the deck for own guilds or something. What is saying you're not using Shadow Versions against people who don't have it? This is just going further down a rabbit hole.

This kind of attitude and behavior is going to kill the server.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#6 » Tue May 24, 2022 4:50 pm

eldriyth wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:47 pm
Kaelang wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:30 pm The only Hail Mary I’ll be tossing is removing every dwarf from the game.

The fact is, the only people still ‘suffering’ due to NB being removed is the people who won’t let go of the fact it’s been taken away and isn’t making a grand return. 90% of the 10% who complained have moved on.

Before nerfed buttons was banned from the general public (not including shadow versions which people still use under your noses) the population was three times as large. I remember as a USA player being able to actually play and have fun with 600+ people when it was 3am Altdorf time. Now? You're lucky to break 150 people at that time. You sit there and criticize me when the evidence is right in your face. You guys killed your own server with that change. And you never listen to players. It's almost as if you're stacking the deck for own guilds or something. What is saying you're not using Shadow Versions against people who don't have it? This is just going further down a rabbit hole.

This kind of attitude and behavior is going to kill the server.
It’s a joke. The attitude you’re giving isn’t what you think it is.

The topic is very much dead and buried. We appreciate feedback but when it’s covered in doom and gloom and uneducated comments we aren’t going to give you substantial responses.

Saying the game is dead and buried is a reach and you know it is. Saying my attitude is killing the server by making a tongue and cheek comment is also false.

If you want to bring something to the table we haven’t heard a million times over, go for it. But this attitude of ‘hail Mary’ and ‘the server is going to end’ isn’t it.

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

Posts: 7227

Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#7 » Tue May 24, 2022 5:01 pm

eldriyth wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 4:47 pm Before nerfed buttons was banned from the general public (not including shadow versions which people still use under your noses) the population was three times as large. I remember as a USA player being able to actually play and have fun with 600+ people when it was 3am Altdorf time. Now? You're lucky to break 150 people at that time.
By your metrics EU must have had 3000 players with free NB.
Why population decline was bigger for US?
Dying is no option.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#8 » Tue May 24, 2022 5:14 pm

Since a lot of people whine and lament about NB I wanna chime in and say how much I appreciate the NB-ban.

Some time ago, I was looking for a wh guide and stumbled upon one in the depths of this forum, that also covered the NB-topic with some thorough testing. IIRC the dude reported an increase of about 15% in dmg, when you let NB make the decisions which skill would be used best next, rather than doing it yourself. Imagine that, just using an addon is giving you an extra tactic slot with flanking and a 100% hit rate.

Now people say: but everyone can use it, right?

Thing is: NB makes the game a lot more boring, because it is essentially playing it for you. If you don't want that, you're stuck with being at a 15% dmg disadvantage for wh (assuming you're as good at decision-making as the guy from the guide - could be more though).

It's like saying: "Hey Usain Bolt, we're all gonna use motorbikes for the next tournament. But don't worry, you can use one too!" Kinda defeats the purpose of competing against each other, doesn't it?

Posts: 2249

Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#9 » Tue May 24, 2022 5:28 pm

^^^ alternative logic, removing NB was like asking a bunch of motocross racers to give up their motorbikes and race on foot, because Usain bolt thinks they're cheating. Everyone should use add-ons imo. Lots of them give benefits you would never get without them.

+1 to just using a workable NB though. It's not hard to find, just not openly available to every player anymore.

BTW, NB won't ever come back the way it was. Whether it should or not is largely irrelevant.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#10 » Tue May 24, 2022 5:39 pm

Dabbart wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 5:28 pm ^^^ alternative logic, removing NB was like asking a bunch of motocross racers to give up their motorbikes and race on foot, because Usain bolt thinks they're cheating. Everyone should use add-ons imo. Lots of them give benefits you would never get without them.

+1 to just using a workable NB though. It's not hard to find, just not openly available to every player anymore.

BTW, NB won't ever come back the way it was.
Since NB was never originally implemented by Mythic, nor by the devs here, you can savely assume that the original competition was a 100m sprint and you guys were bike-users on steroids. Now that Usain Bolt had his revenge, everyone drowns in steroid-biker tears.

On a more serious note: why should people be at a disadvantage, if they want to experience the game fully, rather than having a script make the decisions for them?

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