Covenant of Celerity

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#11 » Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:41 pm

leftayparxoun wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:35 pm Is it REALLY that big of a deal?
Just jumping in, on this one.
When the Tacky potion (snare-pot) was getting thrown around for any little advantage some years back there was a bug with it, where the snare would persist and one destro guild noticed this. Their wording afterwards when reporting it was something along the lines of "it felt like we were back on lvl 16mounts"
So I would say that a constant 20% snare reduction that is not only blocking most clensing, because of the constant reapplication, will make it just that tad bit harder to manuver outside of the frontal spray from Mara channel, away from a choppapull, or just outside the killone of a warband. 20% matters. is it the end of the world, no absolutely not.

The fake complaints come with anything that gets you killed when you lose control over your character and your choices to survive feels against you(I shouldnt had died there, i was safe! I played perfectly) feels more unfair, if you get pulled and die, if you are snared and thought you could get away and then die. if you just barely escaped death and get sucked right into the grind.

The snare is probably just fine, its just annoying and break the illusion of being safe imo and ever so slightly makes you play more predicting gameplay and try to guess where the killzone is within the next second instead of reacting to where it is right now.

And Flame potions and Tacky pots are disabled.
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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#12 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:09 am

Every percent of move speed is on the price of gold when u chase someone - celerity.
Every feet of heal between him and tank on the price of gold - celerity.
SW guerilla tactic that allow to kite - destro have mass copy of that that dont allow any to kite - celerity. Thats the power of that 20%.
For people who stand in midle of blob and spam aoe celerity means nothing. For people who go for backlines that 20% is everything. Its broken channels, not connected skills, lost pressure. For wh random slow is lost oportunity. For healer to get axe toss with slow means that in few second you will be catched by blob, even if started to change position in time. Even not wasted gcd on slow in rotation - provided by celerity. Free kills for destro and zero chance for retreat and restabilise - celerity. Even few second of random slow could be dif between life and death, when u hide against ranged after the pilar for example, or to get in sight of healer. Prock of celerity after punt, 5 second of death.

Defender of this mechanics claim that it not that impactfull at all. I claim that in any pvp game movement is base of success, even 20% that people say is nothing. If autosnare not big deal for destro as they say, they will be just fine with regular ones.

This small little thing was under radars for so long, but it deals a ton.
Noximilien - AM, Severi - SM, Ravandin - SW, Celebor - WL, Ernwald - WH, Demandred - BG.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#13 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:46 am

keep it clean, folks, do not derail the post.
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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#14 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:15 am

Sever1n wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:14 pm i dont unsderstand why order as side ignore such toxic gap in balance.
Im agree,interesting, why order guys ignored rampage when it was broken fully and op. Or why no order player saying now, that dps ams, that absorbing 1 million damage, have aoe punt and casting without los, are toxic and unbalanced. That wls spin-to-win is toxic and imbalanced, why you guys silent? Or that wl is char all in one that must not exist in balanced game? And those chars are broken for years, am is since 2018, wl since 3-4 years at least. May be we should fix what must be fixed for years first, before nerfing destro coz you dont like something in our side, but goes in balance and special features of the realm?
And as for snares- remove always run for wls and make Charge! working correctly as in description first, before removing any snares from destro side(last timei saw how wl ran 15 times in a row from the fight). Or it now op, that wl can run from every fight, and his Charge! not interrupting, when his lion attacking chasers, and will be more op, if that run stupidity will stay, and snare from destro will be offed, so wls will be able to hit and run everywhere and from everyside(let me remind you, wls have pounce and pull at once).
So for now doks snare is a mechanism to balance such overtuned chars from order side. When those chars will be fixed or changed, then we can talk about it, but for now doks snare follows the reality of todays RoR balance state.
Last edited by PrimarchSanches on Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#15 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:23 am

Sever1n wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:09 am SW guerilla tactic that allow to kite - destro have mass copy of that that dont allow any to kite - celerity. Thats the power of that 20%.
Game gives a lot of possiblities to kite, SWS have not only guerrila tactic, that destro hasnt, but ranged kd, that nor mara nor rsh has. i would say again-celerity is one of the mechanisms of balancing such things.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#16 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:32 pm

Back to Rampage again are we?

