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The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#31 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:43 pm

lyncher12 wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:25 pm back in my day we had to play a whole summer just to get annihilator, you guys dont know how easy you have it these days
...riiiiight.... 2months after release everyone was trading keeps because they changed the amount of bags from keep takes. Everyone and their alts were in full in Anni over the night.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#32 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:02 pm

It was ~90 vs ~90 in T4 last night during NA prime hours, with a 12 instance 5* city later on. Bad sign.
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#33 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:43 pm

TreefAM wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:57 pm Even when they made invaders easier to get people still cry lmao, I was rr 82 when i finally finished my invader set.

Can someone explain that? please

Posts: 676

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#34 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:20 am

You get more of that **** when you defend pre fort zones, you get that **** in purple/gold bags after you lock any zone if you have tome unlock of vanq.
When I was getting invader it was literally a countdown of how many forts I need to lose to get the next piece.

Posts: 7

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#35 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:32 am

amagawd wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:26 am Take this opportunity and discuss it.
Yeah, the brief response is all I had time for when I wrote it. I agree that there's a serious problem with the game, that it's related to currency (invader and sov) and to city logging. I also agree that T4 chat is in a troubling state because of this. That's where the agreement ends. I personally wouldn't like to see invaders or royals drop from player kills in the lakes, or any "variety" sources-- I think that makes things too easy, and cheapens the accomplishment.

I pointed out that I believe (the manipulative use of) xrealm is a symptom rather than a cause of the real problems for a reason-- if correct, it means you can fix the problems without changing the xrealm timer. In any case, I don't think 3 hours would accomplish much. While I'd like to see 24 hours minimum, there are many people who disagree and prefer it stays how it is. For example, I know someone who usually plays order but logs to a low-level destro alt so he can play with various friends who sometimes show up.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#36 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:02 am

oldgiant wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:32 am
amagawd wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:26 am Take this opportunity and discuss it.
Yeah, the brief response is all I had time for when I wrote it. I agree that there's a serious problem with the game, that it's related to currency (invader and sov) and to city logging. I also agree that T4 chat is in a troubling state because of this. That's where the agreement ends. I personally wouldn't like to see invaders or royals drop from player kills in the lakes, or any "variety" sources-- I think that makes things too easy, and cheapens the accomplishment.

I pointed out that I believe (the manipulative use of) xrealm is a symptom rather than a cause of the real problems for a reason-- if correct, it means you can fix the problems without changing the xrealm timer. In any case, I don't think 3 hours would accomplish much. While I'd like to see 24 hours minimum, there are many people who disagree and prefer it stays how it is. For example, I know someone who usually plays order but logs to a low-level destro alt so he can play with various friends who sometimes show up.
Why would it be easier? Making these drop from players while raising the prices of the set pieces wouldnt necessarily make the set easier to get. It would give us a decent progression curve though and give players in eu prime a chance to get their stuff because they cant be online at 10 bumfuck in the morning or 24:00 in the evening to play video games. Good design would be if i could just hop in whenever i feel like it and progress my char. Just like it is for vanq and below. After that the gear progression is just horrible. Bis gear shouldnt be locked behind artificial walls.

Posts: 898

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#37 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:11 am

saupreusse wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:02 am
oldgiant wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:32 am
amagawd wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:26 am Take this opportunity and discuss it.
Yeah, the brief response is all I had time for when I wrote it. I agree that there's a serious problem with the game, that it's related to currency (invader and sov) and to city logging. I also agree that T4 chat is in a troubling state because of this. That's where the agreement ends. I personally wouldn't like to see invaders or royals drop from player kills in the lakes, or any "variety" sources-- I think that makes things too easy, and cheapens the accomplishment.

I pointed out that I believe (the manipulative use of) xrealm is a symptom rather than a cause of the real problems for a reason-- if correct, it means you can fix the problems without changing the xrealm timer. In any case, I don't think 3 hours would accomplish much. While I'd like to see 24 hours minimum, there are many people who disagree and prefer it stays how it is. For example, I know someone who usually plays order but logs to a low-level destro alt so he can play with various friends who sometimes show up.
Why would it be easier? Making these drop from players while raising the prices of the set pieces wouldnt necessarily make the set easier to get. It would give us a decent progression curve though and give players in eu prime a chance to get their stuff because they cant be online at 10 bumfuck in the morning or 24:00 in the evening to play video games. Good design would be if i could just hop in whenever i feel like it and progress my char. Just like it is for vanq and below. After that the gear progression is just horrible. Bis gear shouldnt be locked behind artificial walls.
Maybe more invaders/royal in purple/gold bags would help (zone locks)?
Last edited by M0rw47h on Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 11

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#38 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:14 am

saupreusse wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:02 am
oldgiant wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:32 am
amagawd wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:26 am Take this opportunity and discuss it.
Yeah, the brief response is all I had time for when I wrote it. I agree that there's a serious problem with the game, that it's related to currency (invader and sov) and to city logging. I also agree that T4 chat is in a troubling state because of this. That's where the agreement ends. I personally wouldn't like to see invaders or royals drop from player kills in the lakes, or any "variety" sources-- I think that makes things too easy, and cheapens the accomplishment.

I pointed out that I believe (the manipulative use of) xrealm is a symptom rather than a cause of the real problems for a reason-- if correct, it means you can fix the problems without changing the xrealm timer. In any case, I don't think 3 hours would accomplish much. While I'd like to see 24 hours minimum, there are many people who disagree and prefer it stays how it is. For example, I know someone who usually plays order but logs to a low-level destro alt so he can play with various friends who sometimes show up.
Why would it be easier? Making these drop from players while raising the prices of the set pieces wouldnt necessarily make the set easier to get. It would give us a decent progression curve though and give players in eu prime a chance to get their stuff because they cant be online at 10 bumfuck in the morning or 24:00 in the evening to play video games. Good design would be if i could just hop in whenever i feel like it and progress my char. Just like it is for vanq and below. After that the gear progression is just horrible. Bis gear shouldnt be locked behind artificial walls.

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#39 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:22 pm

desizt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 am
If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?

On the side note, I am bored of watching Netflix all day waiting for a zone to be pushed into fort/city - because a) the orvr zergfest becomes repetitive and mindnumbing and boring b) it awards nothing and c) I'd rather do ranked, but I need endgame gear which is only from forts/cities, so the back and forth mindless rvr is just a waste of time.

People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken.
Throwing a zone is a toxic action, just like your "People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken." line. Can't you understand if this keeps going, nobody is gonna play this game anymore? Nobody wants to login just for the city, I am sure. I am also sure that if currency was to drop from RVR kills or other activities, a lot more people will join the RVR and thus more fun for everyone. There's a difference between strategically decide to give a zone for another zone, and straight up AFK in the zone not doing anything - like it happens in forts.
And "tryharding"? Hardly that sonny, I'm trying to enjoy the game instead of getting caught in server politics. The same server that allows xrealming. And the same people who just swap factions at the first bad sign.
If the majority of people would have this weak mentality that you have, then I guess City Logging will prevail and the server will keep losing people. And then you will be able to throw zones all u want, but who's gonna capture them?

Edit: "If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?" It's not hypocritical cuz I don't throw zones. Google hypocritical pls.
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#40 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:07 pm

the real cancer is the people who login to defend end zones and then logout

from 450 to 200~ after zone flip, really strange

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