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I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

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Poll: Which format do you want the final climactic battle to be?

24v24 warband clash
240v180 fortress clash
ORVR all in
Total votes: 99

Posts: 50

I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#1 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:57 pm

Hi all!
Just being bored late saturday evening and kinda just want to see how the community feels about these suggestions/changes.
I for one want a more epic climactic battle between the two factions with more blood, death and destruction.
Currently I think it is a bit of a missed opportunity, having such a huge arena (city) for just 12v12 or 24v24 people,
and kinda lame sometimes having to spend more time running around then fighting and if defending just waiting around.
Having gone from large scale ORVR to fortress and then to end up with just small warband scale feels a bit anti-climactic.

What I would like to see is either an ORVR or fortress format for cities, where one side would be able to truly invade and ravage the other realms capital,
and defenders scrambling to protect and put up a valiant defence for realm pride.
The final format is still up for debate/suggestions,
it could perhaps be a fortress with 240v180, using the flag/BOs in cities to accumulate points similar to scenarios and have a time limit of maybe 1-2h.
However I don't want it to turn into nascar that we currently sometimes see in forts, but there are more choke points in cities which could prevent that.

I do enjoy 24v24 format as well, but I don't feel like it being the final format is working that well for a couple of reasons.
The random time cities occur can make it hard to gather enough members to fill a warband.
Since there is no controlled matchmaking, premades can meet pugs which are rarely enjoyable for either side and usually end up with one side afking.
I think a larger format could solve some problems, such as less dersirable and small scale classes also having the opportunity to participate.
It would also reduce the bloody long preparation and sign up time.

I do think the 24v24 warband format has a place in WAR, and I would suggest to use the Garden of Qu'aph. (since it is pretty much dead anyway)
It is quite a large arena with no obstalces, which I think is ideal for any true competitive organised format.
I am up for any suggestions here!

One suggestion is to try and weave it into the world somehow that also would affect the battle between the realms.
For example using something similar to the current city system score for a whole week.
The time and sign up could be (see "The only problem I can think of is the timing").
And by the end of the week the realm with the highest score, would win and be rewarded with a suitable reward. (up for suggestions, maybe a buff idk)

Perhaps some sort of "King of the Hill" format?
Where warbands from both factions can challenge and fight the ruling/champion warband.
It would enable warbands from the same faction to also have a chance to test each others mettle.
For example a fight between two destro warband could be interesting to see, perhaps it would be a different metagame.

I think these ideas could work as long as their is sufficicent incentives.
Perhaps some sort of cosmetic rewards? Or bonuses to the warband's guild, or faction as a whole?

The only problem I can think of is the timing.
The only thing I can say is that each time zone has a primetime, for example EU prime, US prime and Asia/Oceania?
So perhaps schedule it 2-3 times a day during each prime time. Not sure if everyday or every other day would be best.

What do ou guys think? Lets discuss! (but I'm bloody tired and going to bed, hehe)

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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#2 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:13 pm

Wb v wb imo is fine, anything more and some peeps computers takes a nap.

I always wanted to see the other major cities open really. Say order locks empire, then say elf... Dark elf city gets sacked. Sadly though those cities were never programed i think. One can always dream though.

Or have to sack the two cities b4 getting to aldorf/IC.

Just wish the mmo wasnt shut down so soon... A lot could have happened w this game when it was live and more developers on the team.
Fenaal- SM 40/84
Fanaal- CH 40/7x

Posts: 16

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#3 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:30 am

I never understood why the last final epic battle over the city is a wb v wb instanced fight... the whole war between order and destro builds up to this epic last battle in orvr where massive battles take place and all this massive fighting for what? a boring fight thats decided on what wb brings the better wb composition... i always thought thats total bs...

i was thrilled when i started playing on release day but i was even more thrilled when i heard that we can fight in the enemy city and kill the king of them... i was expecting a orvr fight in the enemy city with hundreds of players... but when i got aware of the situation i lost interest in city fights.

i had hope that this sever would bring orvr city battles to life. But sadly this will never happen considering the imbalance of player numbers in different time zones and realmhopping. the wb v wb format is not the prettiest but without a solid solution to balance sides its the only viable option there is at the moment

Posts: 109

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#4 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:25 am

Perhaps you could include an option to vote in favor of the current implementation?

I really like cities. You get more or less even numbers so skills/comps matter more (vs. numbers typically mattering more in oRvR). It's a different kind of playstyle that needs organization and strategic thinking and where individual player skill/gear matters more.

I would love to see other cities than just IC and Altdorf though.
Rekoom - 80+ BO

Posts: 394

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#5 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:48 am

about the "all in".
i remember the evening when they released gunbad, a hundred (?) people per side joined the trial and were ported to the badlands to fight the opposite faction: in open field 3 fps.

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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#6 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:01 am

The first version of city siege was nice, if i remember it right. You had to win 3 stages and there was invader gold bags/purple bags with proc wpns from stage 1. If you won stage 2 you got to some big magus like boss and after that i think there might have been stage 3 before the king instance with, an actual instance with like 5 bosses + karl franz or tcharzanek. This feels good now remembering it, you had to win in every stage imo to continue even to next one, not sure cant remember 10 years ago. It was probably bad and im just nostalgioing my life away=)

Found one video from kill king but only king not rest of the instance !
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

Posts: 551

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#7 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:14 am

I prefer ORVR over 24x24. Just does little sence to me to pinnacle an rvr game with a small numbers scenario. Not to mention the fact that win/loss ratio is far from 50/50.

Although this may not be technically feasible when, say, 700 players pile in one place. But forts seem to be a workable solution.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

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Posts: 50

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#8 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:10 am

Sinisterror wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:01 am Found one video from kill king but only king not rest of the instance !

Hmm interesting that the initial idea was to make it into a raid like scenario.

zak68 wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:48 am about the "all in".
i remember the evening when they released gunbad, a hundred (?) people per side joined the trial and were ported to the badlands to fight the opposite faction: in open field 3 fps.

Yes there could be a lag problem, thats why perhaps multiple fortress instances is an option and might work better who knows?

Posts: 50

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#9 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:14 am

Rekoom wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:25 am Perhaps you could include an option to vote in favor of the current implementation?

I really like cities. You get more or less even numbers so skills/comps matter more (vs. numbers typically mattering more in oRvR). It's a different kind of playstyle that needs organization and strategic thinking and where individual player skill/gear matters more.

I would love to see other cities than just IC and Altdorf though.

That's the first option, 24v24 warband clash.
How do you feel about the Garden of Qu'aph suggestions, if it could be made as relevant content?

Posts: 109

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#10 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:09 pm

Whoever suggests full on oRvR is not thinking straight imo. It works for you if your faction outnumbers the other but what happens when you suddenly have 40%-60% AAO?

The 24v24 warband clash without objectives is going to be a little boring fast no? I mean it's basically stage 3 for a whole hour? Over once a WB wipes?

Objectives introduce an element of strategy beyond "brute force" and WB with less than meta comps can actually compensate by playing smarter like what we see all the time in scenarios - and fair enough that they get rewarded for that.

I would expand on the city concept, probably huge development work but having the elf/dwarves cities would be fantastic indeed.
Rekoom - 80+ BO

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