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XP & Renown for persons doing mechanics

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Posts: 4

XP & Renown for persons doing mechanics

Post#1 » Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:49 pm


For people working to cap points, or backcap... those mechanics are important and win the game. But those people are out of reach of the main group, typically, so they're getting squat for renown/xp even if their efforts result in a win (and forget about it if it's a loss... truly all for naught).

I've seen people on the losing team get more xp/renown than people who go backcap or solo-defend locations, which would indicate that the compensation is not adequate. There may be some circumstances, e.g., someone showed up late, which affect this, but not a person who was with the main group at the start then leaves the pack to defend or recap a single location...


Inquiry (Suggestion):

Is it possible to make it benefitial for people to actually do the mechanics?

Not sure if that means opening up the xp/renown range tot he full map, giving more xp/renown for single/duo caps, or making the entire xp/renown pool for the team spread evenly across said team. Lots of possible options... just hopeful to have something to encourage good team play.


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