Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

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Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#1 » Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:17 pm

TLDR: Both fort change and SC bracket change is step in right direction.

Allowing more people into fort is a good thing, despite the whining of a few people. 2 days ago Destro defended successfully and there was zero complaints about new change. Yesterday, when attacking unsuccessfully (but with good effort), here comes the crybabying about the change.

I think making the requirement lvl 30 or something would cut back on the real new players & dopes. I think that by 30, most people have some stuff figured out.

But the real problem I believe is all the negative, defeatist, non-order-following players. That one green dot sitting in the respawn spamming the kill counts & player population. Or the 3 or 4 people who ignore all /wb and just follow the biggest zerg. To the leaders of warbands I would say: 1) Don't say please, 2) kick all cravens and rabble-rousers, and 3) don't be discouraged by the most vocal minority.

Another thing to keep in mind is that lots of players will never visit the forums. Therefore, their only exposure to gameplay comes from, you guessed it, playing the game. Stop shouting and crying, start offering constructive advice. A player still won't listen/keeps bitching? Kick them from your warband so they can't leech.

On Zerging:
Everyone's favorite scapegoat. Here's a novel idea: adapt. Give orders. Try new things. Warband wipes? okay cool respawn what did we learn? Maybe try to stay out of the way of a wave that outnumbers 10 to 1? In yesterday's fort's case (Reikland), Destro started out with good strategy. Circling the keep, playing keep-away with the zerg. Zergs can be so easily scattered too, especially when they are thick with lowbies. Ever hear of divide and conquer? Why do you think that's such a cliche?

Placing 40's in their own bracket is spot on.

Stop blaming new updates for player mistakes. You don't like how a warband is being run? Drop out and start your own. I anticipate a lot of hate for this post, but whatever. You're playing a FREE game so quit acting so **** entitled.

edit: i may infact be a little butthurt
Goldytoof: 60+ Black Orc

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Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#2 » Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:42 pm

Doubt you'll get much hate, I for one agree with fort changes and sc brackets

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Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#3 » Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:02 pm

You type the truth.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#4 » Tue Nov 12, 2019 6:27 pm

All true buddy!

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Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#5 » Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:23 pm

Peaches92 wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:17 pm[...]But the real problem I believe is all the negative, defeatist, non-order-following players. That one green dot sitting in the respawn spamming the kill counts & player population. Or the 3 or 4 people who ignore all /wb and just follow the biggest zerg. To the leaders of warbands I would say: 1) Don't say please, 2) kick all cravens and rabble-rousers, and 3) don't be discouraged by the most vocal minority.[...]

This part i agree with completely. I also, to some degree, agree with removing the player limit in forts. This however has some issues (which were also seen in live):

- the more people are present, the higher the damage output is in chokepoints until it reaches a critical mass where it becomes close to unbreakable. It doesn't matter if it is order or destruction defending, the result is the same.

- the 9 -> 24 aoe cap increases this issue as less people are needed in a chokepoint to reach this critical mass

- this issue is not specific to forts. It is very present in regular keep defenses as well.

- we have already seen ~200 vs ~200 battles since the fort change and the effect it has on chokepoints. Since we are a rather small community, it is probably unlikely that we will see the 300 vs 300 battles which was the very first cap on live fortresses (and were an absolute disaster in multiple ways)

- this was less of an issue (but still an issue) while forts were somewhat capped on the amount of people who could participate. However this had other issues (see f ex the tank morale rework thread for some of these)

- scaling chokepoint size to match zone population may be a solution, but may not be technically possible or within the scope of what the developers can achieve

I agree a lot has to do with the players themselves. But there are some actual issues too, which are not just solved with good leadership and players following well.
~~~~~~~~ OndeTv, Sorceress, <The Art of War> ~~~~~~~~
~~ Onds, choppa ~~ Ondarm, marauder ~~ Helligonden, zealot ~~
~~~~~~~~~~ and many more destro characters ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Proud member of Nagarythe Corps in the old days ~~~~~

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Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#6 » Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:15 pm

24 cap for rdps is just too f much

Posts: 630

Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#7 » Wed Nov 13, 2019 6:14 am

Attacking fort as Destro is horrible cant get a single moral 4 in thanks to Solar Flare.
I think defending a fort right now is ez mode.

Posts: 30

Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#8 » Wed Nov 13, 2019 6:36 am

Peaches92 wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:17 pm TLDR: Both fort change and SC bracket change is step in right direction.

Stop shouting and crying, start offering constructive advice
Preach! Stop whining, play the game, give the developers constructive criticism.

Posts: 124

Re: Non-butthurt feedback on recent changes

Post#9 » Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:35 am

2 scenarios for fort right now:
1) 200 vs. 200 - attackers got pushed out to they respawn, phase 3 never happens because door is on 100% (Devs maded a change that denying players from other devs created content lul).
2) 100 vs. 50 - attackers succefully pushed it to phase 3 and win zone by dry push, simply outnumbering opponents to the point where they can just drown deffenders in corpses (defenders most likely wont recieve any invader tokens for being beaten by x2).
Yeah, if you think that this is stupid and previous system worked as it should, then you probably just whiner, git gud, just force pugs to play as premades with discord.

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