Account Social Quick Link

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Posts: 132

Account Social Quick Link

Post#1 » Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:57 pm

It would be a nice quality of life thing, and show more support for the community, if you could put a quick-link to the location on this website where we can claim the drops from Twitch. The url for this is ``, and I found that the `/account` gives a "Page Not Found" and `/account/social` redirects to the home page. I also did not see any link to it from anywhere else in the header, or after logging in. From the username in the top right of the home page, neither `User Control Panel` or `Preferences`, or any of their children, take you to this.

If I missed it somewhere, please let me know.

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Posts: 87

Re: Account Social Quick Link

Post#2 » Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:32 pm


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