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[Suggestion] Basic Archetype armor sets + lvlup items progression

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[Suggestion] Basic Archetype armor sets + lvlup items progression

Post#1 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:57 pm

I`d like to propose solution to tedious gear up aspect of every character that need to go through while leveling from rank 1 to rank 40 - gear progression. I did lvlup many alts and everytime its more tedious than before the same schematic of gearing up while getting higher ranks.
Stop playing - go to vendors in City, spend hours on think through gear pieces to buy, slot same talismans every time I change gear piece, add dye if I care about what colours I wear etc. Same trip I NEED to do every 5-10 lvls to compensate bolster and not be behind of other opponents. Lets agree whole process is very tiresome, repetitive, maybe adds immersion to "feel of growing power" but maybe for the 1st time, not the 10th or 20th. So I propose:
Create rank 10 required to wear a gear set of 7th pieces (helm, shoulders, cloak, chest, gloves, belt, boots) combining all armor slots on each character and tune their stats to every archetype - i got no deep knowleadge about stats progression of game, but common sense tells me example could look like:

Tank - defensive stats prioritised - toughness > wounds > initiative

Mdps - strength > wounds > initiative

Physical Rdps - balistic > wounds > initiative

Magical Rdps - Inteligence > wounds > initiative

Healer - willpower > wounds > initiative.

It opens up gearing patch for different archetypes with different playstyle:
Tanks can choose tank set or mdps set
Robe healers can choose healer set or Magical Rdps set,
Armor healers (WP, DoK) can choose tank (shield required), Mdps (2h or dual wield required) set or healer set.

So at rank 10 said sets would have combined total same amount of stats (armor + stats increased by value of character rank added to base rank 10 value, example: armor 50 + 5 per character rank, base stat 5 + 1 per character rank) which would progress their values as character gain ranks and certain amount of bonuses unlocked at:

Rank 10 - 2nd piece bonus enabled;
Rank 15 - 3rd piece bonus enabled:
Rank 20 - 4th piece bonus enabled;
Rank 25 - 5th piece bonus enabled;
Rank 30 - 6th piece bonus enabled;
Rank 35 - 7th piece bonus enabled.

Value of bonus and type can be thouroughly discussed in different topic, but normally as similar to every rank 40 above set it would contain archetype stat bonus, later archetype specific proc or buff or extra crit/-to be crit etc.

To encurage players to get familiar with creating and joining groups from rank 10+ for achieving bigger goals - I think it would be great to utilise tier 1 lairs (or perhaps create different ones) and give them lair drop loots containing token which can be exchanged for armor set proposed above ( 1 token - full 7 piece set).

All specifics of sets and values are subject to discuss internally by devs and their capabilities and balance champions to achieve some consensus.

I aware its complicated and time consuming task. I`m aware also RoR is a theme park game, so to keep players and attract even more to start playing require constant improvements of game aspects etc etc. So I`d propose it as a investment into better playerbase and future of RoR as bigger project then ever.
Furthermore, sets can be introduced in seasons, 1 by 1 to keep busy players that achieved everything in game and are bored logining etc etc.


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