Slayers not nerfed once, but 2x now. Sure the latter perhaps to reduce proc damage and Choppers got the same.

However, since you are in Hypocrite mode, how about we address why Slayers had rampage in the first place?

Because of the Vastly superior tactic sets on Destro tanks.

Rampage nerfed~80% and yet Flawless armor, untouched. Terrifying Foe, untouched. Green Skin racial, untouched.

COC not a big deal. Now I know you are being disingenuous. Running for political office are we? Going to send emails for donations next?

How about this, Remove COC and line breaker tactic. Then reapply REA w/o the KB and lets see how you like it being 100% snared all the time and not able to keep the healing back line protected.

Yea, know that COC is cleansable. That would be a good point if was not constantly reapplied in WB and SC play. Not even using Swift Runes can I get all the debuffs off.

I have another bone to pick and that is the BG and yea, I have a RR 80 one and its an abomination that class has all the tools it has since the slayer and snare nerfs.

It is Long overdue that mind killer is put on a 5s cd. The ST punt nerfed and put in line with other tanks. Instead of making Destro and Order tanks more on parity, they give them WW equivalent. /mind boggle

Still the BG is the only tank that can get Over-capped toughness in s/b and 2H. On my BG, 1140 toughness with Chosen aura and TF up. No order tank could ever do that.

There were casualties on destro tanks side with the incredible foolish snare nerfs; the s/b BO and s/b Chosen.

^ Killed all the possible synergy with Chosen and another BO by killing Big Swing tactic! In what way? 100% lack of AE snare means that one cleanse, or just walk around them and pummel the destro back line.

This is exactly how BO/BO, BO/Chosen, and Ch/Ch set up can be as impotent as Kn/SM, SM/SM and Kn/Kn set ups.

Don't worry, let me give you are pearl. Run heavy AE melee meta comps with marauders and one SW. Make sure that you have a DOK with COC/potent covenants layer aliments, and you rectify the problem above for destro tanks. Order tanks, however are screwed, no COC, suck a joke, you can just run by them, leaving they snared and they can do nothing for the order back line.

The recent balance patch in regard to snares is a Joke, and a bad one at that. Instead of removing COC, they doubled down on, lets get all the Order healers to quit by adding Line Breaker tactic.

COC, not a big deal, maybe in 6s. In everything else, its joke. I can see why as a biased poster you would say that.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#17 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:55 pm

I've been saying this ability is too OP since live. It's ridiculous an aura that gives snare for all attacks for all group members.

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#18 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:09 pm

what's fun about these tank tactics and skills is that in practice they all result in about 10 - 15% less damage taken

dwarf 80 toughness + less time stunned/knockdown = ~10% less damage taken
flawless armour = ~10% less damage taken (vs bis dps)
vigilance 50% dmg reduction with 30% up time = ~15% less damage taken

they're some of the most elegantly and intelligently designed elements of the game and this 10 - 15% rule has generally been adhered to over the years so it's a weird thing to argue either way

Pinkywinky wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:45 pm Can the CH get to the same levels of survivability as the Knight? NO it can't.

yes he can, chosen beats everyone on survivability

Gargis wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:32 pm Still the BG is the only tank that can get Over-capped toughness in s/b and 2H. On my BG, 1140 toughness with Chosen aura and TF up. No order tank could ever do that.

so? you're either in one of two scenarios:

A. you're in a stalematey fight that allows you to build up hate and get 45% tf and all your other buffs up. in any fight this slow any tank in any spec wasn't going to die any way, you would've been better off speccing for more offense, support or protection. toughness does nothing against guard damage

B. you're in a situation where you're facing so much initial burst that overcapping toughness on a tank might actually be somewhat useful. you die before you reach 90 hate

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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#19 » Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:09 am

Stick to the topic or I will just start deleting posts. No reason that a suggestion thread is going to get this derailed, especially when Rampage is not in the title.
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Re: Covenant of Celerity

Post#20 » Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:14 am

on second thought im having to delete more posts than keep. Next time folks keep it clean and about the subject. I apologize to OP
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