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Which is the easiest class in the game?

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Posts: 5

Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#1 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:44 am

I started playing as a shaman. I need to track the charge levels, it's annoying. The class is very lame at questing.
Is there in game a class, with a minimum number of buttons, and simple mechanics? Preferably for the greenskins.

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Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#2 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:55 am

Black Orc and get planB addon. Done and Done.

Posts: 485

Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#3 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:31 pm

Welcome to RoR!

AoE Mara is very easy to learn and to play imo

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Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#4 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:02 pm

Solarrus wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:44 am I started playing as a shaman. I need to track the charge levels, it's annoying. The class is very lame at questing.
Is there in game a class, with a minimum number of buttons, and simple mechanics? Preferably for the greenskins.
AOE Choppa (greenskin melee) has relatively few buttons and is simple to play. It's a bit of a glass-cannon though.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 497

Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#5 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:05 pm

I'd vote for RP/Zealot and SnB Chosen/Kotbs

Posts: 54

Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#6 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:00 pm

Maybe a shadow warrior might be a good shout, class has a lot of skills but very few button since it used stances.

Posts: 5

Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#7 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:46 pm

I'll try Black ork. Thick armor and 2h is reliable. I can switch to a tank later if need. I perceive him as a tank only. And there are always special requirements for the tank. But there ise DD branch. I hope, it will not be like with the paladin in WoW. Who? Retrebution? Who is this? Where is your shield noob!

Thx all. If somethink will goes wrong - i'll try "orc's marauder"

Posts: 497

Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#8 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:29 pm

Solarrus wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:46 pm I'll try Black ork. Thick armor and 2h is reliable. I can switch to a tank later if need. I perceive him as a tank only. And there are always special requirements for the tank. But there ise DD branch. I hope, it will not be like with the paladin in WoW. Who? Retrebution? Who is this? Where is your shield noob!

Thx all. If somethink will goes wrong - i'll try "orc's marauder"
No tank can be DD, so yeah what you say is exactly what gonna happen :D even as 2h they are still tanks and need to tank.

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Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#9 » Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:49 pm

Solarrus wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:46 pm I'll try Black ork. Thick armor and 2h is reliable. I can switch to a tank later if need. I perceive him as a tank only. And there are always special requirements for the tank. But there ise DD branch. I hope, it will not be like with the paladin in WoW. Who? Retrebution? Who is this? Where is your shield noob!

Thx all. If somethink will goes wrong - i'll try "orc's marauder"
In low levels a "dps" tank is great, you will feel godly and think yourself better than the mdps. Then you will hit 40 and just melt.

The simplest classes as far as mechanics go are the aura tanks KoTBS and Chosen along with choppa/slayer and the two mages DE and Empire. They have simple mechanics, easy rotations and do not need allot of clicky to play and the forum has plenty of cookie cutter builds for them.

The "dps" specs for tanks and healers where designed as leveling specs and pve grinding back when the game was live. Some people can make them work in endgame but it takes BiS gear, pots and often they run in premades to support them.

The bottom line, if you are looking for an easy class you want to play the class as it's best designed. That means a tank tanks, a healer heals and a dps hits stuff.
Alea iacta est

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Re: Which is the easiest class in the game?

Post#10 » Tue May 16, 2023 2:46 pm

Solarrus wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:44 am I started playing as a shaman. I need to track the charge levels, it's annoying. The class is very lame at questing.
Is there in game a class, with a minimum number of buttons, and simple mechanics? Preferably for the greenskins.
Well u doing smth wrong than. U do not need track the charge levels 99% of the time. If u play as a healer - just heal. If dps - do damage. Do not track charges
it is not needed, but:
  • U will need one to cast FoDG on the move. And if u play as a healer(u should be healer if u run FoDG) u will always have it. The only moment when u can run out of it - if u have Chopp Fasta running on u and u spam FoDG non stop
  • When u play dps, a good rule will be use 1 healing charge right before u will use ur 1st damaging spell. This will give u +25% dmg on that cast. Best timing would be use it right before ur channel damage skill
Other than that - easiest classes would be:
  • Chosen
  • Zealot
BOrc has special combat mechanics same as DoK and BG have additional resource that u will need to manage. Choppa - also has special mechanics that u need to know when to release as well as pretty much skills to use. Mara - stance dancing. SH\Magus - allot skills + pet. Sorc - squishy af. WE - also not two button class.

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