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Renown issues.

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Posts: 1

Renown issues.

Post#1 » Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:04 am

Hello Devs!

Since the oRvR renown changes this has been an issue to many players I talk to, the issue being, not enough renown for the time invested. On my 40/66 DoK I can be actively running supplies, capping BO's, and healing the warband and receive between 3 and 5k renown for something that could span the better part of an hour. My solution? Play an alt, well... today in the Tier1 Lakes I came across something interesting which I feel highlights a glaring issue on time vs reward. I was waiting for an SC que on my lv 11 WE. I saw a "deadly" lv 15 IB moving around and decided I would have a go. 9 gcd's later I dinged 12. Surprised I decided to check what that particular 20 seconds gave me, the result? Just shy of 45000xp and 4krenown... for a kill... ONE. Laughing I did it again, DR on gain but still another solid 22500xp and 3kish renown... In no time I was halfway to 13. While this may seem an excessive amount, note that I was rested, so the xp was much higher then normal, but not the renown.

How can you dev's sit there and condone small group ganking/solo ganking for high value while you, seemingly, actively punish the players who enjoy the warband rvr endgame in this game? There is a HUGE disparity in time vs value here. Do you feel you need to slow down the game for the majority? Why? The true grind is the medals needed for the gear. The true fun being able to see some progression in a character, planning endgame builds. You increased renown cap with cool cosmetics, so why suddenly slow it to a crawl. I was in Disc with high rr destro players a few nights ago and heard one of them say he hoped to be 83 by the end of September, he is currently 82 and is an active player.

Bring back the normal values for oRvR capture renown, keeps, forts, what have you. If your decision was an attempt to promote actively fighting and not PvD, I commend the effort but point to WAR Live which suffered from the same issue. You will not be able to fix players lust for bags by reducing their renown, you fix it by awarding defense, by removing the ability to have multiple accounts which allows for near instant switching between the factions, by implementing some sort of scaling when the AAO scales too high, or by adding a restriction to the amount of people available for sieges, you already do to forts although the numbers may be a bit off.

You resurrected one of my al-time favorite mmo's and I am saddened to see that you are turning to knee-jerk reactions in order to solve what is a core issue in the psychology of gamers vs that of designers. Please take a closer look at how you value your players time investment and sort this issue!

Sincerely Carried aka Boostedx


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